34 research outputs found

    Allelic diversity of the <i>FaOMT</i> gene (mesifurane biosynthesis) in promising strawberry cultivars and selected forms developed at the I.V. Michurin Federal Science Center

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    Background. Fruit aroma is an important consumer trait of strawberry varieties. Identification of genotypes carrying the genes of the aromatic complex in fruits is an important stage in the development of new cultivars with aromatic fruits. The purpose of this study was to analyze the allelic state of the FaOMT fruit aroma gene in strawberry cultivars and selected forms developed at the I.V. Michurin Federal Science Center to identify promising genotypes for use in breeding for fruit aroma.Materials and methods. The research materials were strawberry cultivars and promising selected forms developed at the I.V. Michurin FSC using the methods of introgressive and intervarietal hybridization. Allelic state of the FaOMT gene was identified with the codominant marker FaOMT-SI/NO.Results and conclusion. The FaOMT fruit aroma gene is represented in the studied strawberry varieties and forms by three combinations of alleles: the homozygous state of the functional allele, the heterozygous combination of the alleles, and the homozygous state of the nonfunctional allele. Cvs. ‘Rubinovy kaskad’, ‘Privlekatelnaya’ and ‘Feyerverk’ are characterized by a heterozygous combination of alleles of the FaOMT gene. Cvs. ‘Lastochka’, ‘Pamyati Zubova’, ‘Flora’, ‘Yarkaya’ and ‘Urozhaynaya CGL’ are characterized by the homozygous state of the FaOMT+ allele. Selected strawberry forms 928-12, 26-5, 72-71 and 62-41 have the heterozygous genotype; hybrids 298-19-9-43 and 932-29 are characterized by the homozygous state of the FaOMT+ allele; selected forms 61-12 and 65-26 are characterized by the homozygous state of the nonfunctional FaOMT– allele. Strawberry forms promising for breeding, with the homozygous state of the functional FaOMT+ allele, were identified: cvs. ‘Lastochka’, ‘Pamyati Zubova’, ‘Flora’, ‘Yarkaya’ and ‘Urozhaynaya CGL’, and selected forms 298-19-9-43 and 932-29

    Genetic diversity in wild species and cultivars of strawberry for the FanAAMT gene controlling fruit flavor volatiles

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    Background. An important consumer trait of strawberry fruits is their aroma. Methyl anthranilate makes a considerable contribution to the fruit flavor. The methyl anthranilate content in strawberry fruits is controlled by the FanAAMT (аnthranilic acid methyltransferase) gene. Identification of genetic determinants for this trait facilitates targeted selection of promising forms based on diagnostic DNA markers. The purpose of this study was to study the allelic diversity of the FanAAMT fruit flavor gene in wild strawberry species and strawberry cultivars for identification of promising genotypes.Materials and methods. The objects of this study were wild species of Fragaria L. as well as F. × anaschata Kantor. and F. × ananassa Duch. cultivars of different ecogeographic origin. The FanAAMT gene was identified with the dominant marker FanAAMT.Results and conclusion. In the analyzed collection of strawberry genotypes, the FanAAMT gene was identified in 36.4% of the forms, including the wild species F. vesca L., F. moschata Duch. and F. virginiana subsp. platypetala (Rydb.) Staudt, and cv. ‘Kupchikha’ (F. × anaschata). Among the analyzed F. × ananassa cultivars, the FanAAMT gene was found in 31.6% of the tested forms, specifically in 27.3% of the 22 Russian cultivars, and 37.5% of the analyzed foreign ones. Promising sources of high methyl anthranilate content in fruits were identified: wild spp. F. moschata, F. vesca, and F. virginiana subsp. platypetala; cv. ‘Kupchikha’ (F. × anaschata); Russian garden strawberry cvs. ‘Bylinnaya’, ‘Zenit’, ‘Lastochka’, ‘Neznakomka’, ‘Feyerverk’ and ‘Tsarskoselskaya’; and foreign garden strawberry cvs. ‘Karmen’, ‘Ostara’, ‘Samson’, ‘Symphony’, ‘Troubadour’ and ‘Vima Tarda’, in which the functional allele of the FanAAMT gene was found. In the remaining studied strawberry genotypes the marker FanAAMT was not detected, which presumably indicates that the FanAAMT gene is absent. cells (R9.4.1)

