219 research outputs found

    Sentence to serfdom. Review of the book: Dolgikh A. N. "Tinderbox under the state": ways of solving the peasant question in Russia in the epoch of Nicholas I. Historiographical essays. Lipetsk: lgpuim. Semenovtyan-shansky, 2022. 478 p.

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    Introduction. The article is devoted to the review of the book of Doctor of Historical Sciences Professor Arkady Dolgikh about the history of serfdom. Today, the agrarian theme is one of the most important topics for understanding the historical process that has taken place on the territory of the Russian state since the formation of the Muscovite state in the 15th-16th centuries. and up to the 20th century.Materials and methods. The technique of the article is connected with the analysis of the article from general historical positions. The fundamental importance of the question of serfdom lies in the fact that this phenomenon has dragged on considerably. Obviously, it interfered with the full development of Russia, turning most of its population into a mass, devoid of any interest in the results of their own work, which means that it formed entire generations of people deprived of an active life position with a low level of political culture and education.Results. There is no doubt that the reforms carried out by Peter I, which almost completely subordinated all the estate groups of the country to the interests of the state, needed to be adjusted after the end of the Northern War and the introduction of a new poll tax. The ruling circles of Russia, for the most part, were aware of the importance of this adjustment and the danger of stagnation of the serf regime, but until 1861 no one dared to do this due to various subjective and objective reasons. As a result, literally every year a real ―powder magazine‖ grew and increased in size under the building of the House of Romanov, which not only interfered with the full development of their state, but also doomed it to death.Conclusion. The author of the review comes to the conclusion that the new book on serfdom shows the importance of this problem and once again reminds the reader of this phenomenon as a terrible evil hindering the development of Russia


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    The Russian colonization of the Steppe was connected with a variety of specific points that became apparent in special psychology of the local population. The article studies an incident that happened in a small fortress at the southern frontier of Russia on June 12, 1648. The local residents seized power and executed collectively a man who was engaged in usury and speculation. They were sure that execution, though illegal, was in the public interest. This case shows some features of Russian social organization where the collective interests were put above the law and legal rights. So we see an interesting incident in history. It reflected the specificity of local community consciousness which put the interests of the collective above laws and regulations. For the residents of the ostrog the decision of people's court had greater legitimacy than the current legislation. It is interesting, that Chubulov was not just murdered by his debtors. This improvised «execution» was preceded by many things: the gathering, the prosecution, the trial. All events were accompanied by drumbeats. Even the execution of Chubulov was collective: all elected representatives of the people («mir») took part in it. This case shows that for the population of the southern Russian frontier collective public interests were above private ones. Surely, this factor contributed to the success of military colonization of the steppe spaces by Russian population. To violate the law for the benefit of social justice was a valid action for the residents of Russian frontier

    Landrat Books: Characterising a Source and Its Potential

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    The article was submitted on 13.10.2020.Статья посвящена изучению ландратских книг, которые были составлены в 1715–1720 гг. и представляют собой результаты последней подворной переписи Российского государства. Несмотря на то, что массового комплексного изучения ландратских книг до сих пор проведено не было, в историографии превалирует скептическое отношение к достоверности их результатов. Автор показывает, что материалы ландратской переписи недооценены, а их информативность шире, чем набор фискальных и социально-экономических сведений. Причины недоверия к данным ландратских книг связаны с тем, что их часто отождествляют с материалами переписи 1710 г., которая действительно была плохо организована. Кроме того, историки указывают на то, что переход к подушному сбору был якобы вызван недоверием властей к работе ландратов. Однако отказ от подворного обложения был связан с тем, что перепись 1715–1720 гг. ясно показала правительству необходимость изменения способа сбора налога с целью усиления податного бремени, для чего нужно было изменить сам принцип ее организации. В этой связи в центре внимания автора находятся информативные возможности материалов переписей как ценного исторического источника. Особенное внимание уделяется информации социального характера, а в качестве конкретного примера подробно рассматривается ландратская книга Тулы 1715 г. Делаются выводы о том, что вне зависимости от полноты и точности представленной в ландратских книгах информации, они отражают реальные социально-экономические процессы, происходившие в России в период правления Петра I. Практическое назначение ландратских книг обусловлено тем, что они хотя и не посвящались специально служилому населению, но неизбежно освещают историю этой большой социальной группы, в том числе и русского дворянства. В итоге ландратские переписи вместе со «сказками», перечневыми выписками и другими документами подобного рода могут помочь воссоздать общую картину важных изменений в судьбах провинциальной служилой элиты петровского времени.This article considers Landrat books compiled between 1715 and 1720, which contain the results of the last census of homesteads carried out by the Russian state. Even though a comprehensive study of the Landrat books has not been conducted, scepticism prevails when it comes to the reliability of their results. The author argues that there are no grounds for such scholarly scepticism. The materials of the Landrat census have great potential. The reason for distrust of the Landrat data is that they are often compared with the 1710 census, which was badly conducted. Historians also often point out that the transition to the poll tax was caused by the authorities’ lack of confidence in the work of the Landrats. However, this was not the case. This transition was due to the fact that the 1715–1720 census made it clear to the government that it had to change the principle and methods of tax collection (to increase taxes). The article focuses on the potential of the Landrat books as a valuable historical source. Particular attention is paid to social and economic information. The author refers to the Landrat book of Tula. As a result, the article concludes that, regardless of the extent to which the Landrat books may be considered complete and accurate, they reflect real socio-economic processes taking place in Russia under Peter the Great. The practical purpose of the Landrat books is very significant; although these documents were not dedicated specifically to the service population, they inevitably tell the story of this large social group; also, they contain a lot of data on the history of the Russian nobility. As a result, the Landrat censuses, together with “fairytales,” register extracts, and other documents of this kind, can help recreate the overall picture of important changes in the lives of the provincial service elite in the time of Peter the Great.При написании статьи использованы результаты исследования, выполняемого при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 20–09–42073 «Реформы Петра I по рекрутированию шляхетства: социальная идентичность и служба “чинов” (по массовым историческим источникам 1715–1724 гг.)»

