126 research outputs found

    Low-Frequency Heroin Injection among Out-of-Treatment, Street-Recruited Injection Drug Users

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    In this paper, we explore the understudied phenomenon of "low-frequency" heroin injection in a sample of street-recruited heroin injectors not in drug treatment. We conducted a cross-sectional study of 2,410 active injection drug users (IDUs) recruited in San Francisco, California from 2000 to 2005. We compare the sociodemographic characteristics and injection risk behaviors of low-frequency heroin injectors (low-FHI; one to 10 self-reported heroin injections in the past 30 days) to high-frequency heroin injectors (high-FHI; 30 or more self-reported heroin injections in the past 30 days). Fifteen percent of the sample met criteria for low-FHI. African American race, men who have sex with men (MSM) behavior, and injection and noninjection methamphetamine use were independently associated with low-FHI. Compared to high-FHI, low-FHI were less likely to report syringe sharing and nonfatal heroin overdose. A small but significant proportion of heroin injectors inject heroin 10 or less times per month. Additional research is needed to qualitatively examine low-frequency heroin injection and its relationship to drug use trajectories

    Health and Oral Health Care Needs and Health Care-Seeking Behavior Among Homeless Injection Drug Users in San Francisco

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    Few existing studies have examined health and oral health needs and treatment-seeking behavior among the homeless and injection drug users (IDUs). This paper describes the prevalence and correlates of health and oral health care needs and treatment-seeking behaviors in homeless IDUs recruited in San Francisco, California, from 2003 to 2005 (N = 340). We examined sociodemographic characteristics, drug use patterns, HIV status via oral fluid testing, physical health using the Short Form 12 Physical Component Score, self-reported needs for physical and oral health care, and the self-reported frequency of seeking medical and oral health care. The sample had a lower health status as compared to the general population and reported a frequent need for physical and oral health care. In bivariate analysis, being in methadone treatment was associated with care-seeking behavior. In addition, being enrolled in Medi-Cal, California’s state Medicaid program, was associated with greater odds of seeking physical and oral health care. Methamphetamine use was not associated with higher odds of needing oral health care as compared to people who reported using other illicit drugs. Homeless IDUs in San Francisco have a large burden of unmet health and oral health needs. Recent cuts in Medi-Cal’s adult dental coverage may result in a greater burden of oral health care which will need to be provided by emergency departments and neighborhood dental clinics

    Segmentation of change in surface geometry analysis for cultural heritage applications

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    This work proposes a change-based segmentation method for applications to cultural heritage (CH) imaging to perform monitoring and assess changes at each surface point. It can be used as a support or component of the 3D sensors to analyze surface geometry changes. In this research, we proposed a new method to identify surface changes employing segmentation based on 3D geometrical data acquired at different time intervals. The geometrical comparison was performed by calculating point-to-point Euclidean distances for each pair of surface points between the target and source geometry models. Four other methods for local distance measurement were proposed and tested. In the segmentation method, we analyze the local histograms of the distances between the measuring points of the source and target models. Then the parameters of these histograms are determined, and predefined classes are assigned to target surface points. The proposed methodology was evaluated by considering two different case studies of restoration issues on CH surfaces and monitoring them over time. The results were presented with a colormap visualization for each category of the detected change in the analysis. The proposed segmentation method will help in the field of conservation and restoration for the documentation and quantification of geometrical surface change information. This analysis can help in decision-making for the assessment of damage and potential prevention of further damage, and the interpretation of measurement results