735 research outputs found

    Singing with the Muses: new paths into ancient Mousikē

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    This article offers an overview of a variety of paths that can be followed to investigate the rich and multifaceted world of the ancient 'art of the muses', highlighting the value that different perspectives bring to the study of ancient mousikē and its development as a discipline. In other words, this article is a methodological piece in the etymological sense of the term. It is a written logos that illustrates different methodoi—a number of 'paths' (hodoi) that lead us through (meth') the world of ancient greek music and reveal different, but complementary, aspects of this complex reality. Given that the historical dimension of these important issues has been discussed elsewhere, this article explores the productive interplay of different dimensions through the lens of my own research journey. In particular, we shall see how the interplay of insights offered by ancient philosophy, literature and musical theory, combined with the practical evidence preserved by the greek musical documents and material culture, shows that we need to develop a flexible and multi-faceted approach to the study of ancient mousikē in order to try to recapture some of its defining features. The final sections of this article include a number of case studies that show how new tools developed in the area of digital humanities have great potential for the study of ancient music. Some of these materials, including modern performances of ancient musical scores as well as 3d reconstructions of ancient instruments such as the louvre aulos, are showcased on a new dedicated website, emousike.com.Este artigo oferece uma visão geral de uma variedade de caminhos que podem ser seguidos para investigar o mundo rico e multifacetado da antiga 'arte das musas', destacando o valor que diferentes perspectivas trazem para o estudo da mousikē antiga e seu desenvolvimento como disciplina. Em outras palavras, este artigo é uma peça metodológica no sentido etimológico do termo. É um logos escrito que ilustra diferentes methodoi – uma série de 'caminhos' (hodoi) que nos conduzem através (meth') do mundo da música grega antiga e revelam as- pectos diferentes, mas complementares, dessa complexa realidade. Dado que a dimensão histórica dessas questões importantes foi discutida em outro lugar, este artigo explora a interação produtiva de diferentes dimen- sões através das lentes de minha própria jornada de pesquisa. Em particular, veremos como a interação de percepções oferecidas pela filosofia antiga, lite- ratura e teoria musical, combinada com a evidência prática preservada pelos documentos musicais gregos e pela cultura material, mostra que precisamos desenvolver uma abordagem flexível e multifacetada para o estudo da antiga mousikē para tentar recapturar algumas de suas características definidoras. As seções finais deste artigo incluem uma série de estudos de caso que mostram como novas ferramentas desenvolvidas na área de humanidades digitais têm grande potencial para o estudo da música antiga. Alguns desses materiais, in- cluindo performances modernas de partituras musicais antigas, bem como re- construções 3d de instrumentos antigos, como os aulos do louvre, são exibidos em um novo site dedicado, emousike.com

    Demonstration of ThGEM-multiwire hybrid charge readout for directional dark matter searches

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    Sensitivities of current directional dark matter search detectors using gas time projection chambers are now constrained by target mass. A ton-scale gas TPC detector will require large charge readout areas. We present a first demonstration of a novel ThGEM-Multiwire hybrid charge readout technology which combines the robust nature and high gas gain of Thick Gaseous Electron Multipliers with lower capacitive noise of a one-plane multiwire charge readout in SF6 target gas. Measurements performed with this hybrid detector show an ion drift velocity of 139 ± 12 ms−1 in a reduced drift field E/N of 93 Td (10−17 V cm2) at a gas gain of 2470±160 in 20 Torr of pure SF6 target gas

    Healthy lifestyle is associated with reduced cardiovascular disease, depression and mortality in people at elevated risk of sleep apnea

