3 research outputs found

    Improvement of the Model of Enterprise Management Process on the Basis of General Management Functions

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    The purpose of the article is to improve the model of the enterprise (institution, organization) management process on the basis of general management functions. The graphic model of the process of management according to the process-structured management is presented. It has been established that in today's business environment, the model of the management process should include such general management functions as: 1) controlling the achievement of results; 2) planning based on the main goal; 3) coordination and corrective actions (in the system of organization of work and production); 4) action as a form of act (conscious, volitional, directed); 5) accounting system (accounting, statistical, operational-technical and managerial); 6) diagnosis (economic, legal) with such subfunctions as: identification of the state and capabilities; analysis (economic, legal, systemic) with argumentation; assessment of the state, trends and prospects of development. The prospect of further research in this direction is: 1) the formation of a system of interrelation of functions and management methods, taking into account the presented research results; 2) development of the model of effective and efficient communication business process of the enterprise

    Improvement of the Model of Enterprise Management Process on the Basis of General Management Functions

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    Метою статті є удосконалення моделі процесу менеджменту підприємства (установи, організації) на засадах загальних функцій менеджменту. Представлено графічну модель процесу менеджменту згідно із процесно-структурованим менеджментом. Встановлено, що в сучасних умовах ведення бізнесу модель процесу менеджменту повинна включати такі загальні функції менеджменту, як: 1) контролювання досягнення результатів; 2) планування, виходячи з головної мети; 3) координація і коректуючі дії (у системі організації праці та виробництва); 4) дія як форма діяння (усвідомлена, вольова, спрямована); 5) система обліку (бухгалтерський, статистичний, оперативно-технічний і управлінський); 6) діагностика (економічна, юридична) з такими підфункціями, як: ідентифікування стану і можливостей; аналіз (економічний, юридичний, системний) з аргументацією; оцінювання стану, тенденцій та перспектив розвитку. Перспективою подальших досліджень у даному напрямі є: 1) формування системи взаємозв’язку функцій та методів менеджменту з урахуванням поданих результатів досліджень; 2) розробка моделі ефективного та результативного комунікаційного бізнес-процесу підприємства.The purpose of the article is to improve the model of the enterprise (institution, organization) management process on the basis of general management functions. The graphic model of the process of management according to the process-structured management is presented. It has been established that in today's business environment, the model of the management process should include such general management functions as: 1) controlling the achievement of results; 2) planning based on the main goal; 3) coordination and corrective actions (in the system of organization of work and production); 4) action as a form of act (conscious, volitional, directed); 5) accounting system (accounting, statistical, operational-technical and managerial); 6) diagnosis (economic, legal) with such subfunctions as: identification of the state and capabilities; analysis (economic, legal, systemic) with argumentation; assessment of the state, trends and prospects of development. The prospect of further research in this direction is: 1) the formation of a system of interrelation of functions and management methods, taking into account the presented research results; 2) development of the model of effective and efficient communication business process of the enterprise

    Researching the Components of Formation of the Export Potential of Industry on the Micro-and Meso-Levels

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    The article analyses approaches to formation of the export potential of industry on the micro- and meso-levels. A number of factors influencing the formation of the export potential of industry on the micro- and meso-levels has been considered. It was found that the components of the export potential of industry on the micro- and meso-levels are factors, capabilities (potential), and resources. It has been suggested to perceive the defining resources of formation of the export potential of industrial enterprises as: personnel, production, financial-investment, innovation, marketing, information, organizational, and managerial. It has been found that the main resources of export potential of the industry of region include: production, raw material, natural, financial, investment, social, and innovation. There is a number of opportunities that contribute to the formation of the export potential of the region’s industry, in particular: labor, industrial, financial, raw material, natural, investment, innovation, social, information, and organizational-managerial