    The Panikovets village of Yelets district: socio-demographic development of the local territory in the 17th century

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    Introduction. The article is devoted to the history of the local territory of the village of Panikovets, Yelets district in the 17th century. The authors analyze the demographic processes and economic development of this region. The article is written from the standpoint of a microhistorical approach. Materials and methods. The specificity of the development of the local society in the regional context of the colonization ofthe Upper Don has been studied in detail. Several observations have been made about the features of the development of the marginal lands of the South of Russia. The main sources of the study were mass historical documents related to the history of the development of local service land ownership: scribe and census books of 1615, 1628/30, 1646, 1678 and 1691, as well as materials of military reviews of landowners in 1604, 1622 and 1648. Results.The authors conclude that the demographic development of the village wasnot stable, and the plowing of land also slightly increased. It is concluded that before the beginning of the XVIII century. full economic development of the territory did not occur. The main task for the locals was to stay on the new lands in the face of constant hostilities. Only the new century became the time of fullfledged economic development of the village and the territory as a whole. Despite the fact that the village of Panikovets was located in a relatively good place, the economic and demographic development of its local territory was insignificant. Conclusion. Despite the fact that the village of Panikovets was located in a relatively convenient place, the economic and demographic development of its territory did not achieve great success. It has been established that for 100 years the composition of the villagers has changed by 90%. New settlers often had to start economic activities from the beginning. These circumstances significantly delayed the colonization of the region. The authors believe that there were many examples of such development of individual lorcal territories. They testify to the difficulties of the region's development

    The Social Organisation of the Rural Population of Southern Russia in the Seventeenth Century

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    The article was submitted on 28.11.2018.Статья посвящена изучению вопроса о социальной организации населения русской деревни в XVII в., что позволяет яснее понять особенности развития России, ее «московский национальный путь». Социальная организация тесно связана с изучением структуры повседневной жизни населения периода Средневековья и Нового времени. В эту эпоху социальная принадлежность была важной частью жизни человека, она определяла формы его поведения. В рамках конкретной сословной группы человек реализовывал свои жизненные установки, ценности и принципы. Однако в поведенческом аспекте, применяемом в практике повседневности, следует говорить также о социальной организации населения. Она была гибкой формой приспособления людей к условиям окружающей жизни. Исследование, основанное на большой документальной базе, посвящено социальной организации сельского населения Юга России. В регионе она принимала различные формы: это семейно-родовые сообщества, община, деревня, локальная группа поселений, стан и уезд (в том числе и как административные единицы). В военном аспекте служилое население уезда было объединено в военные корпорации (служилые «города»), которые включали в свой состав помещиков (детей боярских) во время военных походов и смотров. Социальная организация сельского населения зависела от внешних обстоятельств, но самое главное то, что коллективный интерес был важнее личного, если речь шла о важных общих делах – войне или распашке земли. В этом был значимый показатель интегративной деятельности сельского «мира», позволивший ему приспособиться к сложным внешним условиям, сложившимся на южном пограничье в XVII в.This article considers the social organisation of the Russian rural population in the seventeenth century in order to clarify the peculiarities of the development of Russia along a “Muscovite national path”. Social organisation was closely connected with the structure of daily life in the Middle Ages and the modern era. During the former, social identity was an important part of human life, defining the forms of behaviour. Within the framework of class groups, a person realised their attitudes, values, and principles. However, in terms of the behavioural aspects of practices of everyday life, it is also important to consider the social organisation of the population, a flexible form enabling people to adapt to the surrounding conditions. With reference to a substantial number of documents, this study considers the social organisation of the rural population of Southern Russian. The social organisation of the rural population took various forms, such as family communities, clans, communes, villages, local groups of settlements, stans, and uyezds (also functioning as administrative units). From a military perspective, the service class population of the region was merged into military corporations (service “cities”). The social organisation of the rural population depended on external circumstances but, more importantly, community interests prevailed over private interests when it came to common tasks: war or ploughing the land. These are important indicators of life in the village and made it easier for people to adapt to the difficulties and external conditions which existed in the country’s southern regions in the seventeenth century.Статья выполнена при поддержке гранта РФФИ, проект № 8–39–20001

