40 research outputs found

    Knowledge and pre-trained language models inside and out: a deep-dive into datasets and external knowledge

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    Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) have greatly advanced the performance of various NLP tasks and have undoubtedly been serving as foundation models for this field. These pre-trained models are able to capture rich semantic patterns from large-scale text corpora and learn high-quality representations of texts. However, such models still have shortcomings - they underperform when faced with tasks that requires implicit external knowledge to be understood, which is difficult to learn with commonly employed pre-training objectives. Moreover, there lacks a comprehensive understanding of PLMs’ behaviour in learning knowledge during the fine-tuning phase. Therefore, in order to address the aforementioned challenges, we propose a set of approaches to inject external knowledge into PLMs and demonstrate experiments investigating their behaviour in learning knowledge during the fine-tuning phase, primarily focusing on Sentiment Analysis, Question Answering and Video Question Answering. Specifically, we introduce novel approaches explicitly using textual historical reviews of users and products for improving sentiment analysis. To overcome the problem of context-question lexical overlap and data scarcity for question generation, we propose a novel method making use of linguistic and semantic knowledge with heuristics. Additionally, we explore how to utilise multimodal (visual and acoustic) information/knowledge to improve Video Question Answering. Experiments conducted on benchmark datasets show that our proposed approaches achieve superior performance compared to state-of-the-art models, demonstrating the effectiveness of our methods for injecting external knowledge. Furthermore, we conduct a set of experiments investigating the learning of knowledge for PLMs for question answering under various scenarios. Results reveal that the internal characteristics of QA datasets can pose strong bias for PLMs when learning from downstream tasks datasets. Finally, we present an in-depth discussion of future directions for improving PLMs with external knowledge

    Extending the Scope of Out-of-Domain: Examining QA models in multiple subdomains

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    Past works that investigate out-of-domain performance of QA systems have mainly focused on general domains (e.g. news domain, wikipedia domain), underestimating the importance of subdomains defined by the internal characteristics of QA datasets. In this paper, we extend the scope of "out-of-domain" by splitting QA examples into different subdomains according to their several internal characteristics including question type, text length, answer position. We then examine the performance of QA systems trained on the data from different subdomains. Experimental results show that the performance of QA systems can be significantly reduced when the train data and test data come from different subdomains. These results question the generalizability of current QA systems in multiple subdomains, suggesting the need to combat the bias introduced by the internal characteristics of QA datasets.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 29 tables, to appear at ACL 2022 Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP, code available in https://github.com/lyuchenyang/Analysing-Question-Answering-Dat

    New Trends in Machine Translation using Large Language Models: Case Examples with ChatGPT

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    Machine Translation (MT) has made significant progress in recent years using deep learning, especially after the emergence of large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-3 and ChatGPT. This brings new challenges and opportunities for MT using LLMs. In this paper, we brainstorm some interesting directions for MT using LLMs, including stylized MT, interactive MT, and Translation Memory-based MT, as well as a new evaluation paradigm using LLMs. We also discuss the privacy concerns in MT using LLMs and a basic privacy-preserving method to mitigate such risks. To illustrate the potential of our proposed directions, we present several examples for the new directions mentioned above, demonstrating the feasibility of the proposed directions and highlight the opportunities and challenges for future research in MT using LLMs

    QAScore -- An Unsupervised Unreferenced Metric for the Question Generation Evaluation

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    Question Generation (QG) aims to automate the task of composing questions for a passage with a set of chosen answers found within the passage. In recent years, the introduction of neural generation models has resulted in substantial improvements of automatically generated questions in terms of quality, especially compared to traditional approaches that employ manually crafted heuristics. However, the metrics commonly applied in QG evaluations have been criticized for their low agreement with human judgement. We therefore propose a new reference-free evaluation metric that has the potential to provide a better mechanism for evaluating QG systems, called QAScore. Instead of fine-tuning a language model to maximize its correlation with human judgements, QAScore evaluates a question by computing the cross entropy according to the probability that the language model can correctly generate the masked words in the answer to that question. Furthermore, we conduct a new crowd-sourcing human evaluation experiment for the QG evaluation to investigate how QAScore and other metrics can correlate with human judgements. Experiments show that QAScore obtains a stronger correlation with the results of our proposed human evaluation method compared to existing traditional word-overlap-based metrics such as BLEU and ROUGE, as well as the existing pretrained-model-based metric BERTScore.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, 7 table

    Improving document-level sentiment analysis with user and product context

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    Past work that improves document-level sentiment analysis by encoding user and product information has been limited to considering only the text of the current review. We investigate incorporating additional review text available at the time of sentiment prediction that may prove meaningful for guiding prediction. Firstly, we incorporate all available historical review text belonging to the author of the review in question. Secondly, we investigate the inclusion of historical reviews associated with the current product (written by other users). We achieve this by explicitly storing representations of reviews written by the same user and about the same product and force the model to memorize all reviews for one particular user and product. Additionally, we drop the hierarchical architecture used in previous work to enable words in the text to directly attend to each other. Experiment results on IMDB, Yelp 2013 and Yelp 2014 datasets show improvement to state-of-the-art of more than 2 percentage points in the best case

