963 research outputs found

    Birth and Evolution of Isolated Radio Pulsars

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    We investigate the birth and evolution of Galactic isolated radio pulsars. We begin by estimating their birth space velocity distribution from proper motion measurements of Brisken et al. (2002, 2003). We find no evidence for multimodality of the distribution and favor one in which the absolute one-dimensional velocity components are exponentially distributed and with a three-dimensional mean velocity of 380^{+40}_{-60} km s^-1. We then proceed with a Monte Carlo-based population synthesis, modelling the birth properties of the pulsars, their time evolution, and their detection in the Parkes and Swinburne Multibeam surveys. We present a population model that appears generally consistent with the observations. Our results suggest that pulsars are born in the spiral arms, with a Galactocentric radial distribution that is well described by the functional form proposed by Yusifov & Kucuk (2004), in which the pulsar surface density peaks at radius ~3 kpc. The birth spin period distribution extends to several hundred milliseconds, with no evidence of multimodality. Models which assume the radio luminosities of pulsars to be independent of the spin periods and period derivatives are inadequate, as they lead to the detection of too many old simulated pulsars in our simulations. Dithered radio luminosities proportional to the square root of the spin-down luminosity accommodate the observations well and provide a natural mechanism for the pulsars to dim uniformly as they approach the death line, avoiding an observed pile-up on the latter. There is no evidence for significant torque decay (due to magnetic field decay or otherwise) over the lifetime of the pulsars as radio sources (~100 Myr). Finally, we estimate the pulsar birthrate and total number of pulsars in the Galaxy.Comment: 27 pages, including 15 figures, accepted by Ap

    PSR J2229+6114: Discovery of an Energetic Young Pulsar in the Error Box of the EGRET Source 3EG J2227+6122

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    We report the detection of radio and X-ray pulsations at a period of 51.6 ms from the X-ray source RX/AX J2229.0+6114 in the error box of the EGRET source 3EG J2227+6122. An ephemeris derived from a single ASCA observation and multiple epochs at 1412 MHz from Jodrell Bank indicates steady spin-down with P-dot = 7.83 x 10^(-14) s/s. From the measured P and P-dot we derive spin-down power E-dot = 2.2 x 10^(37) erg/s, magnetic field B = 2.0 x 10^(12) G, and characteristic age P/2P-dot = 10,460 yr. An image from the Chandra X-ray Observatory reveals a point source surrounded by centrally peaked diffuse emission that is contained within an incomplete radio shell. We assign the name G106.6+2.9 to this new supernova remnant, which is evidently a pulsar wind nebula. For a distance of 3 kpc estimated from X-ray absorption, the ratio of X-ray luminosity to spin-down power is ~8 x 10^(-5), smaller than that of most pulsars, but similar to the Vela pulsar. If PSR J2229+6114 is the counterpart of 3EG J2227+6122 then its efficiency of gamma-ray production, if isotropic, is 0.016 (d/3 kpc)^2. It obeys an established trend of gamma-ray efficiency among known gamma-ray pulsars which, in combination with the demonstrated absence of any other plausible counterpart for 3EG J2227+6122, makes the identification compelling. If confirmed, this identification bolsters the pulsar model for unidentified Galactic EGRET sources.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted by The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Anomalous scattering of highly dispersed pulsars

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    We report multifrequency measurements of scatter broadening times for nine highly dispersed pulsars over a wide frequency range (0.6 -- 4.9 GHz). We find the scatter broadening times to be larger than expected and to scale with frequency with an average power-law index of 3.44±0.133.44\pm 0.13, i.e. significantly less than that expected from standard theories. Such possible discrepancies have been predicted very recently by Cordes & Lazio.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Rotating Neutron Stars in a Chiral SU(3) Model

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    We study the properties of rotating neutron stars within a generalized chiral SU(3)-flavor model. The influence of the rotation on the inner structure and the hyperon matter content of the star is discussed. We calculate the Kepler frequency and moments of inertia of the neutron star sequences. An estimate for the braking index of the associated pulsars is given.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    |V|: New insight into the circular polarization of radio pulsars

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    We present a study of single pulses from nine bright northern pulsars to investigate the behaviour of circular polarisation, V. The observations were conducted with the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope at 1.41 GHz and 4.85 GHz and the Westerbork radio telescope at 352 MHz. For the first time, we present the average profile of the absolute circular polarisation |V| in the single pulses. We demonstrate that the average profile of |V| is the distinguishing feature between pulse components that exhibit low V in the single pulses and components that exhibit high V of either handedness, despite both cases resulting in a low mean. We also show that the |V| average profile remains virtually constant with frequency, which is not generally the case for V, leading us to the conclusion that |V| is a key quantity in the pulsar emission problem.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in MNRAS letter

    A Free-Electron Laser in the Pulsar Magnetosphere

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    We have studied systematically the free-electron laser in the context of high brightness pulsar radio emission. In this paper, we have numerically examined the case where a transverse electromagnetic wave is distorting the motion of a relativistic electron beam while travelling over one stellar radius (approx10:km approx 10 :{km}). For different sets of parameters, coherent emission is generated by bunches of beam electrons in the radio domain, with bandwidths of 3 GHz. Pulse power often reached 1013:W10^{13} :{W}, which corresponds with brightness temperature of 1030:K10^{30} :{K}. The duration of these pulses is of the order of nanoseconds. In the context of pulsar radio emission, our results indicate that the laser can produce elementary bursts of radiation which build up the observed microstructures of a few tens of microseconds duration. The process is sensitive mostly to the beam particles energy, number density and the background magnetic field, but much less so to the transverse wave parameters. We demonstrate that the operation of a free-electron laser with a transverse electromagnetic wiggler in the pulsar magnetosphere occurs preferably at moder ate Lorentz factors gammageq100 gamma geq 100, high beam density ngtrsim0.1ntextrmGJ(rast)n gtrsim 0.1 n_{textrm{GJ}}(r_ ast) where ntextrmGJ(rast)n_{textrm{GJ}}(r_ ast) is the Goldrei ch-Julian density at a stellar radius rastr_ ast, and finally, at large altitude where the background magnetic field is low B0leq10−2textrmTB_0 leq 10^{-2} textrm{T}.Comment: 11 pages, 25 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Coherently Dedispersed Polarimetry of Millisecond Pulsars

