60 research outputs found
Commentary: Mirror-Image Equivalence and Interhemispheric Mirror-Image Reversal
International audienc
LâactivitĂ© communicationnelle enseignante lors des discussions Ă visĂ©e philosophique
Lâarticle traite de lâanimation en discussion Ă visĂ©e philosophique (DVP). Ă lâinstar des psychologues ergonomes, nous posons que former Ă une activitĂ© communicationnelle, en lâoccurrence Ă lâanimation de discussions Ă visĂ©e philosophique, suppose en amont de comprendre ce que les acteurs/animateurs sont amenĂ©s Ă faire dans ce type dâactivitĂ© et comment ils sây prennent. Pour comprendre en quoi consiste lâanimation en DVP et identifier des styles dâanimation, nous proposons dâĂ©tudier neuf DVP transcrites impliquant trois enseignants dâĂ©cole Ă©lĂ©mentaire. Les modĂšles et mĂ©thodologies que nous utilisons sont prĂ©sentĂ©s. Notre cadre emprunte Ă la psychologie sociale, Ă la psychologie ergonomique et aux sciences du langage. Nous Ă©tudions le rĂŽle des enseignants dans la distribution des prises de parole, dans la structuration fonctionnelle de lâactivitĂ© et nous identifions les fonctions que leurs comportements leur permettent dâaccomplir. Ă partir des rĂ©sultats nous parvenons Ă identifier des styles dâanimation.The paper deals with animation in Collaborative philosophical Inquiry. Like psychologists ergonomists, we develop that to design training on communicational activity (animation in CPI in this case), itâs necessary to understand this activity through the study of its accomplishment. To improve the understanding of animation in CPI and to identify different styles of animation, we propose to study nine CPI transcribed involving three elementary school teachers. We present models and methodologies used. Your framework borrowed from social psychology, ergonomic psychology and language sciences. We propose to study the role of teachers/animators in the communication distribution, in the functional structuring of the activity and so, we identify the functions that their behaviors enable them to accomplish. From the results, animation styles are identified
Investigating the Dimensionality of Early Numeracy Using the Bifactor Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling Framework
The few studies that have analyzed the factorial structure of early number skills have mainly used confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and have yielded inconsistent results, since early numeracy is considered to be unidimensional, multidimensional or even underpinned by a general factor. Recently, the bifactor exploratory structural equation modeling (bifactor-ESEM)âwhich has been proposed as a way to overcome the shortcomings of both the CFA and the exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM)âproved to be valuable to account for the multidimensionality and the hierarchical nature of several psychological constructs. The present study is the first to investigate the dimensionality of early number skills measurement through the application of the bifactor-ESEM framework. Using data from 644 prekindergarten and kindergarten children (4 to 6 years old), several competing models were contrasted: the one-factor CFA model; the independent cluster model (ICM-CFA); the exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM); and their bifactor counterpart (bifactor-CFA and bifactor-ESEM, respectively). Results indicated acceptable fit indexes for the one-factor CFA and the ICM-CFA models and excellent fit for the others. Among these, the bifactor-ESEM with one general factor and three specific factors (Counting, Relations, Arithmetic) not only showed the best model fit, but also the best coherent factor loadings structure and full measurement invariance across gender. The bifactor-ESEM appears relevant to help disentangle and account for general and specific factors of early numerical ability. While early numerical ability appears to be mainly underpinned by a general factor whose exact nature still has to be determined, this study highlights that specific latent dimensions with substantive value also exist. Identifying these specific facets is important in order to increase quality of early numerical ability measurement, predictive validity, and for practical implications
La conception et lâĂ©valuation dâapplications Ă©ducatives sur tablettes : vers la crĂ©ation dâun outil entre recherche et pratique
International audienceLe numérique à l'école et, plus spécifiquement, l'usage des tablettes dans le contexte des classes pose des questions : Utilité, Utilisabilité et Impacts ? Des auteurs font l'état des impacts positifs sur les apprentissages premiers des enfants (e.g. Papadakis et al., 2018), alors que d'autres sont plus réservés quant aux impacts effectifs de ces outils sur les apprentissages et la motivation scolaire (Amadieu & Tricot, 2013). Les acteurs éducatifs (enseignants, parents, concepteurs d'applications, chercheurs, etc.) sont amenés à se questionner sur la portée éducative des outils numériques utilisés auprÚs de jeunes enfants. Contact : HOAREAU Lara-Doctorante en Psychologie / Laboratoire Lorrain de Psychologie et Neurosciences (2LPN) / [email protected] / Directeurs : DINET JérÎme & TAZOUTI Youssef La conception et l'évaluation d'applications éducatives sur tablettes : vers la création d'un outil entre recherche et pratique
Developing arithmetic skills in kindergarten through a game- based approach: a major issue for learners and a challenge for teachers
peer reviewedEarly arithmetic skills, and in particular the understanding of the part-whole relationship, are currently considered crucial for future arithmetic achievement. They are complex skills extending far beyond the mastery of counting procedures. In order to develop these arithmetic skills in kindergarten children, we developed a game-based approach using conventional card and board games adapted to the targeted mathematical objectives. The present study examines the effects on the arithmetic skills of this game-based approach. Individual pre-and post-tests were administered to 194 children (5â6 years old) from four countries (play-based group nâ=â104 and control group nâ=â90). Our findings show that the learning outcomes of the game-based group were significantly higher than those of the control group after the intervention. The game-based group showed improvements in arithmetic skills, and in particular those relating to the part-part-whole relation. The intervention also resulted in all pupils, regardless of their initial proficiency level and including those regarded as âat riskâ, making more progress than those in the control group. These results demonstrate the possibility of developing complex mathematical learning effectively in preschool in a manner consistent with the needs and interests of young children
