534 research outputs found

    Strategi Scaffolding Berbasis Multirepresentasi untuk Mengatasi Kesulitan Pemahaman Konseptual Siswa dalam Operasi Pecahan di SMP

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    This research aims to overcome the students' difficulties of conceptual understanding of mathematics by using scaffolding strategy based-multi representation in addition and substraction of fractions at seventh grade students of SMPN 13 school year 2014/2015. This research method used is descriptive analysis which is oriented on students problem solving in learning addition and substraction of fractions. The subjects of this research are 3 students at grade VII F of SMPN 13 Pontianak that represent in each ZPD (high, medium, low). The result of data analysis showedthatafterthe implementation ofscaffoldingstrategiesbased-multirepresentation, eachresearch subjectcouldget through theZPDandthe mistakesmade incompletingthe pre-test can beminimized(Viewedfrompost-test)

    Meningkatkan Pembelajaran Lompat Tinggi Gaya Stradlle Modifikasi Bermain Lompat Tali Sdn 06 Semayang

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    The problem addressed is the influence of the high jump style stradlle usingthe tool modification using tools playing jump rope on fifth grade students of SDN 06Semayang. The study aims to find out how to increase the skills stradlle style highjump. Descriptive quantitative research methods using techniques percentage, ClassActions The research study design. Fifth grade students study subjects numbered 32people. Research techniques using test and measurement, ie a test with the gratinginstruments measuring the outcomes of learning the high jump. Analysis of data usingformulas and percentages of mastery learning. 1 cycle assessment results: 46.88%, cycle2 increased 75%. Data can be concluded that the results of the assessment criteria ofcompleteness in classical exceed 75%, then no further action and research declaredsuccessful with both criteria. An increase significantly in the students after learninggiven the high jump with a jump rope modification SDN 06 Semayang has beenreached

    The effect of solar cells distribution on the Performance of solar panel

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    Three different distribution modules of silicon solar cells in a panel are used in this study . Each module consists of five identical circular silicon solar cells of radius (5cm) and then the total panel areas are identical. The five solar cells are arranged in the panel in different shapes: circular, triangular and rectangular .The efficiency for these three panel distribution are measured indoor and outdoor. The results show that the efficiency is a function of the cells distribution

    Kemampuan Representasi Matematis Siswa melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah di Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    The purposes of this study are: to assess the students' mathematical representation in solving problems after being given a problem-based learning model; to assess the students' mathematical representation associated with the conceptual understanding; and to assess the students' mathematical representation associated with the procedural understanding. This is a quantitative research. The approach employed in this study is the equivalent time samples design. The population of this study is all twelve grade students of SMA Santu Petrus Pontianak in the academic year 2014/2015. The randomly selected samples are class XII-IA3 students. The data obtained from both pretest and post-test were statistically and descriptively analyzed. The results are: the students' mathematical representation has increased significantly after receiving the problem-based learning model, the students are able to organize their knowledge to perform translations one representation form to the other representation form. The association between the mathematical representation and the conceptual understanding and the procedural understanding after the problem-based learning is considered fair

    Analaysis of the Effect of Relative Humidity in the Eggs Incubator

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    This study aimed to verify the effect of relative humidity during incubation ofduck eggs in the incubator on the rate of decline in egg weight, hatching day old duck weight, length and hatching eggs energy difference duck. Duck eggs taken from the poultry business in Meunasah Krueng, water fence, Lambaro, Aceh Besar. Then each egg was placed in an incubator unit in the three experimental groups, namely low humidity (57/58% RH), intermediate humidity (67/68% RH) and high humidity (71/72% RH). Incubation process done manually with temperature 38 oC incubator. Eggs were coded X and O adjacent to facilitate marking a reversal in current twice a day. Primary data retrieval from the first day until the fifteenth day by weighing the eggs and using electronic scales. Changes in egg weight reduction on the fifteenth day following (10.666%), (3.853%) and (2.859%) for the treatment of low humidity, intermediate andhigh, then the day of hatching eggs weigh hatching day old duck also showed that the weight is also affected by incubation and humidity differences by ANOVA analysis it can be concluded that the changes in egg weight reduction greatly influence the hatching duck weight difference and the difference so long incubation energy hatching day old duckling have more energy at low humidity (57/58% RH)

    Remediasi Kesalahan Siswa Menyelesaikan Soal Gas Ideal melalui Metode Learning Together di SMA

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    This research aims to remediate students\u27 errors in solving ideal gas problems using Learning Together method assisted by Student Worksheet among students in Junior High School 1 Sekayam. Pre-experimental desing was choosen as the method in this research, using intact group method, 28 students from class XI IPA 2 academic year 2013/2014 was chosen to participate in the one group pretest-posttest design. McNemar and Chi Quadrat test showed that there was a significant decline in the number of students who experience mathematical errors (36,42%), physics errors (31,42%) and conception errors (21,42%). It is sugested for further study to conduct an alternative remediation activity in order to improve these results
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