3,706 research outputs found

    Setting Goals in Different Roles: Applying Key Results From the Goal-Setting Literature

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    Decades of research have demonstrated that managers can effect substantial performance improvements by setting challenging and specific performance goals (Locke & Latham, 2002), providing goal-relevant feedback on a regular basis (Karakowsky & Mann, 2008), and, when appropriate, involving subordinates in goal setting (Stansfield & Longenecker, 2006). This article reviews core findings from the goal setting literature, and presents a collaborative exercise in which teams of students apply these findings to address management problems in five fictitious scenarios. Debriefing tips cite additional research evidence to allow for more nuanced classroom discussion of goal setting. A pretest indicated that prior to completing the goal-setting exercise, only a minority of students had a strong intuitive sense of how to set effective goals; a posttest following its completion demonstrated substantial improvement. Students rated the exercise as both challenging and effective in improving their knowledge of goal setting

    Students\u27 Response to Ethical Dilemmas

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    The teaching of ethics in hospitality curricula is an important part of students’ overall education. Past research has indicated that college students are generally as ethically aware as their professional counterparts. The authors replicated a study by Damitio and Schmidgall (1993) in which over 700 college students were asked if they agreed with decisions in 15 hypothetical scenarios. Students were also asked if the decisions were in fact ethical. Results are reported. The authors use these results as further evidence that ethical awareness in hospitality students needs to be raised. There does not appear to be any change in students’ ethical awareness since the original study in the early 1990s. A discussion of the direction ethics education might take follows. Implications for hospitality curricula and hospitality students are analyzed. A course of action is recommende

    Quantifying the sensitivity of simulated climate change to model configuration

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Climatic Change 3-4 (2009): 275-298, doi:10.1007/s10584-008-9494-x.This study used “factor separation” to quantify the sensitivity of simulated present and future surface temperatures and precipitation to alternative regional climate model physics components. The method enables a quantitative isolation of the effects of using each physical component as well as the combined effect of two or more components. Simulation results are presented from eight versions of the Mesoscale Modeling System Version 5 (MM5), one-way nested within one version of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies Atmosphere-Ocean Global Climate Model (GISS AOGCM). The MM5 simulations were made at 108 km grid spacing over the continental United States for five summers in the 1990s and 2050s. Results show that the choice of cumulus convection parameterization is the most important “factor” in the simulation of contemporary surface summer temperatures and precipitation over both the western and eastern United States. The choice of boundary layer scheme and radiation package also increases the range of model simulation results. Moreover, the alternative configurations give quite different results for surface temperature and precipitation in the 2050s. For example, simulated 2050s surface temperatures by the scheme with the coolest 1990s surface temperatures are comparable to 1990s temperatures produced by other schemes. The study analyzes the spatial distribution of 1990s to 2050s projected changes in the surface temperature for the eight MM5 versions. The predicted surface temperature change at a given grid point, averaged over all eight model configurations, is generally about twice the standard deviation of the eight predicted changes, indicating relative consensus among the different model projections. Factor separation analysis indicates that the choice of cumulus parameterization is the most important modeling factor amongst the three tested contributing to the computed 1990s to 2050s surface temperature change, although enhanced warming over many areas is also attributable to synergistic effects of changing all three model components. Simulated ensemble mean precipitation changes, however, are very small and generally smaller than the inter-model standard deviations. The MM5 versions therefore offer little consensus regarding 1990s to 2050s changes in precipitation rates.This research was supported by Grant R828733 from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, NSF Grant ATM-0652518, NASA Grant NNX07AI93G and the NASA Climate Variability and Climate Change Programs

    Method of measuring aerosol particles using automated mobility-classified aerosol detector

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    An aerosol detection system for measuring particle number distribution with respect to particle dimension in an aerosol sample. The system includes an alternating dual-bag sampler, a radially classified differential mobility analyzer, and a condensation nucleus counter. Pressure variations in sampling are compensated by feedback control of volumetric flow rates

    FLOWERING LOCUS C -dependent and -independent regulation of the circadian clock by the autonomous and vernalization pathways