    To See Russian History as Part of the Pan-European Continuum

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    The article was submitted on 12.03.2018.Review of: Kollmann, N. S. (2016). Prestuplenie i nakazanie v Rossii rannego novogo vremeni / per. s angl. P. I. Prudovskogo ; nauch. red. A. B. Kamenskii. – M. : Novoe lit. obozrenie, 2016. – 700 p. [Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Russia / Transl. P. I. Prudovsky ; А. B. Kamensky (Ed.), Moscow, N. Literary Rev. 700 p.] The author reviews a book by Nancy Shields Kollmann, a well-known specialist in the history of early-modern Russia and professor at Stanford University (California, USA). The book is a vast study of the judicial proceedings and enforcement of sentences in Russia between the 15th and early 18th centuries. The reviewer analyses the structure of the book, its methods, and the narrative: he focuses on Kollmann’s basic concept, according to which Russia should be regarded as part of the all-European continuum. This conclusion is of considerable importance for understanding Russian history. The reviewer argues that Russian academia should pay close attention to the work as it contains many valuable factual materials and interesting observations. Another factor that the reviewer considers relevant is that the author’s principles of work and the peculiarities of her representation of the material differ from the traditions of Russian historical scholarship. However, the translation tends to be literal. This book about “crime and punishment” is an important step for understanding the sociopolitical peculiarities of Russia’s development in the early modern period.Рецензия на: Коллманн Н. Ш. Преступление и наказание в России раннего нового времени / пер. с англ. П. И. Прудовского ; науч. ред. А. Б. Каменский. – М. : Новое лит. обозрение, 2016. – 700 с. Рецензия посвящена рассмотрению книги Нэнси Шилдс Коллманн – известного специалиста по истории России раннего Нового времени, профессора Стэндфордского университета (Калифорния, США). Книга представляет собой обширное исследование системы судопроизводства и исполнения наказаний в России XV – начала XVIII в. Анализируется структура книги, методика и принципы изложения текста. В центре внимания – базовая концепция Н. Ш. Коллманн, согласно которой Россию следует рассматривать как часть общеевропейского континуума. Этот вывод имеет существенное значение для понимания особенностей российской истории. По мнению автора, работа заслуживает внимания со стороны научного сообщества в России, она содержит много ценного фактического материала и интересных наблюдений. Актуально, что принципы работы автора и специфика подачи материала отличаются от традиций, принятых в российской исторической науке, однако, к сожалению, перевод страдает буквализмом изложения. Книга о «преступлении и наказании» – важный шаг в понимании социально-политической специфики развития Российского государства Нового времени

    Analytical description of the time-over-threshold method based on the time properties of plastic scintillators equipped with silicon photomultipliers

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    A new high-granular compact time-of-flight neutron detector for the identification and energy measurement of neutrons produced in nucleus-nucleus interactions at the BM@N experiment, Dubna, Russia, at energies up to 4 AGeV is under development. The detector consists of approximately 2000 fast plastic scintillators, each with dimensions of 40×\times40×\times25 mm3^3, equiped with SiPM (Silicon Photomultiplier) with an active area of 6×\times6 mm2^2. The signal readout from these scintillators will employ a single-threshold multichannel Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) to measure their response time and amplitude using the time-over-threshold (ToT) method. This article focuses on the analytical description of the signals from the plastic scintillator detectors equipped with silicon photomultipliers. This description is crucial for establishing the ToT-amplitude relationship and implementing slewing correction techniques to improve the time resolution of the detector. The methodology presented in this paper demonstrates that a time resolution at the 70 ps level can be achieved for the fast plastic scintillator coupled with silicon photomultiplier with epitaxial quenching resistors

