4 research outputs found

    Designing and evaluation of sodium selenite nanoparticles in vitro to improve selenium absorption in ruminants

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    Sodium selenite is used to prevent selenium deficiency known as nutritional muscular dystrophy or white muscle disease. In ruminants, selenium supplements are transformed partiality in insoluble form by ruminal microorganisms and its process decrease the selenium absorption in digestive gastrointestinal. However, the objective in this research was focused in encapsulated sodium selenite to be release into of a pH less than four, similarity to an intestinal environment. It was encapsulated by nanoprecipitation and emulsion–evaporation methods, within polymeric nanoparticles. The effect of these methods, polymer proportion (Eudragit RL and RS) and solvent (ethanol and acetone) on the physicochemical (drug entrapment, polidispersity index (PDI) and z potential) and morphological characteristics (particle morphology and particle size) were evaluated. Particle size from each nanoparticles, formulation ranged from 36.64 to 213.86 nm. Particle size, z potential and PDI increased (P ≤ 0.01) when nanoprecipitation and ethanol were used. No significant differences (P > 0.05) were observed when different polymeric proportions were used. Selenium entrapment was 26% when emulsion–evaporation method was used and 78% with nanoprecipitation. Nanoparticles produced by nanoprecipitation were spherical and had a great variation in particle size; on the other hand, nanoparticles produced by emulsion–evaporation were spherical as well as amorphous and presented a homogeneous nanopartcicle size distribution. The release of selenium from nanoparticles was higher in acid pH (less than 4), this condition may represent a better availability of the mineral in the small intestine

    Brucelosis: condiciĂłn socioeconĂłmica familiar y calidad de vida en dos zonas contrastantes del estado de Tlaxcala, MĂ©xico

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    Brucellosis, known as well as Malta fever, is a zoonotic disease caused by intracellular bacteria of the genus Brucella abortus or melitensis, the goats are the main reservoirs, and unpasteurized dairy products cause problem to public health. In 2008 Tlaxcala sate, filed a morbidity rate of 4.78/100000 inhabitants, ranking fourth nationally, the second two months of 2011 was ranked first nationally. The objective of this study was to analyze the relative socioeconomic status of individuals affected with brucellosis in rural and urban areas, evaluating the quality of life. The study groups were selected for regionalization through ArcView-3.2. Two questionnaires were applied for the following purposes: 1) Analyze the socioeconomic status of the study groups. 2) Measuring the quality of life in individuals infected and healthy, using the method of Rand Group. The results showed in rural areas: low socioeconomic status, higher incidence of brucellosis, interruption in medical treatment, medical complications in individuals ill, less educated, less medical services and medicines. The quality of life of individuals infected with brucellosis was lower when compared with the groups of healthy individuals.La brucelosis, o fiebre de Malta, es una enfermedad zoonótica ocasionada por la bacteria intracelular del género Brucella melitensis y Brucella abortus. En el estado de Tlaxcala los caprinos son los principales reservorios y los productos lácteos no pasteurizados ocasionan daños a la salud pública. En el año 2008 se presentó una tasa de morbilidad de 4.78/100000 habitantes, con ello se ocupó el cuarto lugar a nivel nacional; al segundo bimestre del 2011 se pasó al primer lugar nacional. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la condición socioeconómica familiar de los individuos afectados con brucelosis en las zonas rural y urbana, evaluando la calidad de vida. Los grupos de estudio fueron seleccionados por regionalización a través del programa Arc View-3.2. Se aplicaron dos cuestionarios con los siguientes propósitos: 1) analizar la condición socioeconómica de los grupos de estudio y 2) medir la calidad de vida en los individuos infectados y sanos, empleando el método de Rand Group. Los resultados mostraron que en la zona rural, de baja condición socioeconómica, había mayor incidencia de brucelosis, interrupción en tratamientos médicos, complicaciones médicas en los individuos enfermos, menor nivel educativo, menos servicios médicos y medicamentos. La calidad de vida de los individuos infectados con brucelosis fue menor, cuando se comparó con los grupos de individuos sanos