108 research outputs found

    Diversity of microcystins and non-microcystin-producing Microcystics population in the Dau Tieng reservoir, Vietnam

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    In this study, a 16S rDNA clone library was used to evaluate the diversity of potential microcystin producing cyanobacteria and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to analyze the diversity of this population based on the presence of the mcyD gene in samples collected during a bloom season. The results revealed that Microcystis genera from the Dau Tieng reservoir (DTR) contained several genotypes. The isolated Microcystis strains from the DTR were found to consist both toxic and non-toxic species within species and population. In total 35 strains acounted for 58% were found to produce a mixture of microcystins (MCs). All samples of cyanobacterial blooms in the DTR contained high amount of MCs which could pose health risk to aquatic systems and local people.


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    Seasonal changes in freshwater phytoplankton assemblages at Tuyen Lam Reservoir in the Central Highlands of Vietnam were classified into 23 functional groups based on physiological, morphological, and ecological characteristics. A total of 168 species were recorded during 10 surveys from 2015 to 2019 at 7 sampling sites, with Chlorophyta dominating in number of species. Phytoplankton abundance varied from 0.18×105 to 21.2×105 cells/L during the study period, mainly due to cyanobacteria. Seven of the 23 functional groups were considered to be dominant (relative density > 5%).  The dominant functional groups were groups M and G in the dry season and groups M, G, P, and E in the rainy season. Group M (Microcystis aeruginosa) was the most common in both seasons, while group P (Closterium, Staurastrum, Aulacoseira), group E (Dinobryon, Synura), and group G (Sphaerocystis, Eudorina) were more common in the rainy season. The Shannon diversity index (H¢) showed that phytoplankton communities were relatively diverse and that most of the study sites were lightly polluted. However, the ecological status has deteriorated at some locations due to the overgrowth of group M, leading to eutrophication in this reservoir. This study highlights the usefulness of functional groups in the study of seasonal changes in phytoplankton dynamics. Functional groups are applied for the first time at Tuyen Lam Reservoir and can be used to predict early-stage cyanobacterial blooms in future studies


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    A comprehensive study in efficacy of Vietnamese herbal extracts on whiteleg shrimp (<em>Penaeus vannamei</em>) against <em>Vibrio parahaemolyticus</em> causing acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND)

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    Traditional Vietnamese herbal species were examined for their antimicrobial activity and disease resistance in whiteleg shrimp. In-vitro screening, the extracts of ten herbs were conducted to test the inhibition ability against Vibrio parahaemolyticus, causing acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease. The results showed that five out of ten herbal species, including Pithecellobium dulce, Melaleuca leucadendron, Eucalyptus globulus, Mimosa pirga, and Hibiscus sabdariffa displayed potent antibacterial activity. Besides, three types of extracts of H. sabdariffa, E. globulus, and M. pirga were coated to the pellet feed at a concentration of 1%. After 30 days of feeding, the whiteleg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) were challenged by V. parahaemolyticus through immersion. The growth performance (such as growth rate in length and weight, survival rate), hematological parameters of total hemocytes (THC), hyaline hemocytes (HC), and granulocytes (GC), and hepatopancreas recovery under the treatments with herbal extracts of the whiteleg shrimp were significantly enhanced as compared with the control (without herbal extract). The mortality and the bacterial density in the hepatopancreas of shrimp decreased. Specifically, the mortality of shrimp in the treatment supplemented with the methanol extract of H. sabdariffa was the lowest, followed by M. pirga and E. globulus. The experimental results also indicated that H. sabdariffa, E. globulus, and M. pirga could improve immune parameters and disease resistance; therefore, they should be employed in sustainable shrimp, practical farming

    A community participatory intervention model to reduce the health risks from biogas wastewater in Hanam Province, Vietnam

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    In Vietnam, using biogas to treat livestock waste is common, in particular on small holder farms. However, most small holder farms do not know how to use biogas correctly and wastewater can affect health and the environment. Using a participatory approach with farmers and other stakeholders we developed and implemented a set of interventions in Hanam province to reduce health risks from biogas wastewater. Twenty-four pig farmers were selected as a "core group" to be instrumental in developing the interventions and training other farmers to correctly use biogas. The intervention model was piloted for 6 months. Several outputs were obtained including i) approval and enforcement of a "huong uoc - village law" on environmental protection; ii) training of 24 farmers from the core group in communication skills to share information on using biogas; iii) development of a 6-step program of pig cage cleaning to limit waste loaded to biogas to improve the efficiency of biogas production; iv) a health monitoring books for humans and animals for use by families in the community. The results provided evidence that applying the participatory approach can lead to improved knowledge and practices of farmer using biogas and can reduce the health risks from biogas wastewater

    Assessment of the Effectiveness of Ich Tam Khang as a Supportive Therapy for Chronic Heart Failure

