117 research outputs found

    Neaiškus darbo santykių apibrėžimas Rusijoje: teismų praktika dėl bendrosios idėjos ir kai kurių netipinių darbo formų

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    Transformation of Russian labour law in the last decades shows the clear trend to differentiation and fragmentation with constantly growing number of special norms covering specific (atypical) types of employment relationships. At the same time modern labour law reflects only some of recently appearing forms of employment, such as temporary agency work or telework. The paper deals with the definition of labor relations and some atypical forms of employment.Pastarųjų dešimtmečių Rusijos darbo teisės transformacija rodo aiškią diferenciacijos ir susiskaidymo tendenciją, kai nuolat daugėja specialiųjų normų, apimančių specifinius (netipinius) darbo santykių tipus. Tuo pat metu šiuolaikinė darbo teisė atspindi tik kai kurias neseniai pasirodžiusias užimtumo formas, tokias kaip laikinųjų agentūrų darbas ar nuotolinis darbas. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama darbo santykių definicijos ir kai kurių netipinių užimtumo formų problematika

    Sustav međunarodnih radnih standarda MOR-a i postupci nadzora: presloženi da bi bili učinkoviti?

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    The article deals with the complexity of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions and Recommendations and of the control procedures for their application as a factor that has a serious negative impact on their effectiveness. An analysis of the Conventions and Recommendations and other measures taken by the ILO is offered with a view to optimizing this system. The prospects for codification of the ILO standards are considered. A conclusion is reached concerning the possibility of gradual codification of the Conventions and Recommendations according to broad thematic classifications with further prospects for the creation of a unified international labour code. Some possible directions for such thematic classifications are proposed. A separate analysis is made of ILO control procedures, and a judgment is made that these procedures are lacking sufficient coordination and systematization. Proposals are made for simplifying the procedures, for the abrogation of rarely used and secondary procedures, and for a higher level of coherence of the existing procedures in order to make the application of the international labour standards more effective.U radu se obrađuje složeni sustav konvencija i preporuka Međunarodne organizacije rada (MOR) i postupci nadzora nad njihovom primjenom kao čimbenik s izrazito negativnim utjecajem na njihovu učinkovitost. Razmatra se perspektiva kodificiranja standarda MOR-a. Izneseni su zaključci u vezi s mogućnosti postupne kodifikacije konvencija i preporuka prema širim tematskim cjelinama te daljnjeg stvaranja jedinstvenog međunarodnog radnog zakonika. Predlažu se smjernice za klasifikaciju tematskih cjelina. Posebno su analizirani postupci nadzora koje provodi MOR te je zaključeno da im nedostaje koordinacije i sistematizacije. Iznesene su preporuke za pojednostavnjenje tih postupaka, za ukidanje rijetko rabljenih i sekundarnih postupaka te za postizanje višeg stupnja usklađenosti među postojećim postupcima kako bi primjena međunarodnih radnih standarda bila učinkovitija. Također su izloženi i dodatni prijedlozi u vezi sa smanjenjem složenosti standarda MOR-a i sustava nadzora nad njihovom primjenom

    Development of labor law in the eu an d eaeu: how comparable?

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    As of 2015 Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and (since May 2015) Kyrgyzstan have entered  into the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) with the ambitious goal of ultimately transforming it into  a “Eurasian Union” with a deeper confederative structure in the future. Parallels between this  regional integration project and the European Union integration process are emerging. But there  are also marked differences between them. The article highlights those parallels and differences in  order to assess the general prospects for harmonizing labor law among the member states and to  clarify how much of the EU experience in the harmonization of labor law may be applicable to the  Eurasian integration project. The completely different roots and ways to harmonize the national  labor law systems within the EU and the EAEU are also discussed in the article. The authors claim  that the approaches to harmonizing labor law in the two regions are mirror images of each other.While the EU project attempts to provide at least a partial common legal framework for certain separate aspects of legal regulation of labor among the very diverse national labor  law  systems, the EAEU currently refuses even to address the harmonization of national labor laws.  However, the national labor law systems of EAEU member states are already much more  homogenous than in the EU. Therefore, labor law harmonization in the EAEU may develop as a  consequence of its economic integration and single market.

