7 research outputs found

    Oxidative Stress in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Ethnic Aspects

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    Numerous researches show that data on an ethnic origin can give additional information for the personified approach in treatment of different diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of some lipid peroxidation components and antioxidant defense system in Mongoloid and Caucasian patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus. Conjugated dienes, ketodienes and conjugated trienes, thiobarbituric acid reactants, total antioxidant activity, α-tocopherol, retinol, superoxide dismutase activity, reduced and oxidized glutathione, and oxidative stress coefficient levels were evaluated in 65 patients with type 1 diabetes (38 Mongoloids and 27 Caucasians) and in 82 healthy people (42 Mongoloids and 40 Caucasians). Spectrophotometric and fluorometric methods were used. The intensity of LPO in Mongoloid patients was lower than in Caucasians: the level of primary and intermediate products was by lower 1.53 and 1.83 times, while total antioxidant activity was elevated by 1.44 times, and decreased α-tocopherol level by 1.32 times, which was also supported by oxidative stress coefficient (1.35 in Mongoloids and 2.32 in Caucasians). Activity of the POL-AOD system in Mongoloids is low, which is probably due to the increase of antioxidant defense system work. These results are consistent with clinical characteristics of type 1 diabetes mellitus with infrequent development of complications in Mongoloids living in Eastern Siberia

    Functional State of the Thyroid Gland and Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Protection System in Women of Reproductive Age with Chronic Form of Parenteral Viral Hepatitis

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    Background. Chronic viral hepatitis is a complex global problem and is still far from being solved. Many researchers point out influence of viral hepatitis on the reproductive system of women.Aim. To identify features of the functional state of pituitary-thyroid units of neuroendocrinal regulation, and to evaluate lipid peroxidation – antioxidant protection with determination of the oxidative stress coefficient in perimenopausal women with chronic form of hepatitis.Materials and methods. Study included 44 women with chronic viral hepatitis and 28 healthy women of the same age. Immunoabsorbent, spectrophotometric, fluorometric and statistical methods were used.Results. In patients with chronic viral hepatitis, we detected an increase in thyroxine levels – by 29.6% (р < 0.001) and free triiodothyronine values – by 65.7% (р = 0.008) in comparison with the control group. In the group with chronic viral hepatitis, the TBA-reactive products level increased by 1.9 times (р = 0.006), and superoxide dismutase activity decreased by 1.3 times (р < 0.001), total antioxidant activity – by 1.7 times (р < 0.001) and α-tocopherol level – by 1.3 times (р = 0.005) in comparison with the control group.Conclusions. The obtained data demonstrate the features of the pituitary-thyroid system functioning and the lipid peroxidation – antioxidant protection system in patients with chronic hepatitis. The chronic form of hepatitis is characterized by metabolic disorders that require a more careful approach in diagnosis and management

    Characteristics of Lipid Peroxidation Processes and Antioxidant Status in Teenagers-Boys of Different Ethnic Groups with Exogenous Constitutional Obesity and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    The aim of this research was to study changes in the LPO-AOD processes in Mongoloid and Caucasian teenagers with exogenous constitutional obesity (ECO), including those complicated by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Materials and Methods: A total of 18 Mongoloid teenage boys and 17 Caucasian teenage boys with NAFLD (Clinical group 1 and Clinical group 2, respectively) on the background of ECO of the first degree were examined. For comparison, data of 37 apparently healthy Mongoloid teenage boys (Control group 1) and 23 Caucasian teenage boys (Control group 2) was used. The plasma level of antioxidant parameters (total antioxidant activity [TTA], SOD activity, α-tocopherol and retinol) and primary/secondary products of LPO (conjugated dienes [CD], ketodienes and conjugated trienes [KD-CT], and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances [TBARS]) were determined using spectrophotometric and fluorometric methods. Results: Evaluation of the activity of LPO reactions in Clinical group 1 indicated an increase in the content of compounds with DB relative to Control group 1. A similar trend was found in the concentration of CD and KD-CT. In Clinical group 2, we found a statistically significant increase only in the values of KD-CT. In the parameters of the AOD system, multidirectional changes of patients parameters compared with the control group were observed in Clinical group 1: the increased values of TAA, SOD activity, and reduced levels of α-tocopherol, retinol, and GSSG. In Clinical group 2, lower values of α-tocopherol, GSSG, and SOD activity were observed relative to Control group 2. Differences between the two ethnic groups were present in the control groups—the reduced level of TAA, GSH and the increased level of GSSG in the group of Mongoloids; just as in clinical groups with NAFLD, a high level of SOD activity was observed in Mongoloids compared to Caucasians. Conclusion: The changes revealed in the redox state in Mongoloid and Caucasian teenagers with ECO and NAFLD indicate high activity of LPO processes and severe deficiency of antioxidant vitamins in patients of both ethnic groups. The obtained results allow us to recommend administration of antioxidant drugs in addition to courses of metabolic therapy in comprehensive treatment of patients with ECO and NAFLD