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    Background: Heart failure is a chronic disease needing lifelong management. Despite the advances that have been made in the treatment of the disease, both the longevity and quality of life for those with chronic heart failure remain impaired. A more effective therapeutic approach with less negative side effects is still needed. In this study, we evaluate Ich Tam Khang (ITK), the poly-ingredient herbal and nutritional preparation with multiple physiological actions, as a supportive therapy for patients with chronic heart failure.Aims of Study: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Ich Tam Khang as an adjunctive treatment of chronic heart failure.Methods: A total of 60 patients with chronic congestive heart failure were enrolled in this open label, cross-sectional and prospective study. All patients were treated with a conventional regimen (digoxin, diuretics, angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), beta blockers) for at least 4 weeks before being divided into two equal groups. In the treated patients with ITK, patients received conventional therapy plus 4 tablets ITK per day added in two divided doses. In the control patients, all patients kept the same conventional regimen without ITK. All patients were followed up for 3 months for clinical and para-clinical outcomes.Result: The symptoms of heart failure (dyspnea, palpitation, peripheral edema, neck vein distention, heptojugular reflex) decreased. Heart rate and blood pressure stabilized during treatment in the treated patients with ITK. Additionally, total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol normalized in the patients treated with ITK. Most of echocardiography parameters in the ITK treated patients were superior to the control patients. ITK is safe and it has no side effects.Conclusion: ITK as a combination of herbal and nutritional preparation is effective in reducing heart failure symptoms, improving patient's quality of life for the patients with decompensated heart failure and reducing total cholesterol and LDL-C

    Chemical composition and antibacterial activities of essential oils from Homalomena pierreana (Araceae)

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    30-37Homalomena is a genus of the Araceae family which contains several remedies used extensively in traditional Vietnamese medicine. H. pierreana is a rare plant species of Homalomena genus and found only in Phu Quoc National Park, Phu Quoc Island, Kien Giang Province, Vietnam. Therefore, the number of studies about this species is limited and the bioactivity of this species is still unknown. In this study, the chemical composition of essential oils was investigated which was isolated from leaves and rhizomes of H. pierreana at the first time by GC-MS. Eight and twelve compounds were identified from the essential oils of rhizomes and leaves, respectively. The major component from both the rhizomes and the leaves was aromadendrene (44 and 48%, respectively). Furthermore, the antibacterial activity of essential oils collected from leaves and rhizomes of H. pierreana was investigated and it was observed that the essential oil of rhizomes could inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, while the essential oil of leaves exhibited an inhibitory effect against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.</em

    Neuromuscular Blockade Agents Reversal with Sugammadex Compared to Neostigmine in the Living Kidney Donors

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    Backround: The reversation of NMBA (neuromuscular blocking agents) prevents numerous postoperative complications, increases quality of recovery and decreases the time, expenditure spending in hospital. The choice of medicine used to reverse NMBA depends&nbsp; considered as a key fators to gain the best outcome and to avoid the side effects. Aim: To evaluate the postoperative effect on muscle relaxation reversal and side effects of sugammadex 2 mg/kg versus the combination of&nbsp; neostigmine and atropine sulfate in the living kidney donors. MethodS: A randomised controlled trial on 70 patients undergoing living kidney donation surgery were allocated to 2 groups. Patients in group I (SUGA) were reversed with sugammadex 2 mg/kg and in group II (NEO/ATR) with the combination of neostigmine and atropine sulfat. Results: With 35 patients in each group, the study results showed that after 3 mintutes of reversal patients reaching TOF value ≥ 0.9 in group SUGA is 91.4%, after 5 minutes 100% of patients in group SUGA reached TOF value ≥ 0.9 . In group NEO/ATR after 3 minutes 28.6% patients reached TOF ≥ 0.9 and 40% patients reached TOF≥ 0.9 after 5 minutes. The difference in percentage of patients reaching TOF ≥ 0.9 after 3 minutes, 5 minutes of reversal between two groups is significant (p&lt;0.05). After 10 minutes, 100% patients in both group got TOF ≥ 0.9. Time to exutubation of group SUGA was 249.43 ± 81.75 seconds and it was 456.29 ± 146.45 seconds in group NEO/ATR. Nausea, bradycardia, and increased phlegm production in group NEO/ATR was 22.9%; 28.5%; 25.7% respectively; while those side effects were not met in group SUGA, the difference was significant (p&lt;0.05). Conclusion: The muscle relaxation reversal effect of sugammadex was faster than that of neostigmine, the duration TOF ≥ 0.9 and the time to extubation was significantly faster. Sugammadex did not cause hemodynamic changes before and after muscle relaxation reversal, neostigmine resulted in the bradycardia, increased phlegm secreting and other side effects. The renal function after 24 hours postoperatively of two groups was similar