    Mentoring Institute as a Technology for Attracting and Training New Workers

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    This article is devoted to solving one of the most pressing strategic tasks for the development of each production enterprise, namely, improving the professional level of workers and attracting young workers to the enterprise. In this regard, the proposed idea of organizing the institution of mentoring, as a structural unit engaged in professional and corporate training of young people who come to production, seems very relevant and promising. It is proposed to use the professional intra-corporate experience of highly skilled workers of the older generation, who are retiring or have already retired, as the main pedagogical resource. The analysis of the research problem made it possible to prescribe the structure and basic mechanisms of interaction, both within the mentoring institution itself and with other structural units of the enterprise, as well as to develop a competency model and profile of the mentor's position.Решается одна из наиболее актуальных стратегических задач развития каждого производственного предприятия, а именно, повышение профессионального уровня работников и привлечение на предприятие молодых рабочих кадров. В связи с этим, предложенная идея об организации института наставничества как структурной единицы, занимающейся профессиональной и корпоративной подготовкой молодых людей, приходящих на производство, видится весьма актуальной и перспективной. В качестве основного педагогического ресурса предлагается использовать профессиональный внутрикорпоративный опыт высококвалифицированных рабочих старшего поколения, выходящих или уже вышедших на пенсию. Проведенный анализ проблемы исследования позволил прописать структуру и основные механизмы взаимодействия как внутри самого института наставничества, так и с другими структурными подразделениями предприятия, а также разработать компетентностную модель и профиль должности наставника

    The role and place of the master of industrial training in the corporate training system

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    Рассмотрены основные современные организационные формы профессионального обучения, используемые для развития кадрового потенциала промышленного сектора России. Определены необходимые компетенции и критерии эффективности деятельности мастера системы внутрифирменного корпоративного обучения, а также требования к нему со стороны производственных компаний (на примере ПАО «Уралмашзавод»). Проведен анализ профессиональных целей и задач мастера производственного обучения в корпоративном университете и в системе среднего профессионального образования. Уточнена формулировка термина «мастер производственного обучения в системе внутрифирменного корпоративного обучения».The main modern organizational forms of professional training used for the formation and development of the human resources potential of the industrial sector of Russia are considered. The necessary competencies and criteria for the effectiveness of such a master are determined, as well as requirements from production companies (for example, Uralmashzavod). The analysis of professional goals and objectives of the master of industrial training of the corporate training system in comparison with the system of secondary vocational education is carried out. A refined formulation of the term «master of industrial training» in the corporate training system is proposed

    Identification of <i>Rca2</i> and <i>Rpf1</i> resistance alleles in strawberry breeding forms of intervarietal hybrid origin

