96 research outputs found

    Pseudonym systems

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (p. 50-52).by Anna Lysyanskaya.S.M

    Practical and Provably Secure Onion Routing

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    In an onion routing protocol, messages travel through several intermediaries before arriving at their destinations; they are wrapped in layers of encryption (hence they are called "onions"). The goal is to make it hard to establish who sent the message. It is a practical and widespread tool for creating anonymous channels. For the standard adversary models - passive and active - we present practical and provably secure onion routing protocols. Akin to Tor, in our protocols each party independently chooses the routing paths for his onions. For security parameter lambda, our differentially private solution for the active adversary takes O(log^2 lambda) rounds and requires every participant to transmit O(log^{4} lambda) onions in every round

    On the Complexity of Anonymous Communication Through Public Networks

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    Onion routing is the most widely used approach to anonymous communication online. The idea is that Alice wraps her message to Bob in layers of encryption to form an "onion," and routes it through a series of intermediaries. Each intermediary's job is to decrypt ("peel") the onion it receives to obtain instructions for where to send it next, and what to send. The intuition is that, by the time it gets to Bob, the onion will have mixed with so many other onions, that its origin will be hard to trace even for an adversary that observes the entire network and controls a fraction of the participants, possibly including Bob. In spite of its widespread use in practice, until now no onion routing protocol was known that simultaneously achieved, in the presence of an active adversary that observes all network traffic and controls a constant fraction of the participants, (a) fault-tolerance, where even if a few of the onions are dropped, the protocol still delivers the rest; (b) reasonable communication and computational complexity as a function of the security parameter and the number of participants; and (c) anonymity. In this paper, we give the first onion routing protocol that meets these goals: our protocol (a) tolerates a polylogarithmic (in the security parameter) number of dropped onions and still delivers the rest; (b) requires a polylogarithmic number of rounds and a polylogarithmic number of onions sent per participant per round; and (c) achieves anonymity. We also show that to achieve anonymity in a fault-tolerant fashion via onion routing, this number of onions and rounds is necessary. Of independent interest, our analysis introduces two new security properties of onion routing -- mixing and equalizing -- and we show that together they imply anonymity

    Security Analysis of RSA-BSSA

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    In a blind signature scheme, a user can obtain a digital signature on a message of her choice without revealing anything about the message or the resulting signature to the signer. Blind signature schemes have recently found applications for privacy-preserving web browsing and ad ecosystems, and as such, are ripe for standardization. In this paper, we show that the recent proposed standard of Denis, Jacobs and Wood [18, 17] constitutes a strongly one-more-unforgeable blind signature scheme in the random-oracle model under the one-more-RSA assumption. Fur- ther, we show that the blind version of RSA-FDH proposed and analyzed by Bellare, Namprempre, Pointcheval and Semanko [6] does not satisfy blindness when the public key is chosen maliciously, but satisfies a weaker notion of a blind token

    Efficient Revocation of Anonymous Group Membership

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    An accumulator scheme, introduced be Benaloh and de Mare and further studied by Baric̈ and Pfitzmann, is an algorithm that allows to hash a large set of inputs into one short value, called the \textit{accumulator}, such that there is a short witness that a given input was incorporated into the accumulator. We put forward the notion of \textit{dynamic accumulators}, i.e., a method that allows to dynamically add and delete inputs from the accumulator, such that the cost of an add or delete is independent on the number of accumulated values. We achieve this under the strong RSA assumption. For this construction, we also show an efficient zero-knowledge protocol for proving that a committed value is in the accumulator. In turn, our construction of dynamic accumulator enables efficient membership revocation in the anonymous setting. This method applies to membership revocation in group signature schemes, such as the one due to Ateniese et al., and efficient revocation of credentials in anonymous credential systems, such as the one due to Camenisch and Lysyanskaya. Using our method, allowing revocation does not alter the complexity of any operations of the underlying schemes. In particular, the cost of a group signature verification or credential showing increases by only a small constant factor, less than 2. All previously known methods (such as the ones due to Bresson and Stern and Ateniese and Tsudik incurred an increase in these costs that was linear in the number of members

    Cryptographic Shallots: A Formal Treatment of Repliable Onion Encryption

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    Onion routing is a popular, efficient and scalable method for enabling anonymous communications. To send a message m to Bob via onion routing, Alice picks several intermediaries, wraps m in multiple layers of encryption — one per intermediary — and sends the resulting “onion” to the first intermediary. Each intermediary “peels” a layer of encryption and learns the identity of the next entity on the path and what to send along; finally Bob learns that he is the recipient, and recovers the message m. Despite its wide use in the real world (e.g., Tor, Mixminion), the foundations of onion routing have not been thoroughly studied. In particular, although two-way communication is needed in most instances, such as anonymous Web browsing, or anonymous access to a resource, until now no definitions or provably secure constructions have been given for two-way onion routing. In this paper, we propose an ideal functionality for a repliable onion encryption scheme and provide a construction that UC-realizes it

    Symmetric and Dual PRFs from Standard Assumptions: A Generic Validation of an HMAC Assumption

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    The security of HMAC is proven under the assumption that its compression function is a dual PRF, meaning a PRF when keyed by either of its two inputs. But, not only do we not know whether particular compression functions really are dual PRFs, we do not know if dual PRFs even exist. What if the goal is impossible? This paper addresses this with a foundational treatment of dual PRFs, giving constructions based on standard assumptions. This provides what we call a generic validation of the dual PRF assumption for HMAC. Our approach is to introduce and construct symmetric PRFs, which imply dual PRFs and may be of independent interest. We give a general construction of a symmetric PRF based on a function having a weak form of collision resistance coupled with a leakage hardcore function, a strengthening of the usual notion of hardcore functions we introduce. We instantiate this general construction in two ways to obtain a symmetric and dual PRF assuming (1) Any collision-resistant hash function, or (2) Any one-way permutation. A construction based on any one-way function evades us and is left as an intriguing open problem

    Anonymous Credentials Light

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    We define and propose an efficient and provably secure construction of blind signatures with attributes. Prior notions of blind signatures did not yield themselves to the construction of anonymous credential systems, not even if we drop the unlinkability requirement of anonymous credentials. Our new notion in contrast is a convenient building block for anonymous credential systems. The construction we propose is efficient: it requires just a few exponentiations in a prime-order group in which the decisional Diffie-Hellman problem is hard. Thus, for the first time, we give a provably secure construction of anonymous credentials that can work in the elliptic group setting without bilinear pairings. In contrast, prior provably secure constructions were based on the RSA group or on groups with pairings, which made them prohibitively inefficient for mobile devices, RFIDs and smartcards. The only prior efficient construction that could work in such elliptic curve groups, due to Brands, does not have a proof of security