1,905 research outputs found

    Age of the Peach Springs Tuff, Southeastern California and Western Arizona

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    Sanidine separates from pumice of the early Miocene Peach Springs Tuff are concordantly dated at 18.5 ± 0.2 Ma by two isotopic techniques. The Peach Springs Tuff is the only known unit that can be correlated between isolated outcrops of Miocene strata from the central Mojave Desert of southeastern California to the western Colorado Plateau in Arizona, across five structural provinces, a distance of 350 km. Thus the age of the Peach Springs Tuff is important to structural and paleogeographic reconstructions of a large region. Biotite and sanidine separates from bulk samples of the Peach Springs Tuff from zones of welding and vapor-phase alteration have not produced consistent ages by the K-Ar method. Published ages of mineral separates from 17 localities ranged from 16.2 to 20.5 Ma. Discordant 40Ar/39Ar incremental release spectra were obtained for one biotite and two of the sanidine separates. Ages that correspond to the last gas increments are as old as 27 Ma. The 40Ar/39Ar incremental release determinations on sanidine separated from blocks of Peach Springs Tuff pumice yield ages of 18.3 ± 0.3 and 18.6 ± 0.4 Ma. Laser fusion measurements yield a mean age of 18.51 ± 0.10. The results suggest that sanidine and biotite K-Ar ages older than about 18.5 Ma are due to inherited Ar from pre-Tertiary contaminants, which likely were incorporated into the tuff during deposition. Sanidine K-Ar ages younger than 18 Ma probably indicate incomplete extraction of radiogenic 40Ar, whereas laser fusion dates of biotite and hornblende younger than 18 Ma likely are due to postdepositional alteration. Laser fusion ages as high as 19.01 Ma on biotite grains from pumice suggest that minerals from pre-Tertiary country rocks also were incorporated in the magma chamber

    Gaseous argon time projection chamber with electroluminescence enhanced optical readout

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    Systematic uncertainties in accelerator oscillation neutrino experiments arise mostly from nuclear models describing neutrino-nucleus interactions. To mitigate these uncertainties, we can study neutrino-nuclei interactions with detectors possessing enhanced hadron detection capabilities at energies below the nuclear Fermi level. Gaseous detectors not only lower the particle detection threshold but also enable the investigation of nuclear effects on various nuclei by allowing for changes in the gas composition. This approach provides valuable insights into the modelling of neutrino-nucleus interactions and significantly reduces associated uncertainties. Here, we discuss the design and first operation of a gaseous argon time projection chamber optically read. The detector operates at atmospheric pressure and features a single stage of electron amplification based on a thick GEM. Here, photons are produced with wavelengths in the vacuum ultraviolet regime. In an optical detector the primary constraint is the light yield. This study explores the possibility of increasing the light yield by applying a low electric field downstream of the ThGEM. In this region, called the electroluminescence gap, electrons propagate and excite the argon atoms, leading to the subsequent emission of photons. This process occurs without any further electron amplification, and it is demonstrated that the total light yield increases up to three times by applying moderate electric fields of the order of 3~kV/cm. Finally, an indirect method is discussed for determining the photon yield per charge gain of a ThGEM, giving a value of 18.3 photons detected per secondary electron

    Imaging of lumpectomy surface with large field-of-view confocal laser scanning microscope for intraoperative margin assessment - POLARHIS study

