Tools from the AGORA 2.0 workshops


In order to develop attractions to promote tourism and use of local nature and culture some in-struments can be useful to apply to achieve a successful development, but how to do it in practice is often the question. What is presented is a design for development. Realization requires in-volvement of decision makers and of economic resources outside the AGORA 2.0 project. In other words, what can be presented are design models for decision making. This booklet is meant to be a help in this process. It is based on the principle “learning by doing” applied to product/service ideas and concepts which the participants in the workshops have elab-orated themselves. These examples have already been discussed and presented for the 22 AGORA 2.0 partners based on a draft version. It is furthermore based on “Baltic transnational learning”, as a result of all participants coming from different Baltic countries and with a variety of ideas rooted in Baltic landscapes and tradi-tions. The knowledge sharing has taken place in workshops in the Baltic Sea Region countries. The work packages in AGORA 2.0 include workshops and development of a network that can connect and link Baltic developers and AGORA 2.0 partners and thereby create a vivid Baltic cul-tural cooperation and development

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