    Motivos e vitalidade na prática de corrida recreativa, relação com a idade e frequência semanal : uma perspetiva da teoria da autodeterminação

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    Tendo em conta a crescente popularidade da corrida recreativa, tem surgido cada vez mais interesse em perceber este comportamento e as suas implicações para o bem-estar. Baseado na teoria da autodeterminação (TAD), o presente estudo teve dois objetivos principais: (a) analisar as diferenças entre as faixas etárias e os grupos de frequência semanal nos motivos e na vitalidade; e (b) examinar a relação entre os motivos (intrínsecos vs. extrínsecos) e a vitalidade. A amostra consistiu em 110 praticantes de corrida recreativa (Midades = 33.21 anos; DP = 9.37), selecionada por conveniência. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um inquérito online que incluiu instrumentos que avaliaram os motivos, - The Motivations of Marathoners Scales (MOMS), e a vitalidade, - Escala de Vitalidade Subjetiva (EVS). Os resultados mostraram, que os praticantes mais jovens (18- 27 anos) focaram-se mais na realização de objetivos pessoais, enquanto os mais velhos (39- 62 anos) além de apresentarem uma maior vitalidade, procuraram mais a afiliação como motivo para a prática de corrida recreativa. Os grupos de frequência semanal não apresentaram diferenças na vitalidade, no entanto o grupo que corre menos de três vezes por semana mostrou estar mais focado no motivo orientações de saúde. Os resultados da regressão múltipla hierárquica revelaram que apenas o motivo afiliação foi um preditor significativo da vitalidade quando controlado para a idade e a frequência semanal. Os resultados deste trabalho suportam os fundamentos teóricos da TAD, mostrando a importância da afiliação para o bem-estar e a vitalidade.Considering the increasing popularity of recreational running, there has been a growing interest in understanding this behavior and its implications for well-being. Based on the self-determination theory (SDT), the present study had two main objectives: (a) to analyze the differences between the age groups and the weekly frequency groups in terms of motives and vitality; and (b) to analyze the relationship between (intrinsic vs. extrinsic) motives and vitality. The sample consisted of 110 recreational runners (Mage = 33.21 years, SD = 9.37), selected by convenience. The data was collected through an online survey that included instruments that assessed the motives - The Motivations of Marathoners Scales (MOMS), and vitality - Subjective Vitality Scale (SVS). The results showed that younger runners (18-27 years old) were more motivated by the personal goal achievement, while older runners (39-62 years old), in addition to higher vitality, more heavily endorsed the affiliation as reason for recreational running. The weekly frequency groups did not show differences in vitality, however the group that runs less than three times a week showed more focus on health orientation motive. The results of hierarchical multiple regression revealed that only the affiliation motive was a significant predictor of vitality when controlling for age and weekly frequency. The results of this work support the theoretical foundations of SDT, showing the importance of affiliation for well-being and vitality

    Tradicionalno i novo “globalno” međunarodno radno pravo – može li se uskladiti njihovo djelovanje?

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    The article provides an account of how international labour law, which had previously been promulgated mostly by the International Labour Organization, has been confronted by a new type of “global” labour law that has arisen from recent changes in the structure of employment brought about by the advent of globalization and multinational corporations. These rival influences on the regulation of labour have not yet reached a stable and productive accommodation to each other, and the author identifies several points of contact and conflict between them, as well as some of the background forces that bear on those conflicts. The article also evaluates several suggestions for the way the relationship between them should be managed. Separate attention is devoted to the possibility of linkage between the application of international labour standards and international trade. To date, the negotiations on inclusion of the “social clause” in the agreements on international trade within the WTO framework have been unsuccessful. However, the author considers that the current infrequent and weak linkage of international trade agreements with labour issues is inadequate, and concludes that significant limitation of the free flow of capital from one country to another is needed in order to avoid the “race to the bottom” between developing countries that leads to the degradation of the labour rights regime worldwide.U radu se razmatra problem kako je međunarodno radno pravo, do sada uglavnom razvijano odlukama Međunarodne organizacije rada (MOR), suočeno s novim oblikom “globalnog” radnog prava nastalog uslijed promjena u oblicima zapošljavanja zbog globalizacije i rasta uloge međunarodnih korporacija. Konkurentni utjecaji u području uređenja radnih prava još nisu postigli stabilan i produktivan odnos te autor u radu identificira nekoliko dodirnih točaka u kojima se oni sukobljavaju, kao i pozadinske silnice koje utječu na navedeni odnos. U članku se također analizira nekoliko prijedloga kako bi trebalo urediti odnos međunarodnog i “globalnog” radnog prava. Posebna pozornost posvećena je mogućnosti povezivanja standarda međunarodnog radnog prava i međunarodne trgovine. Naime, dosadašnji napori na uključenju “društvene klauzule” u međunarodne trgovinske ugovore u okviru WTO-a bili su neuspješni. Autor smatra da je trenutačno stanje rijetkog i slabog povezivanja međunarodnih trgovinskih ugovora s radnopravnim pitanjima problematično te zaključuje da je potrebno znatnije ograničenje u slobodnom protoku kapitala iz jedne u drugu zemlju kako bi se izbjegla “utrka do dna” među zemljama u razvoju te da bi se izbjeglo općenito smanjenje prava radnika u cijelom svijetu