    Is a video worth n × n Images? A highly efficient approach to transformer-based video question answering

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    Conventional Transformer-based Video Question Answering (VideoQA) approaches generally encode frames independently through one or more image encoders followed by interaction between frames and question. However, such schema incur significant memory use and inevitably slow down the training and inference speed. In this work, we present a highly efficient approach for VideoQA based on existing vision-language pre-trained models where we concatenate video frames to a n × n matrix and then convert it to one image. By doing so, we reduce the use of the image encoder from n 2 to 1 while maintaining the temporal structure of the original video. Experimental results on MSRVTT and TrafficQA show that our proposed approach achieves state-of-theart performance with nearly 4× faster speed and only 30% memory use. We show that by integrating our approach into VideoQA systems we can achieve comparable, even superior, performance with a significant speed up for training and inference. We believe the proposed approach can facilitate VideoQA-related research by reducing the computational requirements for those who have limited access to budgets and resources. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/lyuchenyang/ Efficient-VideoQA for research use

    Dialogue-to-Video Retrieval

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    Recent years have witnessed an increasing amount of dialogue/conversation on the web especially on social media. That inspires the development of dialogue-based retrieval, in which retrieving videos based on dialogue is of increasing interest for recommendation systems. Different from other video retrieval tasks, dialogue-to-video retrieval uses structured queries in the form of user-generated dialogue as the search descriptor. We present a novel dialogue-to-video retrieval system, incorporating structured conversational information. Experiments conducted on the AVSD dataset show that our proposed approach using plain-text queries improves over the previous counterpart model by 15.8% on R@1. Furthermore, our approach using dialogue as a query, improves retrieval performance by 4.2%, 6.2%, 8.6% on R@1, R@5 and R@10 and outperforms the state-of-the-art model by 0.7%, 3.6% and 6.0% on R@1, R@5 and R@10 respectively

    On the Cultural Gap in Text-to-Image Generation

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    One challenge in text-to-image (T2I) generation is the inadvertent reflection of culture gaps present in the training data, which signifies the disparity in generated image quality when the cultural elements of the input text are rarely collected in the training set. Although various T2I models have shown impressive but arbitrary examples, there is no benchmark to systematically evaluate a T2I model's ability to generate cross-cultural images. To bridge the gap, we propose a Challenging Cross-Cultural (C3) benchmark with comprehensive evaluation criteria, which can assess how well-suited a model is to a target culture. By analyzing the flawed images generated by the Stable Diffusion model on the C3 benchmark, we find that the model often fails to generate certain cultural objects. Accordingly, we propose a novel multi-modal metric that considers object-text alignment to filter the fine-tuning data in the target culture, which is used to fine-tune a T2I model to improve cross-cultural generation. Experimental results show that our multi-modal metric provides stronger data selection performance on the C3 benchmark than existing metrics, in which the object-text alignment is crucial. We release the benchmark, data, code, and generated images to facilitate future research on culturally diverse T2I generation (https://github.com/longyuewangdcu/C3-Bench).Comment: Equal contribution: Bingshuai Liu and Longyue Wang. Work done while Bingshuai Liu and Chengyang Lyu were interning at Tencent AI Lab. Zhaopeng Tu is the corresponding autho

    Document-Level Machine Translation with Large Language Models

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    Large language models (LLMs) such as Chat-GPT can produce coherent, cohesive, relevant, and fluent answers for various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Taking document-level machine translation (MT) as a testbed, this paper provides an in-depth evaluation of LLMs' ability on discourse modeling. The study fo-cuses on three aspects: 1) Effects of Discourse-Aware Prompts, where we investigate the impact of different prompts on document-level translation quality and discourse phenomena; 2) Comparison of Translation Models, where we compare the translation performance of Chat-GPT with commercial MT systems and advanced document-level MT methods; 3) Analysis of Discourse Modelling Abilities, where we further probe discourse knowledge encoded in LLMs and examine the impact of training techniques on discourse modeling. By evaluating a number of benchmarks, we surprisingly find that 1) leveraging their powerful long-text mod-eling capabilities, ChatGPT outperforms commercial MT systems in terms of human evaluation. 2) GPT-4 demonstrates a strong ability to explain discourse knowledge, even through it may select incorrect translation candidates in contrastive testing. 3) ChatGPT and GPT-4 have demonstrated superior performance and show potential to become a new and promising paradigm for document-level translation. This work highlights the challenges and opportunities of discourse modeling for LLMs, which we hope can inspire the future design and evaluation of LLMs