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    Introduction: Breast-conserving surgery (BCS) in case of breast cancer and/or in-situ-carcinoma lesions (DCIS) intends to completely remove breast cancer while saving healthy tissue as much as possible to achieve better aesthetic and psychological outcomes for the patient. Such modality should result in postoperative tumor-free margins of the surgical resection in order to carry on with the next therapeutical steps of the patient care. However, 10–40% of patients undergo more than one procedure to achieve acceptable cancer-negative margins. A 2nd operation or further operation (re-operation) has physical, psychological, and economic consequences. It also delays the administration of adjuvant therapy, and has been associated with an elevated risk of local and distant disease relapse. In addition, a high re-operation rate can have significant economic effects - both for the service provider and for the payer. A more efficient intraoperative assessment of the margin may address these issues. Recently, a large field-of-view confocal laser scanning microscope designed to allow real-time intraoperative margin assessment has arrived on the market - the Histolog Scanner. In this paper, we present the first evaluation of lumpectomy margins assessment with this new device. Materials and methods: 40 consecutive patients undergoing BCS with invasive and/or DCIS were included. The whole surface of the surgical specimens was imaged right after the operation using the Histolog Scanner (HLS). The assessment of all the specimen margins was performed intraoperatively according to the standard-of-care of the center which consists of combined ultrasound (IOUS) and/or conventional specimen radiography (CSR), and gross surgical inspection. Margin assessment on HLS images was blindly performed after the surgery by 5 surgeons and one pathologist. The capabilities to correctly determine margin status in HLS images was compared to the final histopathological assessment. Furthermore, the potential reduction of positive-margin and re-operation rates by utilization of the HLS were extrapolated. Results: The study population included 7/40 patients with DCIS (17.5%), 17/40 patients with DCIS and invasive ductal cancer (IDC NST) (42.5%), 10/40 patients with IDC NST (25%), 4/40 with invasive lobular cancer (ILC) (10%), and 1/40 patients with a mix of IDC NST, DCIS, and ILC. Clinical routine resulted in 13 patients with positive margins identified by final histopathological assessment, resulting in 12 re-operations (30% re-operation rate). Amongst these 12 patients, 10 had DCIS components involved in their margin, confirming the importance of improving the detection accuracy of this specific lesion. Surgeons, who were given a short familiarization on HLS images, and a pathologist were able to detect positive margins in 4/12 and 7/12 patients (33% and 58%), respectively, that were missed by the intraoperative standard of care. In addition, a retrospective analysis of the HLS images revealed that cancer lesions can be identified in 9/12 (75%) patients with positive margins. Conclusion: The present study presents that breast cancer can be detected by surgeons and pathologists in HLS images of lumpectomy margins leading to a potential reduction of 30% and 75% of the re-operations. The Histolog Scanner is easily inserted into the clinical workflow and has the potential to improve the intraoperative standard-of-care for the assessment of breast conserving treatments. In addition, it has the potential to increase oncological safety and cosmetics by avoiding subsequent resections and can also have a significant positive economic effect for service providers and cost bearers. The data presented in this study will have to be further confirmed in a prospective phase–III–trial

    Variety and Volatility in Financial Markets

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    We study the price dynamics of stocks traded in a financial market by considering the statistical properties both of a single time series and of an ensemble of stocks traded simultaneously. We use the nn stocks traded in the New York Stock Exchange to form a statistical ensemble of daily stock returns. For each trading day of our database, we study the ensemble return distribution. We find that a typical ensemble return distribution exists in most of the trading days with the exception of crash and rally days and of the days subsequent to these extreme events. We analyze each ensemble return distribution by extracting its first two central moments. We observe that these moments are fluctuating in time and are stochastic processes themselves. We characterize the statistical properties of ensemble return distribution central moments by investigating their probability density functions and temporal correlation properties. In general, time-averaged and portfolio-averaged price returns have different statistical properties. We infer from these differences information about the relative strength of correlation between stocks and between different trading days. Lastly, we compare our empirical results with those predicted by the single-index model and we conclude that this simple model is unable to explain the statistical properties of the second moment of the ensemble return distribution.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Scaling of the distribution of fluctuations of financial market indices

