498 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of the Diaconia ČCE Language Cafes in Prague, with a Special Focus on Belonging and Recognition

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    This evaluation focuses on the attendees’ sense of belonging and recognition in the language café and how coming to the language café support their integration. The evaluation concentrates on the following:• Attendees’ sense of belonging in the language café and what influences this including:• Space and time,• Relationships, • Dealing with differences.• Attendees’ sense of recognition in the language café and what influences this including:• Feeling competent, confident, needed and valued,• Treating everybody equally and democratic decision-making.• Attendees’ sense of support with integration in the following areas:• Cultural integration,• Economic integration,• Political integration,• Religious integration,• Social integration.The evaluation is based on 10 research interviews and 23 questionnaire responses with people that attended the language café in the Summer and Autumn of 202

    Greenland - Its Economy And Resources

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    This paper describes the development in Greenland toward greater autonomy, presenting economic statistics and what is known about the extent of its mineral deposits and energy resources. Until 1953 Greenland was a Danish colony. In 1953 it became a Danish country, and on 1 May 1979 it obtained home rule. In early 1985 Greenland left the European Economic Community (EEC). During this period Greenland obtained increasingly greater political autonomy. Up to World War II access to Greenland was greatly restricted by Denmark. Since World War II Greenland has developed a local national economy, characterized as small, mixed and vulnerable, with a big public sector and comprehensive foreign trade - an economy with strong growth, considerable inflation, the beginnings of unemployment problems and extreme dependence on capital inflow from Denmark and use of Danish skilled labour. As well, the population has been growing. In 1953 it was 25,000, of which 94% was born in Greenland. In 1985 it amounted to 52,000, 80% born in Greenland.Key words: Greenlandic economy, Greenlandic trade, Greenlandic education, Greenlandic labour force, Greenlandic resources, political development in Greenland, European Economic Community and Greenland Ce dossier traite du développement au Groenland vers une autonomie plus grande et il donne des chiffres de l'économie du Groenland et un aperçu de ce que l'on sait de l'existence des dépôts minéraux et des ressources de l'énergie dans ce pays. Le Groenland avait le statut d'une colonie danoise jusqu'en 1953. Cette année-là le Groenland est devenu un département danois et le 1er mai 1979 le Groenland a obtenu l'autonomie. Au début de 1985 le Groenland a quitté la Communauté Économique Européenne (CEE). A la suite de ce développement politique le Groenland a obtenu de plus en plus une autogestion plus grande. Jusqu'à la deuxième guerre mondiale le Groenland était un territoire fermé. Depuis la deuxième guerre mondiale jusqu'à présent le Groenland a développé une économie nationale, locale que l'on peut définir comme une faible économie peu homogène et vulnérable avec un grand secteur public et un commerce extérieur d'importance, une économie en voie d'une forte croissance mais avec une inflation considérable et le commencement des problèmes du chômage. L'économie est extrêmement dépendante de capitale du Danmark et l'emploie d'ouvriers danois qualifiés.De plus, la population a augmenté. En 1953 la population était de 25 000 dont 94% était né au Groenland. En 1985 la population était de 52 000 dont 80% était né au Groenland. Mots clés : économie du Groenland, commerce extérieur du Groenland, éducation au Groenland, force de travail au Groenland, ressources du Groenland, le développement politique au Groenland, et les relations entre le Groenland et la Communauté Économique Européenn

    Can we, will we, should we go for such events in Copenhagen?

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    Innovation and “Creative Economy”

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    This article studies the theoretical and applied development of the creative economy. There exists many definitions of creative industries, creative economy and experience economy, all dealing with the same core problematic. It is why it is chosen in this article to talk about the creative economy complex. The ideas to the different elements in the complex have been developed over the last 20 years. A conclusion on experience economy and creative industries is presented on page 7. It is followed by a presentation of how the creative economy complex has been applied in the Baltic Sea Countries and by a section on the development of the creative economy complex after the financial crisis in 2008. It is found that the complex and its development has been closely related to the business cycle development, implying that the complex from being a general theory in times with positive business cycle development has changed to become more specific and integrated into marketing, regional economy and innovation theory when the business cycle changes to recession and when state debt becomes a main economic problem

    Tools from the AGORA 2.0 workshops

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    In order to develop attractions to promote tourism and use of local nature and culture some in-struments can be useful to apply to achieve a successful development, but how to do it in practice is often the question. What is presented is a design for development. Realization requires in-volvement of decision makers and of economic resources outside the AGORA 2.0 project. In other words, what can be presented are design models for decision making. This booklet is meant to be a help in this process. It is based on the principle “learning by doing” applied to product/service ideas and concepts which the participants in the workshops have elab-orated themselves. These examples have already been discussed and presented for the 22 AGORA 2.0 partners based on a draft version. It is furthermore based on “Baltic transnational learning”, as a result of all participants coming from different Baltic countries and with a variety of ideas rooted in Baltic landscapes and tradi-tions. The knowledge sharing has taken place in workshops in the Baltic Sea Region countries. The work packages in AGORA 2.0 include workshops and development of a network that can connect and link Baltic developers and AGORA 2.0 partners and thereby create a vivid Baltic cul-tural cooperation and development