    The Belgorod Line as an Object of Research: Heuristic and Analytical Possibilities of Traditional and Modern Historical Methods

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    The article was submitted on 07.09.2022.Рецензия на книгу: Папков А. И., Петрухинцев Н. Н., Хитров Д. А. Белгородская черта. История. Фортификация. Люди. – Рыбинск : Медиарост, 2020. – 224 с. В книге А. И. Папкова, Н. Н. Петрухинцева, Д. А. Хитрова «Белгородская черта. История. Фортификация. Люди» (2020) обобщены и актуализированы имеющиеся на данный момент достижения в области изучения Белгород- ской черты. Раскрывается история строительства военно-оборонительной линии в широком историческом контексте XVII в., демонстрируется предыстория событий (до 1635), а также социальные процессы, последовавшие после ее возведения (1658). Отдельное место уделяется военным реформам Алексея Михайловича, предшествовавшим знаменитым петровским преобразованиям. Книга позволяет научному сообществу перейти на новый этап понимания взаимосвязанных особенностей социальной и военной истории южного пограничья России в политическом контексте событий. До 1645 г. возведение укреплений не имело систематического характера, только после восшествия на престол Алексея Михайловича строительство Белгородской черты обретает четкую логику. В 1654 г. Россия вступает в войну с Речью Посполитой, и военный потенциал южнорусского пограничья используется для решения иных задач. Этот политический вектор развития событий находит свое отражение на страницах рецензируемой книги.Review of: Papkov, A., Petrukhintsev, N., Khitrov, D. (2020). Belgorodskaya cherta. Istoriya. Fortifikatsiya. Lyudi [The Belgorod Line. History. Fortification. People]. Rybinsk, Mediarost. 224 p. Published in 2020, The Belgorod Line. History. Fortification. People, a book by Andrey Papkov, Nikolay Petrukhintsev, and Dmitry Khitrov is the first attempt to understand and update modern achievements in studying the Belgorod Line. The authors reveal the historical specifics behind the construction of this military-defensive line in the broad historical context of the seventeenth century. They show the background of events (before 1635), the building process, and the social processes after the line was erected (1658). A special place is given to the military reforms of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, preceding the famous army reforms of Peter the Great. The Belgorod Line. History. Fortification. People allows the scholarly community to move to a new stage in understanding the features of the social and military history of the southern border of Russia, but first, it is important to understand the political context of the events of the construction of the Belgorod line. Until 1645, the construction of fortifications was not systematic. But after the accession to the throne of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, the construction of the Belgorod line acquired a clear logic. However, in 1654 Russia entered the war with Poland, and the military potential of the southern Russian border was used for other military tasks in the west. This political context of the development of events is reflected in the book under review.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда (проект № 21–18–00024) на базе ФГБОУ ВО «Елецкий государственный университет им. И. А. Бунина»

    Evolution of Social Behavior of Rural Society of Central Chernozem Region in XVII—XVIII Centuries

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    The issue of the evolution of the behavioral model of a rural society is raised on the example of three territories, the centers of which were large rural settlements of the Oryol (Navesnoye village), Lipetsk (Panikovets village) and Voronezh (Dankovo village) regions. The chronological framework of the work coincides with the first stage in the development of these settlements from their origin to the formation of Orthodox parishes with a developed settlement district, which historically had a close connection with the central settlement. Mass economic and other documentation of the 17th—18th centuries was chosen as the main source. The research methodology is associated with the use of the problem-chronological method within the local boundaries of three rural settlements, the historical-system method and modern approaches, including microdemographic ones. The social organization of the rural population of the local territories studied by the authors was dynamic, especially in the 17th century, when the military factor played a significant role in the history of the region. It is noted that during the 18th century the odnodvortsy gradually lose their economic initiative, and by the end of the century, landowners and their owning peasants began to play an important role in the development of territories. It is shown that single-dvor collectivism continued to exist at a later time, actually surviving until the beginning of the 20th century

    Observation of non-local dielectric relaxation in glycerol

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    Since its introduction, liquid viscosity and relaxation time τ\tau have been considered to be an intrinsic property of the system that is essentially local in nature and therefore independent of system size. We perform dielectric relaxation experiments in glycerol, and find that this is the case at high temperature only. At low temperature, τ\tau increases with system size and becomes non-local. We discuss the origin of this effect in a picture based on liquid elasticity length, the length over which local relaxation events in a liquid interact via induced elastic waves, and find good agreement between experiment and theory