21 research outputs found

    Single-Electron Electronics

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    Contains table of contents for Section 2, research goals and objectives, summary of recent work and a list of publications.Joint Services Electronics Program Grant DAAL04-95-1-0038U.S. Army Research Office Grant DAAH04-94-G-011

    Artificial Atoms

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    Contains research goals and objectives, reports on six research projects and a list of publications.Joint Services Electronics Program Contract DAAL03-92-C-0001Joint Services Electronics Program Grant DAAH04-95-1-0038National Science Foundation Grant ECS 92-0342

    What EU policy framework do we need to sustain High Nature Value (HNV) farming and biodiversity? Policy Paper prepared in the framework of HNV-Link (project funded by the H2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement no 696391)

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    This policy paper builds upon the work carried out in the framework of HNV-Link (H2020 Project, 2016-2019, www.hnvlink.eu), a thematic multi-actor network on High Nature Value (HNV) Farming involving 13 partners from 10 European countries. The goal of this network is to support HNV farming systems by inspiring and sharing innovations/practices that improve their socio-economic viability while preserving their ecological value and the public services they provide. HNV-Link informs policymakers and authorities at the European and national levels of the main policy stakes around HNV farming, and to recommend adjustments of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and other policies in order to adequately support HNV farming, the territories in which they are embedded, and the communities that depend on them. In Europe, farmers operate within a complex and constraining environment and policy/regulatory framework, including income support and rural development measures of the CAP, but also the numerous regulations related to agriculture, food hygiene/safety, animal health/welfare, environment protection, and climate change. This framework can provide farms with incentives or on the contrary, hinder their development, and it has consequently a major influence on their economic viability and the survival of the communities depending on farming. This institutional framework was designed to deal mainly with the problems that intensive farms face. Far less weight has been placed on designing and implementing policies adapted to the needs of HNV farms, i.e. those low-intensity farms which rely on and safeguard a rich biodiversity and associated ecosystem services made up of a variety of habitats and landscapes elements. Hence, there is a need for a creative yet thoughtful design and implementation of adapted policy measures

    Silicon Electronic Photonic Integrated Circuits for High Speed Analog to Digital Conversion

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    Abstract: Integrated optical components on the silicon platform and optically enhanced electronic sampling circuits are demonstrated that enable the fabrication of a variety of electronic-photonic A/D converter chips surpassing currently available technology in sampling speed and resolution

    Wybrane elementy chemicznej i mikrobiologicznej charakterystyki pasz objetosciowych zebranych z terenow powodziowych w wojewodztwie torunskim

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    W wyniku lipcowej powodzi 1997 r. w województwie toruńskim zalane zostały znaczne obszary łąk nadwiślańskich. W zebranej z nich po powodzi zielonce i sianie nie stwierdzono mikrobiologicznego czynnika chorobotwórczego w postaci pałeczek Salmonella i paciorkowców chorobotwórczych. Sianokiszonka zawierała natomiast niezgodną z polską normą ilość Clostridium perfringens i z tego powodu nie powinna być stosowana w żywieniu zwierząt. W składzie chemicznym pasz stwierdzono znaczne odchylenia w stosunku do norm w zawartości makro- i mikroskładników. Najgorszym składem w tym zakresie charakteryzowała się sianokiszonka. Z uwagi na to, że badania miały tylko jednorazowy, związany z powodzią charakter, nie można stwierdzić, że niewłaściwy skład chemiczny pasz uwarunkowany był tylko tym czynnikiem. Skład ten oraz obecność Clostridium perfringens związane mogły być, obok podtopienia, ze złą technologią zbioru, a także z niekorzystnym wpływem siedliska.Large Vistula riverside meadow areas were flooded in the Toruń province in July 1997. No pathogenic factors, such as Salmonella rods and pathogenic streptococcus were found in green fodder and hay collected after the flood, however haylage contained Clostridium perfringens in the amounts in disagreement with the Polish standard, and therefore it should not be used for animal feeding. Substantial deflections from normal macro- and microelement contents of the fodder were noted. The composition of haylage was found the worse. The studies were carried out just once, only because of flood, thus it may be speculated whether improper chemical composition of fodders was caused exclusively by this factor. However, aside from the flooding, the composition of fodder and the occurrence of Clostridium perfringens could be also connected with improper harvest technology and unfavourable site effect

    Zmiany histopatologiczne w mięśniu piersiowym powierzchniowym bażantów ( Phasinus colchicus ; Phasinus c. Mongolicus)

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    The aim of investigation was the frequency of histopathological changes of the m. pectoralis superficialis of game and Mongolian pheasants of different ages. The samples for analyze from pectoral muscle were taken after bird slaughter immediately at 12, 16 and 20 weeks of age. Then with from the samples made the histological slides and stained with H + E coloring method to visualize of the muscle tissue structure. The muscle structure analysis was conducted per area 1.5 mm2 with the following histopathological changes: atrophy, shape changes, giant fibers, necrosis, hyaline degeneration, splitting, connective tissue hypertrophy and inflammatory. There was a small frequency of histopathological changes in both pheasant varieties. The most histopathological changes ware observed atrophy and changes of fiber shape. Other changes were sporadic. The connective tissue hypertrophy and inflammatory infiltration were not observed in any individuals. Mongolian pheasants found slightly higher frequency of histopathological changes, but these differences were not statistically significant. Considering the above facts, it can be stated that m. pectoralis superficialis both varieties of pheasants because of the small number of histopathological changes observed in their structure and their nutritional value are valuable raw materials for the high-quality food production

    AND TABAT Theory and Experimental Results of a New Diamond Surface-Emission Cathode nikolay n. efremow, jr. is an assistant staff member in the Submicrometer Technology group, where he fabricates and characterizes diamond emitters for flat-panel displays.

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    ■ A new electron-emission mechanism combines the enhanced electric field of a triple junction at the intersection of metal and diamond interfaces in vacuum with the negative electron affinity (NEA) of the diamond surface. This new surface-emission mechanism is compared to two common cathode mechanisms—geometric electric-field enhancement and Schottky-diode electricfield enhancement with an NEA semiconductor. Unlike these two mechanisms, in which electrons tunnel from metal into vacuum or into the conduction band of an NEA semiconductor, in our mechanism electrons tunnel from metal into surface states at the interface of an NEA semiconductor and a vacuum. Once in these states, the electrons are accelerated to sufficient energies to be emitted from the surface into vacuum. New cathodes designed to maximize the surface-emission mechanism exhibit improved consistency and reduced operating voltage when compared to cathodes that use other mechanisms. Gated surface-emission cathodes emit measurable current densities greater than 10 –6 A m –2 at gate voltages of 3 to 4 V