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    We study the distribution of fluctuations over a time scale Δt\Delta t (i.e., the returns) of the S&P 500 index by analyzing three distinct databases. Database (i) contains approximately 1 million records sampled at 1 min intervals for the 13-year period 1984-1996, database (ii) contains 8686 daily records for the 35-year period 1962-1996, and database (iii) contains 852 monthly records for the 71-year period 1926-1996. We compute the probability distributions of returns over a time scale Δt\Delta t, where Δt\Delta t varies approximately over a factor of 10^4 - from 1 min up to more than 1 month. We find that the distributions for Δt\Delta t \leq 4 days (1560 mins) are consistent with a power-law asymptotic behavior, characterized by an exponent α3\alpha \approx 3, well outside the stable L\'evy regime 0<α<20 < \alpha < 2. To test the robustness of the S&P result, we perform a parallel analysis on two other financial market indices. Database (iv) contains 3560 daily records of the NIKKEI index for the 14-year period 1984-97, and database (v) contains 4649 daily records of the Hang-Seng index for the 18-year period 1980-97. We find estimates of α\alpha consistent with those describing the distribution of S&P 500 daily-returns. One possible reason for the scaling of these distributions is the long persistence of the autocorrelation function of the volatility. For time scales longer than (Δt)×4(\Delta t)_{\times} \approx 4 days, our results are consistent with slow convergence to Gaussian behavior.Comment: 12 pages in multicol LaTeX format with 27 postscript figures (Submitted to PRE May 20, 1999). See http://polymer.bu.edu/~amaral/Professional.html for more of our work on this are

    Mining for diagnostic information in body surface potential maps: A comparison of feature selection techniques

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    BACKGROUND: In body surface potential mapping, increased spatial sampling is used to allow more accurate detection of a cardiac abnormality. Although diagnostically superior to more conventional electrocardiographic techniques, the perceived complexity of the Body Surface Potential Map (BSPM) acquisition process has prohibited its acceptance in clinical practice. For this reason there is an interest in striking a compromise between the minimum number of electrocardiographic recording sites required to sample the maximum electrocardiographic information. METHODS: In the current study, several techniques widely used in the domains of data mining and knowledge discovery have been employed to mine for diagnostic information in 192 lead BSPMs. In particular, the Single Variable Classifier (SVC) based filter and Sequential Forward Selection (SFS) based wrapper approaches to feature selection have been implemented and evaluated. Using a set of recordings from 116 subjects, the diagnostic ability of subsets of 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 and 32 electrocardiographic recording sites have been evaluated based on their ability to correctly asses the presence or absence of Myocardial Infarction (MI). RESULTS: It was observed that the wrapper approach, using sequential forward selection and a 5 nearest neighbour classifier, was capable of choosing a set of 24 recording sites that could correctly classify 82.8% of BSPMs. Although the filter method performed slightly less favourably, the performance was comparable with a classification accuracy of 79.3%. In addition, experiments were conducted to show how (a) features chosen using the wrapper approach were specific to the classifier used in the selection model, and (b) lead subsets chosen were not necessarily unique. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that both the filter and wrapper approaches adopted were suitable for guiding the choice of recording sites useful for determining the presence of MI. It should be noted however that in this study recording sites have been suggested on their ability to detect disease and such sites may not be optimal for estimating body surface potential distributions

    Study of Zn O,S Films grown by Aerosol Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition and their Application as Buffer Layers in Cu In,Ga S,Se 2 Solar Cells

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    To reduce the use of toxic and expensive elements in chalcopyrite thin film solar cells, materials such as cadmium or indium used in buffer layers need to be substituted. Zn O,S is considered to be a potential buffer layer material when deposited with a fast and inexpensive method. Zn O,S layers have been prepared by aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition AACVD technique. AACVD technique is a simple non vacuum process where the thin film deposition temperatures do not exceed 250 C. 10 mM spray solution was made by dissolving zinc II acetylacetonate monohydrate in ethanol. The films were grown on Mo substrate at 225 C film growth temperature . The effect of deposition parameters spray solution concentration, N2 flow rate, H2S flow rate on Zn O,S thin film properties were studied with SEM and XRD. Thereupon optimizing the deposition parameters, homogeneous and compact Zn O,S thin films were obtained and the films were employed in the chalcopyrite thin film solar cell structure by growing films on Cu In,Ga S,Se 2 substrates industrially produced by BOSCH Solar CISTech GmbH. The resulting cells were studied using current voltage and quantum efficiency analysis and compared with solar cell references that include In2S3 and CdS as buffer layer deposited by ion layer gas reaction and chemical bath deposition, respectively. The best output of the solar cell containing Zn O,S as buffer layer and without intrinsic ZnO under standard test conditions AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm2, 25 C is Voc 573 mV, Jsc 39.2 mA cm2, FF 68.4 and efficiency of 15.4 being slightly better than the In2S3 or CdS containing solar cell reference