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    Background. The creation of varieties with genetic resistance to fungal pathogens is one of the most important directions in strawberry breeding. A promising direction of accelerated selection of valuable specimens is molecular screening for the presence in their genotype of diagnostic DNA markers, linked to target genes of agrobiological traits. Objectives of the work were determination of the allelic state of the Rca2 (resistance to anthracnose) and Rpf1 (resistance to red stele root rot) genes in selected strawberry forms to identify genotypes resistant to Colletotrichum acutatum Simmonds and Phytophthora fragariae var. fragariae Hickman.Material and methods. The object of research was breeding forms of strawberries of intervarietal hybrid origin. As a result of 22 crossing combinations, 61 selection forms were obtained, in which the allelic composition of resistance genes was studied. The Rca2 anthracnose resistance allele was identified by means of the STS-Rca2_240 marker. The Rpf1 red stele root rot resistance allele was identified with the help of SCAR-R1A marker. Results. At least one of the two genes was identified in 20 selected strawberry forms (32.8%). The STS-Rca2_240 marker was identified in 15 strawberry seedlings (22.9%) from six hybrid combinations ‘Vicoda’ × ‘Roxana’, ‘Florence’ × ‘Faith’, ‘Asia’ × ‘Aprica’, ‘San Andreas’ × ‘Monterey’, ‘Alisa’ × ‘Quicky’, ‘Quicky’ × ‘Olympia’). The SCAR-R1A marker was identified in five strawberry seedlings (8.2%) from four hybrid combinations (‘Privlekatelnaya’ × ‘Bylinnaya’, ‘Feyerverk’ × ‘Bylinnaya’, ‘Bylinnaya’ × ‘Feyerverk’, ‘Bylinnaya’ × ‘Olimpiyskaya nadezhda’). It has been established that all strawberry selected forms with identified marker fragments for resistance genes are characterized by a heterozygous combination of alleles.Conclusions. Promising sources of resistance alleles are strawberry selected forms: 2/1-24, 2/1-34 (‘Quicky’ × ‘Olympia’), 3/9-5 (‘Florence’ × ‘Faith’), 3/12-2, 3/12- 9 (‘Alisa’ × ‘Quicky’), 4/7-10, 4/7-19, 4/7-20 (‘Asia’ × ‘Aprica’), 5/2-26, 5/2-32 (‘San Andreas’ × ‘Monterey’), 9/ 1-11, 9/1-12, 9/1-13, 9/1-32, 9/1-37 ‘Vicoda’ × ‘Roxana’) in case of Rca2 gene; 72-24, 72-71 (Privlekatelnaya × Bylinnaya), 69-29 (‘Feyerverk’ × ‘Bylinnaya’), 62-41 (‘Bylinnaya’ × ‘Feyerverk’), 61-15 (‘Bylinnaya’ × ‘Olimpiyskaya nadezhda’) in case of Rpf1 gene

    The creation of innovative educational environment through networking interaction as a condition of improving the training quality of masters of vocational training

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    The paper deals with improving improving the training quality of masters of vocational training through networking interaction. The one of variants in networking cooperation is a manufacturing incubatorВ статье рассмотрены вопросы повышения качества подготовки мастеров производственного обучения путем сетевого взаимодействия. Один из вариантов сетевого взаимодействия – производственный инкубато

    Analysis of the inheritance of the marker SCAR-R1A, linked to the <i>Rpf1</i> red stele root rot resistance gene, in strawberry hybrid progeny

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    Background. Resistance to pathogens is an important breeding trait of a cultivar. Red stele root rot (Phytophthora fragariae var. fragariae Hickman) is a dangerous root disease. Revealing the patterns of resistance inheritance and identifying promising genotypes is an important stage in the development of strawberry cultivars resistant to red stele root rot. The purpose of the study was to identify patterns of inheritance for the SCAR-R1A marker, linked to the Rpf1 red stele root rot resistance gene, in the strawberry hybrid combinations.Materials and methods. The target materials were the strawberry cultivars ‘Bylinnaya’, ‘Olimpiyskaya Nadezhda’, ‘Privlekatelnaya’ and ‘Feyyerverk’, and hybrid seedlings of the cross combinations Bylinnaya × Olimpiyskaya Nadezhda, Bylinnaya × Feyyerverk, Olimpiyskaya Nadezhda × Bylinnaya, Privlekatelnaya × Bylinnaya, and Feyyerverk × Bylinnaya. The Rpf1 gene was identified with the marker SCAR-R1A.Results and conclusion. For the hybrid combination Bylinnaya × Olimpiyskaya Nadezhda, the percentage of seedlings with an Rpf1 resistance allele was 33.3%. For the combination Bylinnaya × Feyyerverk, their percentage was 37.2%; for Olimpiyskaya Nadezhda × Bylinnaya, 39.4%; for Privlekatelnaya × Bylinnaya, 39.6%; and for Feyyerverk × Bylinnaya, 36.2%. The average percentage of seedlings with an Rpf1 allele for the studied combinations was 37.1%. Assessment of the compliance between the observed segregation and theoretical one according to the χ2  criterion confirmed the monogenic character of the studied trait and the Mendelian ratio of inheritance frequencies for the marker fragments of the Rpf1 gene as 1 : 1. Therefore, all identified seedlings with an Rpf1 allele are characterized by a heterozygous genotype. Strawberry hybrids promising for breeding were identified: 62-41 (Bylinnaya × Feyyerverk), 65-17, 65-24 (Olimpiyskaya Nadezhda × Bylinnaya), and 69-29 (Feyyerverk × Bylinnaya)