Denis or the genesis of self-recognition
Nous abordons de maniĂšre originale les conditions de la reconnaissance de soi, constitutive de lâĂ©mergence de la conscience de soi humaine par le biais dâune discordance observĂ©e en psychothĂ©rapie chez un jeune garçon de 7 ans et 4 mois, portant sur lâintĂ©gration des reprĂ©sentations de soi dans la situation spĂ©culaire. Avec une mĂ©thodologie d'analyse du discours produit dans lâinteraction, la logique interlocutoire (2007), nous recourons Ă la thĂ©orie des jeux d'investigation et de recherche dĂ©veloppĂ©e par Hintikka (1976, 1984, 1998b) afin de proposer un modĂšle qui permette d'expliciter formellement la clinique des phĂ©nomĂšnes mentaux observĂ©e chez le patient. RĂ©trospectivement nous questionnons le moment fĂ©cond, entre 18 et 36 mois, qui voit lâĂ©mergence dâun nouveau mode de fonctionnement de lâintentionnalitĂ© lorsque celle-ci intĂšgre les propriĂ©tĂ©s du signe linguistique et en particulier, dans ce cadre, le statut du signifiant autorĂ©fĂ©rentiel dans la formation de la fonction du « je ».We explore in an original way the conditions for self-recognition, from which human self-awareness emerges ; we do so by analyzing the discordance observed in psychotherapy in a boy of 7 years and 4 months : it relates to the integration of self-representations in a mirror-image situation. Using a discourse analysis methodology produced in interaction, the interlocutory logic (2007), we have recourse to the theory of investigation and research developed by Hintikka (1976, 1984, 1998b) , so as to offer a model that analyzes formally the clinical aspects of the mental phenomena observed in the patient. Retrospectively we ask questions about the fertile moment between 18 and 36 months, at which time a new form of intentionality emerges : it integrates the characteristics of linguistic signs and, in particular, in that context, the status of the self-referencing signifier in the formation of the function of âI'â
Denis ou la genĂšse de soi : Ă©tude d'un dialogue d'investigation et de recherche en logique interlocutoire
We explore in an original way the conditions for self-recognition, from which human self-awareness emerges ; we do so by analyzing the discordance observed in psychotherapy in a boy of 7 years and 4 months : it relates to the integration of self-representations in a mirror-image situation. Using a discourse analysis methodology produced in interaction, the interlocutory logic (2007), we have recourse to the theory of investigation and research developed by Hintikka (1976, 1984, 1998b) , so as to offer a model that analyzes formally the clinical aspects of the mental phenomena observed in the patient. Retrospectively we ask questions about the fertile moment between 18 and 36 months, at which time a new form of intentionality emerges : it integrates the characteristics of linguistic signs and, in particular, in that context, the status of the self-referencing signifier in the formation of the function of ?I'?.Nous abordons de maniÚre originale les conditions de la reconnaissance de soi, constitutive de l'émergence de la conscience de soi humaine par le biais d'une discordance observée en psychothérapie chez un jeune garçon de 7 ans et 4 mois, portant sur l'intégration des représentations de soi dans la situation spéculaire. Avec une méthodologie d'analyse du discours produit dans l'interaction, la logique interlocutoire (2007), nous recourons à la théorie des jeux d'investigation et de recherche développée par Hintikka (1976, 1984, 1998b) afin de proposer un modÚle qui permette d'expliciter formellement la clinique des phénomÚnes mentaux observée chez le patient. Rétrospectivement nous questionnons le moment fécond, entre 18 et 36 mois, qui voit l'émergence d'un nouveau mode de fonctionnement de l'intentionnalité lorsque celle-ci intÚgre les propriétés du signe linguistique et en particulier, dans ce cadre, le statut du signifiant autoréférentiel dans la formation de la fonction du « je »
Quâen est-il de la formation Ă lâintervention en situation de crise psychotraumatique en milieu scolaire en 2017-2018 ? EnquĂȘte auprĂšs des psychologues de lâEducation nationale
International audienc
Quâen est-il de la formation Ă lâintervention en situation de crise psychotraumatique en milieu scolaire en 2017-2018 ? EnquĂȘte auprĂšs des psychologues de lâEducation nationale
International audienc
A Synoptic and Theoretical Account of Character (Digits and Capital Letters) Reversal in Writings by Typically Developing Children
International audienceReversing characters (digits and letters) when writing, and complete mirror writing, raise one of the oldest and most mysterious questions in developmental and educational psychology: Why do five-year-old children write symbols (e.g., â for E) they have neither learnt nor seen? Attempts to draw up a complete explanatory theory of character reversal in writings by typically developing children were long hindered by the existence of a seemingly satisfactory explanation (left-hand writing), the failure to bring together research in neuropsychology and educational psychology, and the failure to consider the shape and structure of the characters. The present paper remedies this situation by describing a new, comprehensive theory based on recent neuropsychological findings and extensive empirical observations. The theory assumes that a character's orientation, detected in the early visual processing area, is deleted (or made inaccessible) by the mirror generalization process during transfer to memory. Consequently, there is a period, usually around age five, during which children have representations of the characters' shapes but not their orientations. Hence, when asked to write a character, children have to improvise its orientation, and the orientation they choose (implicitly, non-consciously) is often derived from the writing direction in their culture
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