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    We present a large sample of high-precision, coherently-dedispersed polarization profiles of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) at frequencies between 410 and 1414 MHz. These data include the first polarimetric observations of several of the pulsars, and the first low-frequency polarization profiles for others. Our observations support previous suggestions that the pulse shapes and polarimetry of MSPs are more complex than those of their slower relatives. An immediate conclusion is that polarimetry-based classification schemes proposed for young pulsars are of only limited use when applied to millisecond pulsars.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures. Text matches version that appeared in ApJS. Full paper with high-resolution figures available at ftp://ftp.jb.man.ac.uk/pub/psr/papers/msppolpton.ps.g

    Application of the Gaussian mixture model in pulsar astronomy -- pulsar classification and candidates ranking for {\it Fermi} 2FGL catalog

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    Machine learning, algorithms to extract empirical knowledge from data, can be used to classify data, which is one of the most common tasks in observational astronomy. In this paper, we focus on Bayesian data classification algorithms using the Gaussian mixture model and show two applications in pulsar astronomy. After reviewing the Gaussian mixture model and the related Expectation-Maximization algorithm, we present a data classification method using the Neyman-Pearson test. To demonstrate the method, we apply the algorithm to two classification problems. Firstly, it is applied to the well known period-period derivative diagram, where we find that the pulsar distribution can be modeled with six Gaussian clusters, with two clusters for millisecond pulsars (recycled pulsars) and the rest for normal pulsars. From this distribution, we derive an empirical definition for millisecond pulsars as P˙10−17≀3.23(P100ms)−2.34\frac{\dot{P}}{10^{-17}} \leq3.23(\frac{P}{100 \textrm{ms}})^{-2.34}. The two millisecond pulsar clusters may have different evolutionary origins, since the companion stars to these pulsars in the two clusters show different chemical composition. Four clusters are found for normal pulsars. Possible implications for these clusters are also discussed. Our second example is to calculate the likelihood of unidentified \textit{Fermi} point sources being pulsars and rank them accordingly. In the ranked point source list, the top 5% sources contain 50% known pulsars, the top 50% contain 99% known pulsars, and no known active galaxy (the other major population) appears in the top 6%. Such a ranked list can be used to help the future follow-up observations for finding pulsars in unidentified \textit{Fermi} point sources.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Spinning down newborn neutron stars: nonlinear development of the r-mode instability

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    We model the nonlinear saturation of the r-mode instability via three-mode couplings and the effects of the instability on the spin evolution of young neutron stars. We include one mode triplet consisting of the r-mode and two near resonant inertial modes that couple to it. We find that the spectrum of evolutions is more diverse than previously thought. The evolution of the star is dynamic and initially dominated by fast neutrino cooling. Nonlinear effects become important when the r-mode amplitude grows above its first parametric instability threshold. The balance between neutrino cooling and viscous heating plays an important role in the evolution. Depending on the initial r-mode amplitude, and on the strength of the viscosity and of the cooling this balance can occur at different temperatures. If thermal equilibrium occurs on the r-mode stability curve, where gravitational driving equals viscous damping, the evolution may be adequately described by a one-mode model. Otherwise, nonlinear effects are important and lead to various more complicated scenarios. Once thermal balance occurs, the star spins-down oscillating between thermal equilibrium states until the instability is no longer active. For lower viscosity we observe runaway behavior in which the r-mode amplitude passes several parametric instability thresholds. In this case more modes need to be included to model the evolution accurately. In the most optimistic case, we find that gravitational radiation from the r-mode instability in a very young, fast spinning neutron star within about 1 Mpc of Earth may be detectable by advanced LIGO for years, and perhaps decades, after formation. Details regarding the amplitude and duration of the emission depend on the internal dissipation of the modes of the star, which would be probed by such detections.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, 1 table. Submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Detectability discussion expanded. Includes referee inpu

    Toward An Empirical Theory of Pulsar Emission. VII. On the Spectral Behavior of Conal Beam Radii and Emission Heights

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    In this paper we return to the old problem of conal component-pair widths and profile dimensions. Observationally, we consider a set of 10 pulsars with prominent conal component pairs, for which well measured profiles exist over the largest frequency range now possible. Apart from some tendency to narrow at high frequency, the conal components exhibit almost constant widths. We use all three profile measures, the component separation as well as the outside half-power and 10% widths, to determine conal beam radii, which are the focus of our subsequent analysis. These radii at different frequencies are well fitted by a relationship introduced by Thorsett (1991), but the resulting parameters are highly correlated. Three different types of behavior are found: one group of stars exhibits a continuous variation of beam radius which can be extrapolated down to the stellar surface along the ``last open field lines''; a second group exhibits beam radii which asymptotically approach a minimum high frequency value that is 3--5 times larger; and a third set shows almost no spectral change in beam radius at all. The first two behaviors are associated with outer-cone component pairs; whereas the constant separation appears to reflect inner-cone emission.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal, uses aaste