    Исследование „PerConcept”: Мнения медицинских работников об интегрировании прегравидарной подготовки в услуги по планированию семьи

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    Summary The importance of preconception care for the mother and child health has long been demonstrated, but the practical realization of this prophylactic activity remains insignificant. The article presents the “PerConcept” study results – a survey on “Family Planning” concept perceptions among physicians, whose activity is related to reproductive health. The study was conducted based on a unified questionnaire in three cities from three countries: Chisinau (Republic of Moldova), Irkutsk (the Russian Federation) and Ciudad de Mexico (Mexico). The survey involved 1.012 family physicians, obstetricians-gynecologists, urologists, andrologists, but also doctors of other specialties. A number of 991 questionnaires were validated and analyzed. About 79.5% of all respondents (788) reported that the term of “family” is associated with the birth of children. About 96.0% of respondents (951) believed that pregnancy should be planned by the couple/woman. From a professional perspective, 862 physicians (94.5%), consider that the concept of family planning should also really include a component of preconception care, simultaneous with contraception. The majority of participants – 91.1%, (831) had the opinion that strategies and programs in the field of family planning should be revised, in order to include preconception health services. Although the “PerConcept” study had some limitations, the authors consider that the results are interesting because doctors from 3 regions of the world: Europe, Asia, and North America had a similar opinion about the need to expand the family planning concept, which should really include the preconception care, with an equal approach as another component – contraception.Rezumat Studiul „PerConcept”: Opinii ale lucrătorilor medicali privind integrarea pregătirii preconcepționale în cadrul serviciilor de planificare a familiei Importanța pregătirii preconcepționale pentru sănătatea mamei și copilului a fost demonstrată cu mult timp în urmă, însă realizarea practică a acestei activități profi lactice rămâne a fi una nesemnificativă. Articolul prezintă rezultatele studiului „PerConcept” – un sondaj privind percepțiile conceptului „Planificarea familiei” de către lucrătorii medicali, activitatea cărora se referă la sănătatea reproducerii. Studiul a fost realizat în baza unui chestionar unificat în trei orașe din trei țări: Chișinău (Republica Moldova), Irkutsk (Federația Rusă) și Ciudad de Mexico (Mexic). Sondajul a implicat 1.012 medici de familie, obstetricieni-ginecologi, urologi, andrologi, dar și medici de alte specialități. Un număr de 991 de chestionare au fost validate și analizate. Aproximativ 79,5% din toți respondenții (788) au raportat că noțiunea de „familie” este asociată cu nașterea copiilor. Aproximativ 96.0% dintre respondenți (951) au considerat că sarcina ar trebui să fi e planificată de cuplu/ femeie. Dintr-o perspectivă profesională, 862 medici (94.5%) consideră că conceptul de planificare familială ar trebui să includă și componenta de pregătire preconcepțională. Majoritatea participanților (831; 91.1%) au fost de părere că strategiile și programele din domeniul planificării familiei ar trebui revizuite pentru a include serviciile de sănătate preconcepțională. Deși studiul „PerConcept” a avut unele limitări, autorii consideră că rezultatele obținute sunt interesante, deoarece medicii din trei regiuni ale lumii: Europa, Asia și America de Nord au avut opinii similare privind necesitatea modificării conceptului de planificare a familiei care, realmente, ar trebui să includă pregătirea preconcepțională, concomitent cu o altă componentă – contracepția.Резюме Исследование „PerConcept”: Мнения медицинских работников об интегрировании прегравидарной подготовки в услуги по планированию семьи Важность прегравидарной подготовки для здоровья матери и ребенка давно доказано, однако практическая реализация этой профилактической деятельности остается незначительной. В статье представлены результаты исследования „PerConcept” – опроса о восприятии понятия «Планирование семьи» среди врачей, деятельность которых связана с областью репродуктивного здоровья. Исследование проводилось на основе единого опросника в трех городах из трех стран: Кишинэу (Республика Молдова), Иркутск (Российская Федерация) и Мехико (Мексика). В опросе приняли участие 1012 семейных врачей, акушеровгинекологов, урологов, андрологов, а также врачей других специальностей. Были заполнены согласно требованиям и проанализированы 991 опросника. Около 79.5% всех респондентов (788) утверждали, что термин «семья» ассоциируется с рождением детей. Около 96.0% опрошенных (951) считают, что беременность должна быть запланирована парой/женщиной. С профессиональной точки зрения 862 врача (94.5%) считают, что концепт планирования семьи должен включать компоненту прегравидарной подготовки. Большинство участников (831; 91.1%) придерживались мнения, что стратегии и программы в области планирования семьи следует пересмотреть, чтобы включить в них и услуги по прегравидарному уходу. Хотя исследование „PerConcept” имело некоторые ограничения, авторы считают, что результаты интересны тем, что врачи из 3-х частей мира: Европы, Азии и Северной Америки выразили аналогичные мнения о необходимости изменения концепта планирования семьи, который должен реально включать прегравидарную подготовку, наряду с другой компонентой – контрацепция

