8 research outputs found

    LayoutLMv3: Pre-training for Document AI with Unified Text and Image Masking

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    Self-supervised pre-training techniques have achieved remarkable progress in Document AI. Most multimodal pre-trained models use a masked language modeling objective to learn bidirectional representations on the text modality, but they differ in pre-training objectives for the image modality. This discrepancy adds difficulty to multimodal representation learning. In this paper, we propose LayoutLMv3 to pre-train multimodal Transformers for Document AI with unified text and image masking. Additionally, LayoutLMv3 is pre-trained with a word-patch alignment objective to learn cross-modal alignment by predicting whether the corresponding image patch of a text word is masked. The simple unified architecture and training objectives make LayoutLMv3 a general-purpose pre-trained model for both text-centric and image-centric Document AI tasks. Experimental results show that LayoutLMv3 achieves state-of-the-art performance not only in text-centric tasks, including form understanding, receipt understanding, and document visual question answering, but also in image-centric tasks such as document image classification and document layout analysis. The code and models are publicly available at https://aka.ms/layoutlmv3.Comment: Work in Progres

    TextDiffuser-2: Unleashing the Power of Language Models for Text Rendering

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    The diffusion model has been proven a powerful generative model in recent years, yet remains a challenge in generating visual text. Several methods alleviated this issue by incorporating explicit text position and content as guidance on where and what text to render. However, these methods still suffer from several drawbacks, such as limited flexibility and automation, constrained capability of layout prediction, and restricted style diversity. In this paper, we present TextDiffuser-2, aiming to unleash the power of language models for text rendering. Firstly, we fine-tune a large language model for layout planning. The large language model is capable of automatically generating keywords for text rendering and also supports layout modification through chatting. Secondly, we utilize the language model within the diffusion model to encode the position and texts at the line level. Unlike previous methods that employed tight character-level guidance, this approach generates more diverse text images. We conduct extensive experiments and incorporate user studies involving human participants as well as GPT-4V, validating TextDiffuser-2's capacity to achieve a more rational text layout and generation with enhanced diversity. The code and model will be available at \url{https://aka.ms/textdiffuser-2}

    Kosmos-2.5: A Multimodal Literate Model

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    We present Kosmos-2.5, a multimodal literate model for machine reading of text-intensive images. Pre-trained on large-scale text-intensive images, Kosmos-2.5 excels in two distinct yet cooperative transcription tasks: (1) generating spatially-aware text blocks, where each block of text is assigned its spatial coordinates within the image, and (2) producing structured text output that captures styles and structures into the markdown format. This unified multimodal literate capability is achieved through a shared Transformer architecture, task-specific prompts, and flexible text representations. We evaluate Kosmos-2.5 on end-to-end document-level text recognition and image-to-markdown text generation. Furthermore, the model can be readily adapted for any text-intensive image understanding task with different prompts through supervised fine-tuning, making it a general-purpose tool for real-world applications involving text-rich images. This work also paves the way for the future scaling of multimodal large language models

    TrOCR: Transformer-Based Optical Character Recognition with Pre-trained Models

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    Text recognition is a long-standing research problem for document digitalization. Existing approaches are usually built based on CNN for image understanding and RNN for char-level text generation. In addition, another language model is usually needed to improve the overall accuracy as a post-processing step. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end text recognition approach with pre-trained image Transformer and text Transformer models, namely TrOCR, which leverages the Transformer architecture for both image understanding and wordpiece-level text generation. The TrOCR model is simple but effective, and can be pre-trained with large-scale synthetic data and fine-tuned with human-labeled datasets. Experiments show that the TrOCR model outperforms the current state-of-the-art models on the printed, handwritten and scene text recognition tasks. The TrOCR models and code are publicly available at https://aka.ms/trocr

    Doping Strategy To Boost the Electromagnetic Wave Attenuation Ability of Hollow Carbon Spheres at Elevated Temperatures

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    Currently, the electromagnetic (EM) wave absorbers usually suffer severe performance degradation when they work for a while due to the generated heat issue. Developing a high-performance EM absorber with flexibility and adjustability that can effectively absorb the EM energy and convert into thermal energy at elevated temperature is highly desired but still remains a significant challenge. Herein, we demonstrate S-doped hollow carbon nanospheres used as fillers to fabricate a flexible and controllable EM absorber toward this challenge. Owing to the insertion of S-based polar groups in the graphitization area of carbon spheres, this EM absorber exhibits outstanding electromagnetic wave absorption capability with elimination of X-band EM wave performance at a temperature range of 298–423 K. Almost 90% of the X-band EM wave can be dissipated at 373 K, while the effective absorption rate of 75% can still be achieved at 423 K