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    OnlinePublWe assessed: (1) the independent and joint association of obstructive sleep apnea risk and healthy lifestyle with common consequences (excessive daytime sleepiness, depression, cardiovascular disease and stroke) of obstructive sleep apnea; and (2) the effect of healthy lifestyle on survival in people with increased obstructive sleep apnea risk. Data from 13,694 adults (median age 46 years; 50% men) were used for cross-sectional and survival analyses (mortality over 15 years). A healthy lifestyle score with values from 0 (most unhealthy) to 5 (most healthy) was determined based on diet, alcohol intake, physical activity, smoking and body mass index. In the crosssectional analysis, obstructive sleep apnea risk was positively associated with all chronic conditions and excessive daytime sleepiness in a dose–response manner (p for trend < 0.001). The healthy lifestyle was inversely associated with all chronic conditions (p for trend < 0.001) but not with excessive daytime sleepiness (p for trend = 0.379). Higher healthy lifestyle score was also associated with reduced odds of depression and cardiovascular disease. We found an inverse relationship between healthy lifestyle score with depression (p for trend < 0.001), cardiovascular disease (p for trend = 0.003) and stroke (p for trend = 0.025) among those who had high obstructive sleep apnea risk. In the survival analysis, we found an inverse association between healthy lifestyle and all-cause mortality for all categories of obstructive sleep apnea risk (moderate/high- and high-risk groups [p for trend < 0.001]). This study emphasises the crucial role of a healthy lifestyle in mitigating the effects of obstructive sleep apnea risk in individuals with an elevated obstructive sleep apnea risk.Yohannes Adama Melaku, Sarah Appleton, Amy C. Reynolds, Roger L. Milne, Brigid M. Lynch, Danny J. Eckert, Robert Adam

    Demonstration of radon removal from SF6 using molecular sieves

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    The gas SF6 has become of interest as a negative ion drift gas for use in directional dark matter searches. However, as for other targets in such searches, it is important that radon contamination can be removed as this provides a source of unwanted background events. In this work we demonstrate for the first time filtration of radon from SF6 gas by using a molecular sieve. Four types of sieves from Sigma-Aldrich were investigated, namely 3Å, 4Å, 5Å and 13X. A manufactured radon source was used for the tests. This was attached to a closed loop system in which gas was flowed through the filters and a specially adapted Durridge RAD7 radon detector. In these measurements, it was found that only the 5Å type was able to significantly reduce the radon concentration without absorbing the SF6 gas. The sieve was able to reduce the initial radon concentration of 3875 ± 13 Bqm−3 in SF6 gas by 87% when cooled with dry ice. The ability of the cooled 5Å molecular sieve filter to significantly reduce radon concentration from SF6 provides a promising foundation for the construction of a radon filtration setup for future ultra-sensitive SF6 gas rare-event physics experiments

    Measurement of directional range components of nuclear recoil tracks in a fiducialised dark matter detector

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    We present results from the first measurement of axial range components of fiducialized neutron induced nuclear recoil tracks using the DRIFT directional dark matter detector. Nuclear recoil events are fiducialized in the DRIFT experiment using temporal charge carrier separations between different species of anions in 30:10:1 Torr of CS2_2:CF4_4:O2_2 gas mixture. For this measurement, neutron-induced nuclear recoil tracks were generated by exposing the detector to 252^{252}Cf source from different directions. Using these events, the sensitivity of the detector to the expected axial directional signatures were investigated as the neutron source was moved from one detector axis to another. Results obtained from these measurements show clear sensitivity of the DRIFT detector to the axial directional signatures in this fiducialization gas mode

    Limb Spicules from the Ground and from Space

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    We amassed statistics for quiet-sun chromosphere spicules at the limb using ground-based observations from the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope on La Palma and simultaneously from NASA's Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) spacecraft. The observations were obtained in July 2006. With the 0.2 arcsecond resolution obtained after maximizing the ground-based resolution with the Multi-Object Multi-Frame Blind Deconvolution (MOMFBD) program, we obtained specific statistics for sizes and motions of over two dozen individual spicules, based on movies compiled at 50-second cadence for the series of five wavelengths observed in a very narrow band at H-alpha, on-band and in the red and blue wings at 0.035 nm and 0.070 nm (10 s at each wavelength) using the SOUP filter, and had simultaneous observations in the 160 nm EUV continuum from TRACE. The MOMFBD restoration also automatically aligned the images, facilitating the making of Dopplergrams at each off-band pair. We studied 40 H-alpha spicules, and 14 EUV spicules that overlapped H-alpha spicules; we found that their dynamical and morphological properties fit into the framework of several previous studies. From a preliminary comparison with spicule theories, our observations are consistent with a reconnection mechanism for spicule generation, and with UV spicules being a sheath region surrounding the H-alpha spicules

