11 research outputs found
6-Cinaruco Meiofauna Density Sand Exp
samples and calculations for meiofauna taxa and their densities in sand during fish exclosure/enclosure experiment
1-Cinaruco AFDM Tiles Exp
samples and calculations for particulate organic matter accumulations on tiles during fish exclosure/enclosure experiment
4-Cinaruco CHLA Sand Exp
samples and calculations for chlorophyll a accumulations in sand during fish exclosure/enclosure experiment
2-Cinaruco CHLA Tiles Exp
samples and calculations for chlorophyll a accumulations on tiles during fish exclosure/enclosure experiment
5-Cinaruco Algal Biovolume Tiles Exp
samples and calculations for alga taxa and their biovolumes accumulations on tiles during fish exclosure/enclosure experiment
Appendix I. Natural seasonal variation of meiofauna density within sand from littoral zones of the river channel and floodplain lagoons.
Natural seasonal variation of meiofauna density within sand from littoral zones of the river channel and floodplain lagoons
Appendix B. Nonmetric multidimensional ordination of algae (left column) and meiofauna (right column) assemblage structure contrasting seasons.
Nonmetric multidimensional ordination of algae (left column) and meiofauna (right column) assemblage structure contrasting seasons
Appendix H. Results of ANOVA for experiments testing effects of fish exclusion on the biovolume of two dominant algae taxa (Diatomophyceae, Zygnematophyceae) on tiles and three dominant meiofauna taxa (Rotifers, Crustacea, Insecta) within sand in two habitat types of the Cinaruco River during falling, low, and rising periods of the annual hydrologic cycle.
Results of ANOVA for experiments testing effects of fish exclusion on the biovolume of two dominant algae taxa (Diatomophyceae, Zygnematophyceae) on tiles and three dominant meiofauna taxa (Rotifers, Crustacea, Insecta) within sand in two habitat types of the Cinaruco River during falling, low, and rising periods of the annual hydrologic cycle
Appendix A. Hydrograph of the Cinaruco River showing data for two and a half annual flood pulses, and four low-water troughs during the January–April dry season.
Hydrograph of the Cinaruco River showing data for two and a half annual flood pulses, and four low-water troughs during the January–April dry season
Appendix E. Graphs of mean abundance (+1 SD) of common algae genera from sand in treatments within the river channel and lagoons during three phases of the annual hydrological cycle of the Cinaurco River.
Graphs of mean abundance (+1 SD) of common algae genera from sand in treatments within the river channel and lagoons during three phases of the annual hydrological cycle of the Cinaurco River