38 research outputs found

    Anstöße zur linguistischen textanalyse

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    Abstract. The paper proposes a scheme of comprehensive text analysis that can be a model as one of the possible options for working with students of IV and V courses of study on specialty “German Language and Literature” as the main or second foreign language and their preparation for exams. The basic concepts and categories of linguistic analysis from the point of view of such disciplines as German language stylistics, text linguistics, cognitive linguistics and literature of Germany as well as the steps of work on literary text are given. Special attention is paid to consideration the basic theoretical principles of linguistic analysis and its application in practice. Taking that into consideration, an analysis of an excerpt from “Effi Briest” novel by Theodor Fontane, a famous German writer of the poetic realism era. The selected text passage is being analyzed in accordance with the scheme proposed by the author that provides for the definition of the genre and functional style based on certain criteria, characteristics of the era and the writer’s course of life. An important element in bells lettres is the means of expressing the author’s position (auktorial narrator in the form of a third party (auktorialer Erzähler), the narrator in the form of “I”(personaler Erzähler) ‒ with consideration of possible genre variations) and time-spatial relationship that manifests itself in two ways ‒ real-time artistic reality of the characters and time that is necessary for the recipient to understand this reality. Semantic integrity of the text is reproduced on the basis of cohesive and coherent communication means. To cohesive (surface) ones belongs a number of lexical (different types of repetitions, hyper-hyponymy, synonyms, antonyms, etc.), stylistic (functional and stylistic belonging, figurative comparisons, parallelisms, periphrases, etc.) and grammatical(substitution, recurrence, pro-forms, ellipses, hypotaxis, parataxis etc.) means. Under coherent ones we understand internal semantic relations in the text. They are always implicit, imaginary, unspoken,associative. The role of conceptual links for coherence of the text is shown

    Innovation in German Political Discourse

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    У статті висвітлено мовні інновації сучасної німецької мови, які є засобами поповнення політичного дискурсу. Розкрито суть поняття "неологізм", виокремлено корпус неологізмів основних концептуальних рядів, проаналізовано їх специфіку та інтерконцептуальні зв’язки. The article studies the language innovations of Modern German which are the means of enriching the political discourse. The notion "neologism" is explained as well as the main conceptual rows are singled out and analyzed their specific Character and interconceptual ties

    Linguopragmatic and cognitive features of the deixis implementation in the english fiction by Mark Twain

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    Deictics as linguistic entities refers to the communicative situation associated with the utterance, and is viewed in a coordinate system, where the reference point is the 'I-here-now' pattern. Basically, both linguopragmatic and cognitive features of the implementation of deixis in communication lie in the attitude of the producer and the recipient to the text

    Language as an exponent of social identity: sociolinguistic markers of communication

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    The article brings up a question of social markedness of speech in German-speaking communication. On the basis of theoretical works of such German scientists as R. Geißler, H. Löffler, Werner H. Veith et al., the trends of sociolinguistics as a science are shown, scientific literature on the social nature of language and on the interaction of language with external factors is examined. Basic models of structural differentiation of society are arranged based on external criteria and values guidelines. The dependence of linguistic markedness on social structure is shown. Attention is focused on “Code-switching”, i.e. the ability of the speaker to change his/her vocabulary if necessary, depending on where and among whom the process of communication is occurring. It is established that it is important for the speaker to learn to communicate in accordance with those regulatory requirements that correspond to the communication situation taking into consideration the time and place of occurrence of the interaction and the status of the interlocutors. Successful communication implies linguistic competence

    Основна іноземна мова: програма нормативної навчальної дисципліни

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    Предметом вивчення навчальної дисципліни є усне і писемне мовлення, фонетичні і граматичні особливості сучасної німецької мови, знання яких дає можливість формувати лінгвістичну компетенцію студентів.Програма навчальної дисципліни «Основна іноземна мова», складена відповідно до освітньо-професійної програми підготовки магістра спеціальності 035 Філологія (Мова і література (німецька). Переклад.)


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    The article proves the demand of global integration in development of innovation process. In the article it has been assessed modern position of Ukraine in European program of innovation exchange between countries. Modern European Corporation in program of innovation cooperation has been analyzing. The basic areas of Ukrainian innovation potential are defined

    Основна іноземна мова: програма нормативної навчальної дисципліни

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    Предметом вивчення навчальної дисципліни є усне і писемне мовлення, фонетичні і граматичні особливості сучасної німецької мови, знання яких дає можливість формувати лінгвістичну компетенцію студентів.Програма навчальної дисципліни «Основна іноземна мова», складена відповідно до освітньо-професійної програми підготовки магістра спеціальності 014 Середня освіта (Мова і література (німецька))