257 research outputs found

    Bimbingan Konseling pada Pendidikan Dasar dalam Perspektif Perkembangan Sosial Budaya Kontemporer

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    Elementary Schools' Guidance and Counseling in the Contemporary Social Cultural Development Perspective. From perspective of contemporary social cultural development, there were “identity politics” issues in the cultural socialization process. The children, now without any real adult guidance, turn to their peers and to the media for their values. To help ensure that they are prepared to become the next generation, every student needs support, guidance and opportunities during childhood. This article aim to discover styles of Indonesian elementary school guidance program that useful to meet of elementary school children's' developmental needs. In the end of this article, some conclusions about urgency and styles of Indonesian elementary school guidance program were presented

    Analisis Akuntabilitas Pelayanan Publik di Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Luwu

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    : This study aims to: (1) analyze the Public Service Accountability in pembu-atan Identity Card and Family Card in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Luwu; (2) describe the factors that influence the Public Service Accountability in the Making of identity cards and family cards in the department of Population and Civil Registration Luwu. This study used a qualitative approach, this type of research is descriptive. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitative. The results showed that: (1) accountability of public services in the manufacture of identity cards and family card by the Department of Population and Civil Registration Luwu, namely the provision of information and understanding to the community according to Standard Operating Procedures of work in the making of Identity Card and Family Card; (2) based on the case found the author in the field, a factor which supports accountability in public services in the manufacture of identity cards and family cards namely professionalism and outstanding service, while a factor lawyer-inhibitory, ie, lack of socialization, their illegal charges, as well as means and infrastructure

    Analisis Frekuensi, Dampak, Dan Jenis Keterlambatan Pada Proyek Konstruksi

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    Dalam proyek konstruksi terdapat beberapa kemungkinan terjadinya keterlambatan yang disebabkan oleh keunikan yang dimiliki setiap proyek. Keterlambatan proyek konstruksi akan sangat berdampak pada pihak yang terlibat di dalamnya, yaitu pemilik dan kontraktor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang paling sering terjadi, faktor yang berdampak besar terhadap waktu penyelesaian proyek, dan untuk mengetahui termasuk jenis keterlambatan apakah faktor-faktor tersebut menurut pengalaman dan harapan kedua pihak. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada pemilik dan kontraktor yang berada di Surabaya. Hasil yang diperoleh diolah dengan Microsoft Excel dan Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang paling sering terjadi dan berdampak besar terhadap keterlambatan proyek dari sisi pemilik adalah faktor kekurangan tenaga kerja. Dari sisi kontraktor, Perubahan desain/detail pekerjaan pada waktu pelaksanaan merupakan faktor yang sering terjadi dan berdampak besar. Selain itu, kedua pihak juga berpendapat bahwa faktor keterlambatan subkontraktor merupakan faktor yang sering terjadi dan berdampak besar. Jenis keterlambatan yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan pengalaman dan harapan pemilik pada umumnya sama, sedangkan menurut kontraktor, apa yang terjadi selama ini masih ada yang tidak sesuai dengan harapan

    The Capital Structure of Venture Capital Firms in Indonesia

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    Venture capital (VC) is an important fund source for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and start up, particularly to deliver its main product of equity participation. Therefore, capital structure and factors that affect it are very crucial. This study aims to analyze the capital structure of VC firms in Indonesia using econometric model of panel data regression. This study utilizes secondary data of six years period (2009-2014) monthly financial statements of 27 samples out of 58 VC firms to form 1,944 observations. The study reveals that capital structure of VC firms in Indonesia is dominated by debt/loan rather than capital with DER on average is 136.95%. In addition, the research confirms that VC firms\u27 capital structure is affected simultaneously by financial aspects which are asset size, profitability, liquidity, asset/investment quality, and earning asset structure. The attentions to financial aspects that affect the VC firms\u27 capital structure as well as other initiatives related to capital increases are necessary so that the VC firms could carry out its role effectively

    Campuran Tulang Sapi Dengan Asam Organik Untuk Meningkatkan PTersedia Dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung Di Inceptisol

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    The research aimed to determine the effect of a mixture of cow bone ash with organic acids on Pavailable inceptisol soil and growth of maize (Zea mays L.). The research was conducted in thegreenhouse and analyzed in the laboratory of research and technology of Agriculture Faculty ofNorth Sumatera University of Medan from May-October 2013. The research design was nonfactorialrandomized block design consisting of 13 treatments with 3 replications that is: Control,T1K (cow bone ash 166.7 g), T1S1 (cow bone ash 166.7 g + citric acid 2% 500.1 mL), T1A1 (cowbone ash 166.7 g + acetic acid 2% 500.1 mL), T1L1 (cow bone ash 166.7 g + lactic acid 2%500.1mL), T2K (cow bone ash 333.4 g), T2S2 (cow bone ash 333.4 g + citric acid 2% 1000.2 mL),T2A2 (cow bone ash 333.4 g + acetic acid 2% 1000.2 mL), T2L2 (cow bone ash 333.4 g + lactic acid2% 1000.2 mL), T3K (cow bone ash 500.1 g), T3S3 (cow bone ash 500.1 g + citric acid 2% 1500.3mL), T3A3 (cow bone ash 500.1 g + acetic acid 2% 1500.3 mL), dan T3L3 (cow bone ash 500.1 g +lactic acid 2% 1500.3 mL).The result of research indicated that application of 500.1 g cow bone ash+ citric 1000.2 mL citric acid 2% was the highest increasing soil pH (6.78), P available (20 ppm),P-uptake of plants (0.26 g P/plant), plant shoot dry weight (51.66 g), plant root dry weight (14.23),and plant height (187.27 cm) compared with other treatments

