50 research outputs found

    Staggered Mesh Ewald: An Extension of the Smooth Particle-Mesh Ewald Method Adding Great Versatility

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    We draw on an old technique for improving the accuracy of mesh-based field calculations to extend the popular Smooth Particle Mesh Ewald (SPME) algorithm as the Staggered Mesh Ewald (StME) algorithm. StME improves the accuracy of computed forces by up to 1.2 orders of magnitude and also reduces the drift in system momentum inherent in the SPME method by averaging the results of two separate reciprocal space calculations. StME can use charge mesh spacings roughly 1.5× larger than SPME to obtain comparable levels of accuracy; the one mesh in an SPME calculation can therefore be replaced with two separate meshes, each less than one third of the original size. Coarsening the charge mesh can be balanced with reductions in the direct space cutoff to optimize performance: the efficiency of StME rivals or exceeds that of SPME calculations with similarly optimized parameters. StME may also offer advantages for parallel molecular dynamics simulations because it permits the use of coarser meshes without requiring higher orders of charge interpolation and also because the two reciprocal space calculations can be run independently if that is most suitable for the machine architecture. We are planning other improvements to the standard SPME algorithm, and anticipate that StME will work synergistically will all of them to dramatically improve the efficiency and parallel scaling of molecular simulations

    A Vulnerability in Popular Molecular Dynamics Packages Concerning Langevin and Andersen Dynamics

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    We report a serious problem associated with a number of current implementations of Andersen and Langevin dynamics algorithms. When long simulations are run in many segments, it is sometimes possible to have a repeating sequence of pseudorandom numbers enter the calcuation. We show that, if the sequence repeats rapidly, the resulting artifacts can quickly denature biomolecules and are then easily detectable. However, if the sequence repeats less frequently, the artifacts become subtle and easily overlooked. We derive a formula for the underlying cause of artifacts in the case of the Langevin thermostat, and find it vanishes slowly as the inverse square root of the number of time steps per simulation segment. Numerous examples of simulation artifacts are presented, including dissociation of a tetrameric protein after 110 ns of dynamics, reductions in atomic fluctuations for a small protein in implicit solvent, altered thermodynamic properties of a box of water molecules, and changes in the transition free energies between dihedral angle conformations. Finally, in the case of strong thermocoupling, we link the observed artifacts to previous work in nonlinear dynamics and show that it is possible to drive a 20-residue, implicitly solvated protein into periodic trajectories if the thermostat is not used properly. Our findings should help other investigators re-evaluate simulations that may have been corrupted and obtain more accurate results

    Chloroplast genome sequencing analysis of Heterosigma akashiwo CCMP452 (West Atlantic) and NIES293 (West Pacific) strains

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    Background: Heterokont algae form a monophyletic group within the stramenopile branch of the tree of life. These organisms display wide morphological diversity, ranging from minute unicells to massive, bladed forms. Surprisingly, chloroplast genome sequences are available only for diatoms, representing two (Coscinodiscophyceae and Bacillariophyceae) of approximately 18 classes of algae that comprise this taxonomic cluster. A universal challenge to chloroplast genome sequencing studies is the retrieval of highly purified DNA in quantities sufficient for analytical processing. To circumvent this problem, we have developed a simplified method for sequencing chloroplast genomes, using fosmids selected from a total cellular DNA library. The technique has been used to sequence chloroplast DNA of two Heterosigma akashiwo strains. This raphidophyte has served as a model system for studies of stramenopile chloroplast biogenesis and evolution. Results: H. akashiwo strain CCMP452 (West Atlantic) chloroplast DNA is 160,149 bp in size with a 21,822-bp inverted repeat, whereas NIES293 (West Pacific) chloroplast DNA is 159,370 bp in size and has an inverted repeat of 21,665 bp. The fosmid cloning technique reveals that both strains contain an isomeric chloroplast DNA population resulting from an inversion of their single copy domains. Both strains contain multiple small inverted and tandem repeats, non-randomly distributed within the genomes. Although both CCMP452 and NIES293 chloroplast DNAs contains 197 genes, multiple nucleotide polymorphisms are present in both coding and intergenic regions. Several protein-coding genes contain large, in-frame inserts relative to orthologous genes in other plastids. These inserts are maintained in mRNA products. Two genes of interest in H. akashiwo, not previously reported in any chloroplast genome, include tyrC, a tyrosine recombinase, which we hypothesize may be a result of a lateral gene transfer event, and an unidentified 456 amino acid protein, which we hypothesize serves as a G-protein-coupled receptor. The H. akashiwo chloroplast genomes share little synteny with other algal chloroplast genomes sequenced to date. Conclusion: The fosmid cloning technique eliminates chloroplast isolation, does not require chloroplast DNA purification, and reduces sequencing processing time. Application of this method has provided new insights into chloroplast genome architecture, gene content and evolution within the stramenopile cluster