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    Background The circadian system drives pervasive biological rhythms in plants. Circadian clocks integrate endogenous timing information with environmental signals, in order to match rhythmic outputs to the local day/night cycle. Multiple signaling pathways affect the circadian system, in ways that are likely to be adaptively significant. Our previous studies of natural genetic variation in Arabidopsis thaliana accessions implicated FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) as a circadian-clock regulator. The MADS-box transcription factor FLC is best known as a regulator of flowering time. Its activity is regulated by many regulatory genes in the "autonomous" and vernalization-dependent flowering pathways. We tested whether these same pathways affect the circadian system. Results Genes in the autonomous flowering pathway, including FLC, were found to regulate circadian period in Arabidopsis. The mechanisms involved are similar, but not identical, to the control of flowering time. By mutant analyses, we demonstrate a graded effect of FLC expression upon circadian period. Related MADS-box genes had less effect on clock function. We also reveal an unexpected vernalization-dependent alteration of periodicity. Conclusion This study has aided in the understanding of FLC's role in the clock, as it reveals that the network affecting circadian timing is partially overlapping with the floral-regulatory network. We also show a link between vernalization and circadian period. This finding may be of ecological relevance for developmental programing in other plant species

    Using Decision Analysis to Improve Malaria Control Policy Making

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    Malaria and other vector-borne diseases represent a significant and growing burden in many tropical countries. Successfully addressing these threats will require policies that expand access to and use of existing control methods, such as insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) and artemesinin combination therapies (ACTs) for malaria, while weighing the costs and benefits of alternative approaches over time. This paper argues that decision analysis provides a valuable framework for formulating such policies and combating the emergence and re-emergence of malaria and other diseases. We outline five challenges that policy makers and practitioners face in the struggle against malaria, and demonstrate how decision analysis can help to address and overcome these challenges. A prototype decision analysis framework for malaria control in Tanzania is presented, highlighting the key components that a decision support tool should include. Developing and applying such a framework can promote stronger and more effective linkages between research and policy, ultimately helping to reduce the burden of malaria and other vector-borne diseases

    Comparison of Temperature Measurements in the Middle Atmosphere by Satellite with Profiles Obtained by Meteorological Rockets

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    Measurements using the inflatable falling sphere technique have occasionally been used to obtain temperature results from density data and thereby provide comparison with temperature profiles obtained by satellite sounders in the mesosphere and stratosphere. To insure density measurements within narrow time frames and close in space, the inflatable falling sphere is launched within seconds of the nearly overhead satellite pass. Sphere measurements can be used to validate remotely measured temperatures but also have the advantage of measuring small-scale atmospheric features. Even so, with the dearth of remaining falling spheres available (the manufacture of these systems has been discontinued), it may be time to consider whether the remote measurements are mature enough to stand alone. Three field studies are considered, one in 2003 from Northern Sweden, and two in 2010 from the vicinity of Kwajalein Atoll in the South Pacific and from Barking Sands, Hawaii. All three sites are used to compare temperature retrievals between satellite and in situ falling spheres. The major satellite instruments employed are SABER, MLS, and AIRS. The comparisons indicate that remotely measured temperatures mimic the sphere temperature measurements quite well. The data also confirm that satellite retrievals, while not always at the exact location required for detailed studies in space and time, compare sufficiently well to be highly useful. Although the falling sphere will provide a measurement at a specific location and time, satellites only pass a given location daily or less frequently. This report reveals that averaged satellite measurements can provide temperatures and densities comparable to those obtained from the falling sphere, thereby providing a reliable measure of global temperatur

    Universal Health Care Coverage in Massachusetts: A Follow-up on the Effects on Neurosurgical Practice

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    Background: It has been four years since the introduction of universal health care coverage in Massachusetts. Our initial assessment performed from 2007-2008 demonstrated largely positive results. Objectives: We performed a follow-up study to assess the long term financial impact of universal health care on hospital charges associated with neurosurgical operative cases at our institution. Methods: The billing records from July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010 were compared to those from 2007 and 2008. Records were analyzed for length of stay, case mix, patient age, hospital charge, reimbursement, and procedure. Results: Case volume increased by 31% and mean acuity increased from 2.3 to 3.1 (p \u3c 0.005). Hospital stays lengthened by 1 day (p \u3c 0.005). Payor mix changed over this time with Commonwealth Care and Medicaid comprising 2.9% and 12.4%, respectively, of neurosurgical inpatients; neither had significantly different acuity or lengths of stay. Despite an increase in case volume by 31% and significantly increased acuity in 2010, revenue increased 14% over early reform data. When volume was normalized, extrapolations of pre-reform and early reform coverage on current financials demonstrated that the change in payor mix alone had decreased revenue by 30% and 24%, respectively. When modifying 2010 financials by considering 2007 reimbursement rates and 2007 payor mix, these changes together resulted in a revenue reduction of 36%. Conclusions: Taken together, our data suggests that revenue associated with hospital charges for neurosurgical inpatients has decreased significantly since health care reform went into effect