    Keputusan Konsumen dalam Memilih Hotel Pangeran Pekanbaru Riau

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    Hotel is the kind of industries that produce and provide something in the form of goods and services. Thus the hotel does not only sell intangible products such as forms of services, entertainments, the comfortable, clean and easy atmosphere or environment. In order to maintain its existence, the hotel requires a good management and changes in consumer demand so as to survive and compete with other hotels.Environmental influences, individual influences and factors inherent in the hotel are intimately associated with the consumer in taking consumer interests to stay, especially those related to quality of service factors, price , location and facilities.This research used descriptive quantitative method to analyze the probloms. The sample of this research was 100 respondents which was taken by accidental sampling. The technique of collecting data in this research used observation, questionaire and interview. To know the interval range, the writer used likert scale.Key Word : Product,price,facilities and locatio

    Kontribusi Kemandirian Belajar dan Keterampilan Sosial terhadap Pencapaian Kompetensi Kejuruan Siswa Paket Keahlian Teknik Permesinan di Kota Makassar

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    This aim of this research is to determine the contribution of self-regulated learning and social skills towards the achievement of vocational competence of vocational students packages machining engineering expertise in the city of Makassar. Type and data analysis of this study are included in the quantitative approach. The samples used as many as 150 students in class XI. Data collection techniques for the variable self-regulated learning and social skills using questionnaires while variable vocational competency achievement using tests and documentation. Data analysis included descriptive and regression. The results showed: (1) self-regulated learning contributes to the achievement of vocational competence of 7,67%; (2) social skills contribute to the achievement of vocational competence of 4,28%; and (3) contribution of self-regulated learning and social skills of students simultaneously towards the achievement of vocational competence of 40,5%.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kontribusi kemandirian belajar dan keterampilan sosial terhadap pencapaian kompetensi kejuruan siswa SMK paket keahlian teknik permesinan di kota Makassar. Jenis dan data analisis penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian kuantitatif. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 150 siswa pada kelas XI. Teknik pengumpulan data untuk variabel kemandirian belajar dan keterampilan sosial menggunakan angket, sedangkan variabel pencapaian kompetensi kejuruan menggunakan tes dan dokumentasi. Analisis data meliputi deskriptif dan regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) kontribusi kemandiran belajar terhadap pencapaian kompetensi kejuruan sebesar 7,67%; (2) kontribusi keterampilan sosial terhadap pencapaian kompetensi kejuruan sebesar 4,28%; (3) kontribusi kemandirian belajar dan keterampilan sosial siswa secara simultan terhadap pencapaian kompetensi kejuruan sebesar 40,5%

    Variasi Jumlah Kromosom Planlet Taraxacum Officinale Weber Ex FH. Wigg Hasil Regenerasi in Vitro Dari Eksplan Akar, Helai Daun Dan Tangkai Daun

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    Taraxacum officinale Weber ex F. H. Wigg. is a herbaceous medicinal plant species belonging family Asteraceasewhich has apomictic and poliploid characteristics. Multiplication of shoots using tissue culture was used to obtaindefine high quality seedlings, uniform, stable or free of diseases. However, changes in chromosome number canoccur in regenerated plants. The research aim was to determine the chromosome number of T. officinale plants regeneratedfrom culture in vitro using explants of roots, petioles and leaf blades. Therefore, selection of regenerantscan be done in order to find out transplants which have high yield of secondary metabolites. Analysis of chromosomenumber from root tips samples was conducted using 24 plantlets regenerated from root, 27 plantlets regeneratedfrom leaf blade, 21 plants regenerated from petiole and 102 roots of grown seeds using orcein squash method.The results showed that germinating seeds (control) and regenerated plants had variation in chromosome number.The range of chromosome numbers from regenerated plants were 2n=8-39, and cells with diploid number (2n = 2x= 16) was as most observed. The range numbers in germinated seeds were 2n=10-38, and cells with triploid number(2n = 3x = 24) was as most observed. This results proved that variation in numbers of chromosome was caused byapomixis and poliploid characteristics of the parent plant regenerated to their regenerants
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