    Triggering an eruptive flare by emerging flux in a solar active-region complex

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    A flare and fast coronal mass ejection originated between solar active regions NOAA 11514 and 11515 on July 1, 2012 in response to flux emergence in front of the leading sunspot of the trailing region 11515. Analyzing the evolution of the photospheric magnetic flux and the coronal structure, we find that the flux emergence triggered the eruption by interaction with overlying flux in a non-standard way. The new flux neither had the opposite orientation nor a location near the polarity inversion line, which are favorable for strong reconnection with the arcade flux under which it emerged. Moreover, its flux content remained significantly smaller than that of the arcade (approximately 40 %). However, a loop system rooted in the trailing active region ran in part under the arcade between the active regions, passing over the site of flux emergence. The reconnection with the emerging flux, leading to a series of jet emissions into the loop system, caused a strong but confined rise of the loop system. This lifted the arcade between the two active regions, weakening its downward tension force and thus destabilizing the considerably sheared flux under the arcade. The complex event was also associated with supporting precursor activity in an enhanced network near the active regions, acting on the large-scale overlying flux, and with two simultaneous confined flares within the active regions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Topical Issue of Solar Physics: Solar and Stellar Flares. 25 pages, 12 figure

    Characterisation of large area THGEMs and experimental measurement of the Townsend coefficients for CF4

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    Whilst the performance of small THGEMs is well known, here we consider the challenges in scaling these up to large area charge readouts. We first verify the expected gain of larger THGEMs by reporting experimental Townsend coefficients for a 10 cm diameter THGEM in low-pressure CF4_4. Large area 50 cm by 50 cm THGEMs were sourced from a commercial PCB supplier and geometrical imperfections were observed which we quantified using an optical camera setup. The large area THGEMs were experimentally characterised at Boulby Underground Laboratory through a series of gain calibrations and alpha spectrum measurements. ANSYS, Magboltz and Garfield++ simulations of the design of a TPC based on the large area THGEMs are presented. We also consider their implications for directional dark matter research and potential applications within nuclear security

    CYGNUS : Feasibility of a nuclear recoil observatory with directional sensitivity to dark matter and neutrinos

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    Now that conventional weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter searches are approaching the neutrino floor, there has been a resurgence of interest in detectors with sensitivity to nuclear recoil directions. A large-scale directional detector is attractive in that it would have sensitivity below the neutrino floor, be capable of unambiguously establishing the galactic origin of a purported dark matter signal, and could serve a dual purpose as a neutrino observatory. We present the first detailed analysis of a 1000~m3-scale detector capable of measuring a directional nuclear recoil signal at low energies. We propose a modular and multi-site observatory consisting of time projection chambers (TPCs) filled with helium and SF6 at atmospheric pressure. Depending on the TPC readout technology, 10-20 helium recoils above 6 kevr or only 3-4 recoils above 20~\kevr would suffice to distinguish a 10~GeV WIMP signal from the solar neutrino background. High-resolution charge readout also enables powerful electron background rejection capabilities well below 10~keV. We detail background and site requirements at the 1000~m3-scale, and identify materials that require improved radiopurity. The final experiment, which we name CYGNUS-1000, will be able to observe 10-40 neutrinos from the Sun, depending on the final energy threshold. With the same exposure, the sensitivity to spin independent cross sections will extend into presently unexplored sub-10 GeV parameter space. For spin dependent interactions, already a 10~m3-scale experiment could compete with upcoming generation-two detectors, but CYGNUS-1000 would improve upon this considerably. Larger volumes would bring sensitivity to neutrinos from an even wider range of sources, including galactic supernovae, nuclear reactors, and geological processes