    Integral functions of electron lateral distribution and their fluctuations in electron-photon cascades

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    Monte Carlo simulated lateral distribution functions for electrons of EPC developing in lead, at superhigh energies (.1-1 PeV) for depths t or = 60 c.u. delta t=1t. c.u. are presented. The higher moment characteristics, i.e., variation, asymmetry, excess, are presented along with analytical solutions for the same characteristics at fixed observation level calculated to theory approximations A and B by using numerical inversion of the Laplace transformation. The conclusion is made of a complex, usually non-Gaussian shape of the function of the particle number distribution within a circle of given radius at fixed depth

    Методологические основания междисциплинарных исследований современной книжной культуры

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    The processes of globalization and the challenges of post-industrial civilization expand the boundaries of research in the social and human sciences significantly and dictate the need for close interdisciplinary cooperation in exploring the ways for adapting traditional sociocultural phenomena to the new conditions of the developing information society. The shift in emphasis from studying traditional booklore from the historical aspects to new book culture is increasingly attracting the attention of researcher in the humanities who are trying to comprehend the current state and predict the vectors for the book culture development in the dynamically changing information environment.Over the past quarter of the century, changes in research approaches are obvious: from offering definitions for the “book culture” concept to understanding the multidimensional nature of this phenomenon and the need for interdisciplinary cooperation in the studies. Intensive discussions in academic periodicals demonstrate the diversity of ideas, concepts and research approaches [1].The author analyzes the findings of recent book culture studies from the standpoint of various scientific schools and approaches, provides examples of precise interpretations of philosophical, cultural, documentary aspects of the books’ functioning within the system of culture. The necessity for identifying mutually acceptable guidelines for interdisciplinary cooperation and updating the methodology for studying the books, booklore and book culture is substantiated.Отмечено, что глобализация и вызовы постиндустриальной цивилизации обусловливают существенное расширение границ социальных и гуманитарных наук: появляется необходимость тесного междисциплинарного сотрудничества в исследовании проблем, связанных с адаптацией традиционных социокультурных явлений к условиям развивающегося информационного общества. Смещение акцентов в изучении традиционной книжности от истории книги и книжного дела к новой проблематике привлекает внимание специалистов-гуманитариев, пытающихся осмыслить современное состояние книжной культуры и спрогнозировать векторы её развития в условиях динамично меняющейся информационной среды.Подчёркнуто, что за последнюю четверть века произошли перемены в исследовательских подходах:  от попыток предложить авторское определение понятия «книжная культура» до понимания многоаспектности этого феномена и необходимости междисциплинарного сотрудничества в его изучении. Активная дискуссия на страницах научной периодики демонстрирует многообразие понятий, концепций и исследовательских подходов.В статье проанализированы результаты современных исследований книжной культуры с позиций разных научных школ и подходов, приведены примеры удачных философских, культурологических, документоведческих интерпретаций книги в системе культуры. Обоснована необходимость взаимоприемлемых ориентиров междисциплинарного сотрудничества и обновления методологии научных исследований книги, книжности, книжной культуры