    Analysis of strawberry genetic collection (Fragaria L.) for Rca2 and Rpfl genes with molecular markers

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    Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) varieties are susceptible to many fungal diseases. Identification of forms, carrying resistance genes, is an important stage in breeding programs leading to resistant varieties. The use of molecular markers allows to determine with high reliability the presence of the necessary genes in the genome and to identify promising forms. Some of the common strawberry's diseases, causing significant damage to strawberry plantations, are anthracnose (Colletotrichum acutatum Simmonds) and red stele root rot (Phytophthora fragariae var. fragariae Hickman). Dominant Rca2 gene is involved in monogenic resistance to C. acutatum pathogenicity group 2. Rpf1, Rpf2, Rpf3 genes are determined in monogenic resistance to red stele root rot. The purpose of this study was molecular genetic testing genotypes of genus Fragaria L. to identify carriers of Rca2 allele anthracnose resistance and Rpf1 allele red stele root rot resistance. The objects of study were the wild species of the genus Fragaria L. and strawberry varieties (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) of different ecological and geographic origin. To assess allelic state Rca2 anthracnose resistance gene the dominant SCAR marker STS-Rca2_240 was used, was linked to the resistance gene Rca2 with a genetic distance of 2.8 cM. Rpf1 gene red stele root rot resistance was identified with the dominant SCAR marker R1A, was linked to the resistance gene Rpf1 with a genetic distance of 3.0 cM. The resistant allele of the marker STS-Rca2_240 was identified in the Laetitia variety (Rca2Rca2 or Rca2rca2 genotype), which allows us to recommend it as a promising source in breeding for anthracnose resistance. The other studied forms have homozygous recessive state of the marker STS-Rca2_240 (putative genotype rca2rca2). The resistant allele of the marker SCAR-R1A in the varieties and wild species of strawberry under study is absent, which presumably indicates their homozygous recessive genotype of Rpf1 gene (rpf1rpf1)

    A contemporary model of the worker in engineering production

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    Issues of designing and selecting the content of preparation of workers for the engineering plants based on the present-day requirements of modern production environment are highlighted.Рассмотрены вопросы проектирования и отбора содержания подготовки рабочих кадров предприятий машиностроительного комплекса с учетом требований современных производственных условий

    Selection of promising apple genotypes for columnar growth habit and scab resistance using diagnostic DNA markers

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    Monogenic scab resistance and columnar growth habit are important breeding traits of apple. The use of molecular markers very accurately determines the presence of necessary genes in the genome early during ontogenesis and reduces the time of selection. The purpose of this study was molecular genetic testing of initial forms of apple and hybrid seedlings of apple to identify carriers of the target alleles of genes for monogenic scab resistance (Rvi6) and columnar growth habit (Co) and the clarification of the pattern of inheritance of the Co and Rvi6 genes in hybrid progeny populations. This paper presents the results of molecular genetic analysis of varieties Valuta, Uspenskoe, Belarusskoe sladkoe and seedlings of the Valuta×Uspenskoe and Valuta×Belarusskoe sladkoe hybrid families for genes controlling columnar growth habit (Co) and scab resistance (Rvi6). The presence of the dominant allele of the Co gene was diagnosed with primers 29f1 and JWI1r flanking the 5’-end of the insert at the Co locus controlling columnar genotypes. Allelic status of the Rvi6 gene was determined with the AL07-SCAR marker mapping at about 0.2 cM from the Rvi6 locus. The correlation frequency of inheritance of the allelic states of these genes has been determined. Valuta×Uspenskoe crosse yielded 48.1 % columnar genotypes and 77.8 % scab-immune genotypes; Valuta×Belarusskoe sladkoe crosses, 46.8 % and 68.0 %, respectively. The observed segregation conforms to the expected Mendelian ratios: 1:1 for columnar habit and 3:1 for scab resistance. The joint inheritance of columnar growth habit and monogenic resistance to scab has been analyzed. The hybrid seedlings that had the dominant Co allele together with the Rvi6 gene in the homozygous dominant state (Rvi6 Rvi6) in their genome have been identified, which can significantly intensify the selection process and run it into 100 % of hybrid seedlings with monogenic scab resistance and up to 50 % of genotypes with columnar growth habit