6 research outputs found

    Somatometric Method to Assess the Level of High Schoolers' Physical Development

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    Раціональна організація фізичного виховання учнівської молоді неможлива без об’єктивного оцінювання її фізичного розвитку. Своєчасно проведене відповідне тестування – запорука запобіганню фізичних перенапружень, порушенням стану здоров’я. Метою дослідження була розробка таблиць для оцінювання рівня фізичного розвитку учнів на основі взаємодії тотальних розмірів тіла. Матеріалом дослідження були показники довжини тіла, маси тіла та обхвату грудної клітки хлопців (n=1111 осіб) і дівчат (n=1133 особи) 7-17 років загальноосвітніх шкіл. Для обчислення взаємодії показників тотальних розмірів тіла вперше застосовувалася множинна кореляція, а для розробки статево-вікових стандартів фізичного розвитку учнів – множинна регресія.Aim: To develop tables to assess the physical development of high schoolers based on the interaction of total physical dimensions. Materials and Methods: To achieve this goal, we studied the indicators of body length, body weight and chest circumference of 7-17 years old boys (n=1 111) and girls (n=l 133) of secondary schools in Kyiv (Ukraine). Multiple correlation was used to calculate the interaction of indicators of total physical dimensions, and multiple regression was used to develop gender and age standards of physical development of high schoolers. Results: The tables to assess physical development of high schoolers ofa certain gender and age have been developed. The tables contain body length in vertical direction and body weight or chest circumference in horizontal direction, depending on what is needed for determination: the proper values of CC or body weight. The guantitative characteristics of high schoolers with good, excessive, below average and low levels of physical development are presented. Conclusions: Rational organization of physical training of high schoolers is impossible without objective testing ofthe level of their physical development. Timely corresponding testing is a guarantee in preventing physical strains and health problems

    Features of physical therapy of people with endocrine system pathology

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    Aim:To check the effectiveness of the program of physical therapy of patients with type 1 diabetes. Materials and Methods: The study involved 30 people (25-35-year-old women) with type 1 diabetes of moderate severity of the disease in the subcompensation stage, who were at the sanatorium stage of treatment. Patients, along with following a diet and insulin therapy, were engaged in physical exercises according to the author’s program based on the Nordic Walking. Assessment of the impact of physical rehabilitation was performed on blood sugar level, heart rate, blood pressure. Results: It is established that at the end of the experiment the blood sugar level of the EG patients significantly (p≤0.05) decreased by 0.8 mmol/l (7.54%), in contrast to CG, where the difference is 0.3 mmol/l (2.75%) and is unreliable (p≥0.05). This indicates the effectiveness of the developed program of physical therapy for diabetic patients based on Nordic Walking classes in combination with traditional methods of treatment. Conclusions: Nordic Walking classes for patients with type 1 diabetes help to increase insulin sensitivity, stabilize blood pressure, reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease, increase immunity, expand the functional capabilities of the body, improve the well-being and psychoemotional state of patients

    Students’ health level as a result of their lifestyle

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    The aim: Is to study the level of knowledge, skills, abilities, and health indicators of students during the formation of their healthy lifestyle. Materials and methods: The research was conducted at Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University and Polissya National University in 2018-2020. Thus, 882 students (385 males and 497 females) of different specialties between the ages of 17 and 23 were examined. To assess the level of knowledge, skills, and abilities of students during the formation of a healthy lifestyle, a survey was conducted. The health level of students was assessed by the method of the qualitative express assessment of the physical health level, which made it possible to assess the dynamics of the quality of forming a healthy lifestyle. Results: It was found that only 5.7 % of male and 6.4 % of female students had a high level of knowledge of all the health components; only 7.0 % of male and 8.3 % of female students had a high level of knowledge about the factors of health formation and skills in using them both during training and future professional activity; 20.3 % of male and 14.7 % of female students did not have knowledge about the negative impact of bad habits on health; 19.3 % of male and 18.3 % of female students did not know the components of a healthy lifestyle at all; 17.9 % of male and 21.7 % of female students did not have motivational attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle and did not know how to form them. It was found that most of the indices of both male and female students that characterize the level of students’ health deteriorated significantly during their studies (р<0.05-0.001). Conclusions: The research showed that most students (both males and females) did not follow a healthy lifestyle. It was reflected in the low health level of most students and the negative dynamics of the indices that characterize the level of health in the process of studying. All this requires taking into account the features of forming a healthy lifestyle of students in physical education classes at higher education institutions

    The Impact of Nutritional Quality on the Students’ Health

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    Aim: To study the nutritional quality and its impact on the health of the students of higher education institutions. Material and methods: 647 students were interviewed. A questionnaire, which contains 17 questions and is aimed at studying the quality of students’ nutrition, was created by authors. Experimental (EG, n = 60) and control (CG, n = 60) groups were formed. The EG included the students whose diet was rational while studying, the CG included the students whose diet was irrational. The level of students’ health was examined at the end of studying according to the methodology of professor G.L. Apanasenko. Results: It was found that only 30.6% of students ate 3-4 times a day, 14.4% – twice a day, 49.8% did not follow any dietary regimen, and 7.9% of students would not eat breakfast at al 43.7% of male students and 53.3% of female students did not follow a dietary regimen at all. A comparative analysis of the physical health of students of EG and CG showed that among both male and female students, the students whose diet was rational had significantly better (p<0.001) level of health. Conclusions: It was determined that the majority of students had low nutritional quality while studying: nutrition was irrational, incomplete, and not varied. This does not contribute to a healthy lifestyle of modern students and can negatively affect the efficiency of their future professional activities

    Features of the organization and provision of emergency medical care in Poltava region

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    The aim: Is to study and analyze the dynamics of the indicators of the emergency medical service of the Ukrainian and the Poltava region in the context of the reforms of the healthcare system in Ukraine. Materials and methods: In this work, the indicators of development of the emergency medical service of the Ukrainian and the Poltava region were studied and analyzed. Conclusions: The provision of emergency medical care in the Poltava region is provided by the Poltava Regional Center for Emergency Medicine and Disaster Medicine. The structure of the center includes 4 emergency medical stations, which are located in cities such as Poltava, Kremenchuk, Lubny, Mirgorod. А modern telemedicine center was built іn 2018 for emergency counseling on-line in new directions was carried out: ultrasound and endoscopic diagnostics, radiology, counseling during surgical interventions, laboratory diagnostics, etc. Emergency medical care reform Poltava Regional should be aimed at increasing the efficiency of the use of resources; provision of the EMC system by the relevant vehicles; qualitative training of doctors in emergency medicine; informatization of the EMC system

    Rhabdastrellosides A and B: Two New Isomalabaricane Glycosides from the Marine Sponge <i>Rhabdastrella globostellata</i>, and Their Cytotoxic and Cytoprotective Effects

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    Investigation of the Vietnamese marine sponge Rhabdastrella globostellata led to the isolation of two new polar isomalabaricanes: rhabdastrellosides A (1) and B (2). Their structures and stereochemistry were elucidated with the application of 1D and 2D NMR, HRESIMS, and HRESIMS/MS methods, as well as chemical modifications and GC–MS analysis. Metabolites 1 and 2 are the first isomalabaricanes with non-oxidized cyclopentane ring in the tricyclic core system. Moreover, having a 3-O-disaccharide moiety in their structures, they increase a very rare group of isomalabaricane glycosides. We report here a weak cytotoxicity of 1 and 2 toward human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells and normal rat H9c2 cardiomyocytes, as well as the cytoprotective activity of rhabdastrelloside B (2) at 1 µM evaluated using CoCl2-treated SH-SY5Y and H9c2 cells