How to strategically use the EU support programmes, including Structural Funds, to foster the potential of culture for local, regional and national development and the spillover effects on the wider economy


This article presents core questions and problems related to the role of culture in society, to culture policy and it outlines some instruments, models and practices that can be applied to promote culture. The intention of the article is to function as a platform for discussion of the role of culture in the society and of financing cultural activities. As this is a big field to cover this article intends to only focus on core questions and on outlining drafts for solutions: In other words the purpose of the article is to function as an appetizer and as a driver for discussion of dealing with culture activities in the public and the private sector, looking at it from an EU perspective, national perspective and a regional/local perspective. An additional purpose is to focus on the field seen in relation to economic business cycles with special attention to recession and economic and financial downturn developments

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