    Синдром обструктивного апноэ сна: ассоциация уровня сывороточного мелатонина, повышенной дневной сонливости и интермиттирующей ночной гипоксемии

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    The relevance of studies related to the features of respiratory disorders during sleep is undeniable due to the steady growth of the worldwide prevalence of apnea syndrome, which leads to a decrease in quality of life, the risk of early cardiovascular diseases together with cerebrovascular, endocrine, and pulmonary disorders.The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the morning serum melatonin, blood oxygen saturation (SрO2), and increased daytime sleepiness in patients with SOAS, as well as to assess changes in the production of endogenous melatonin after eliminating clinical manifestations of nocturnal hypoxemia, through a 3-month course of non-invasive continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. The study enrolled 30 male patients who came to the Federal State Public Scientific Institution “Scientific Centre of Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems” because of snoring, sleep apnea, and increased daytime sleepiness.Methods. Polysomnography, questionnaire, HPLC-MS/MS analysis of serum melatonin levels, CPAP-therapy for the respiratory support at home for 3 months, monitoring of the sleep scores, serum melatonin, and daytime sleepiness after the treatment.Results. A comparative assessment of the sleep scores before and after the respiratory support for 3 months revealed a significant improvement in sleep structure, elimination of the apnea episodes, and restoration of blood SрO2 after the therapy. Analysis of the serum melatonin vales confirmed a statistically significant increase of melatonin level against baseline in patients with SOAS after the treatment. A correlation analysis showed a relationship between the melatonin level, daytime sleepiness, and blood SрO2.Conclusion. The results of this study and the data of other researchers demonstrate that the elimination of intermittent nocturnal hypoxia in patients with SOAS allows reducing the morning serum melatonin level, thereby reducing the daytime sleepiness and subsequently improving the quality of life.Актуальность исследований, связанных с особенностями нарушений дыхания во время сна, неоспорима в связи с неуклонным ростом числа случаев синдрома обструктивного апноэ сна (СОАС) в мире, который приводит к снижению качества жизни, риску раннего формирования сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний с развитием цереброваскулярных, эндокринных и бронхолегочных нарушений.Целью исследования явилось определение взаимосвязи утреннего сывороточного мелатонина (СМ), уровня насыщения артериальной крови кислородом (SрO2) во время сна и повышенной дневной сонливости у пациентов с СОАС, а также оценка изменений продукции эндогенного мелатонина после устранения ночной гипоксемии посредством 3-месячного курса респираторной поддержки во время сна в режиме неинвазивной вентиляции легких с постоянным положительным давлением в дыхательных путях (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure — СРАР).Материалы и методы. В исследовании принимали участие пациенты (n = 30) мужского пола, обратившиеся в Иркутский сомнологический центр Федерального государственного бюджетного научного учреждения «Научный центр проблем здоровья семьи и репродукции человека» с жалобами на храп, остановку дыхания во время сна, повышенную дневную сонливость. Проводились полисомнографическое исследование, анкетирование, исследование СМ с помощью высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии, респираторная поддержка во время сна в домашних условиях посредством СРАР в течение 3 мес., контроль показателей сна, СМ и оценка дневной сонливости после лечения.Результаты. При проведении сравнительной оценки показателей сна до и после респираторной поддержки во время сна в течение 3 мес. значительно улучшилась структура сна, прекратились эпизоды апноэ и восстановился уровень SрO2 на фоне терапии. При сравнении полученных результатов показателей СМ выявлено статистически достоверное увеличение уровня СМ у пациентов с СОАС в сравнении результатами после лечения По результатам корреляционного анализа выявлена взаимосвязь между уровнем СМ, дневной сонливостью и SрO2.Заключение. На основании полученных результатов и данных других исследований сделано заключение о том, что при устранении ночной интермиттирующей гипоксемии у пациентов с СОАС уменьшаются уровень утреннего СМ и дневная сонливость с последующим улучшением качества жизни