    How to strategically use the EU support programmes, including Structural Funds, to foster the potential of culture for local, regional and national development and the spillover effects on the wider economy

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    This article presents core questions and problems related to the role of culture in society, to culture policy and it outlines some instruments, models and practices that can be applied to promote culture. The intention of the article is to function as a platform for discussion of the role of culture in the society and of financing cultural activities. As this is a big field to cover this article intends to only focus on core questions and on outlining drafts for solutions: In other words the purpose of the article is to function as an appetizer and as a driver for discussion of dealing with culture activities in the public and the private sector, looking at it from an EU perspective, national perspective and a regional/local perspective. An additional purpose is to focus on the field seen in relation to economic business cycles with special attention to recession and economic and financial downturn developments

    Turisme som erhvervspolitik for udkantsområder og små øer

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    Turisme regnes som et af verdens største erhverv. UNWTO, der er turismens hovedorganisa-tion globalt har opgjort antal ansatte til 235 mio., dvs. 9,2 % af alle job, og turismens andel af verdens bruttonationalprodukt (BNP) til 9,7 %. Turismen fortsætter med at vokse, og finanskrise og økonomisk krise, askesky mv. har alene betydet kortvarige afvigelser fra væksttrenden og enkelte destinationsændringer. Europa modtager langt de fleste turister, og turismen er derfor et meget stort erhverv i de fleste EU-lande. Fra EU Kommissionens side er der nu - siden turisme med Lissabon traktaten er blevet et EU anliggende - pr. 30. juni 2010 udformet et mål om, at EU skal være verdens turismedestination nr. 1 og en politik, der omfatter 21 punkter. Dette er yderligere fyldt op med en detaljering fra 2011, se venligst Lise Lyck ”En handlingsplan for dansk turisme” samt opdateringer på internettet. Dansk turisme har desværre haft betydelige problemer med konkurrenceevnen og har som det eneste EU land gennem en årrække har haft en aftagende markedsandel i udenlandske overnatninger. Det er baggrunden for, at erhvervets aktører og nogle politikere har arbejdet for at erhvervet kan blive konkurrencedygtigt og bidrage mere til at skabe økonomisk vækst, velfærd og arbejdspladser i Danmark

    Kort notat om service og turisme uddannelse og forskning

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    Advisory board for cand.soc studiet i service management bad på mødet den 22.06 om udarbejdelse af en kort oversigt over uddannelser og forskning inden for niveau 3 (højere uddannelse i Danmark). Nærværende notat tilstræber at præsentere hovedlinjerne inden for service og turisme uddannelses- og forsknings området. Notatet bygger på oplysninger fra nettet samt telefonsamtaler med de omfattede uddannelsesinstitutioner i Danmark. Endvidere er benyttet materiale fra Lise Lyck (2003); Turismeudvikling og Attraktioner i et Strategisk Perspektiv, kapitel 1, Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne. Herudover indgår Universitetsloven, lov nr. 403 fra 2003 som ramme for de højere læreanstalters strategi. Endelig inddrages beretning fra rådet for erhvervsøkonomiske uddannelser til belysning af niveau 2 uddannelserne

    Øresundsmetro i relation til turisme og kultur samt i relation til Øresundsudviklingen

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    I 2011 blev det meddelt, at EU vil give match-finansiering til en forundersøgelse af mulige samfundsmæssige konsekvenser af en etablering af en Øresundsmetro, det vil sige EU vil matche finansieringen fra Københavns Kommune og Malmø Stad. Forundersøgelsen omfatter en række delrapporter med relation til Visionsrapporten: ”Øresundsmetro mellem København og Malmö – en shuttle, der gør København og Malmö til bydele i samme by” (Palludan fremtidsforskning, 2012). Visionsrapporten skal ses i sammenhæng med den vækstdagsorden, der er blevet præsenteret i Københavns Kommuneplan og Malmøs oversigtplan, hvor intentionen er, at København og Malmø skal blive en sammenhængende metropol, hvor vækst og livskvalitet går hånd i hånd (Københavns kommuneplan og Malmø oversigtplan, 2012), og hvor København og Malmøs målsætning er et godt hverdagsliv, grøn vækst samt en økonomisk udvikling baseret på viden og erhverv. En etablering af en Øresundsmetro tænkes besluttet omkring 2025 og klar til anvendelse 2030-2032. Der er med andre ord tale om et projekt, der ligger et stykke ud i fremtiden og om et projekt, hvortil der knytter sig en række usikkerhedsfaktorer. Visionsrapporten opererer derfor med scenarier, da der ikke meningsfuldt kan skønnes en udvikling, der kan baseres på ekstrapolation