58 research outputs found

    The roots of future rice harvests

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    The authors thank the Global Rice Science Partnership and Agropolis Fondation (Special grant n° 1400–009 and Rhizopolis grant n° 1001–005) benefiting from a national ANR Investissement d’Avenir” grant ANR-10-LABX-001-01) for supporting the workshop. They acknowledge the assistance of Nathalie Pivot, Cirad and Véronique Rafin, INRA in workshop organization. The root research at Cirad and University of Aberdeen is supported by the European Grant (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 289300.27 EURoot “Enhancing resource Uptake from ROOTs under stress in cereal crops”. Research at IRRI is supported by the Generation Challenge Program and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. J.X. is supported by the AcRF Tier 2 grant (MOE2009-T2-1-060) from the Ministry of Education of Singapore and National Research Foundation Singapore under its Competitive Research Programme (CRP Award No. NRF2010 NRF-CRP002-018). Doan Trung Luu is supported by the EU Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship 'ORYZAQUA – Cell Biology of Rice Aquaporins' (PIOF-GA-2011-300150). AP acknowledges the Generation Challenge Programme funded project “Targeting drought avoidance root traits to enhance rice productivity under water limited environments”. Financial support for A.G. Diedhiou was provided by the Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD, VE12/13, CpVIII-Ar4 ) and GRISP. *This paper is dedicated to the late memory of Pr Ping Wu who passed away in a tragic car accident on June 12th, 2014.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Aquaporin trafficking in plant cells: an emerging membrane-protein model.

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    International audienceAquaporins (AQPs) are channel proteins that facilitate the transport of water and small solutes across biological membranes. In plants, AQPs exhibit a high multiplicity of isoforms in relation to a high diversity of sub-cellular localizations, at the plasma membrane (PM) and in various intracellular compartments. Some members also exhibit a dual localization in distinct cell compartments, whereas others show polarized or domain-specific expression at the PM or tonoplast, respectively. A diversity of mechanisms controlling the routing of newly synthesized AQPs towards their destination membranes and involving diacidic motifs, phosphorylation or tetramer assembly is being uncovered. Recent approaches using single particle tracking, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching have, in combination with pharmacological interference, stressed the peculiarities of AQP sub-cellular dynamics in environmentally challenging conditions. A role for clathrin and sterol-rich domains in cell surface dynamics and endocytosis of PM AQPs was uncovered. These recent advances provide deep insights into the cellular mechanisms of water transport regulation in plants. They also point to AQPs as an emerging model for studying the sub-cellular dynamics of plant membrane proteins

    La genèse des racines secondaires expliquée

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    Interview dans Biofutur de novembre p.16, rédigée par Hortense Albert.L'émergence des racines secondaires serait liée à la régulation des flux d'eau dans la plante, sous le contrôle de l'auxine

    A look inside: localization patterns and functions of intracellular plant aquaporins.

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    International audienceAquaporins form a superfamily of intrinsic channel proteins in the plasma and intracellular membranes of plant cells. While a lot of research effort has substantiated the importance of plasma membrane aquaporins for the regulation of plant water homeostasis, comparably little is known about the function of intracellular aquaporins. Yet, various low-molecular-weight compounds, in addition to water, were recently shown to permeate some of these aquaporins. In this review, we examine the diversity of transport properties and localization patterns of intracellular aquaporins. The discussed profiles include, for example, water and ammonia transport across the tonoplast or CO2 transport through the chloroplast envelope. Furthermore, we try to assess to what extent the diverse aquaporin distribution patterns, in relation to the high degree of compartmentation of plant cells, can be linked to a wide range of cellular functions

    Mechanisms and effects of retention of over-expressed aquaporin AtPIP2;1 in the endoplasmic reticulum.

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    International audiencePlasma membrane intrinsic proteins (PIPs) are aquaporins that mediate water transport across the plant plasma membrane (PM). The present work addresses, using Arabidopsis AtPIP2;1 as a model, the mechanisms and significance of trafficking of newly synthesized PIPs from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi apparatus. A functional diacidic export motif (Asp4-Val5-Glu6) was identified in the N-terminal tail of AtPIP2;1, using expression in transgenic Arabidopsis of site-directed mutants tagged with the green fluorescent protein (GFP). Confocal fluorescence imaging and a novel fluorescence recovery after photobleaching application based on the distinct diffusion of PM and intracellular AtPIP2;1-GFP forms revealed a retention in the ER of diacidic mutated forms, but with quantitative differences. Thus, the individual role of the two acidic Asp4 and Glu6 residues was established. In addition, expression in transgenic Arabidopsis of ER-retained AtPIP2;1-GFP constructs reduced the root hydraulic conductivity. Co-expression of AtPIP2;1-GFP and AtPIP1;4-mCherry constructs suggested that ER-retained AtPIP2;1-GFP may interact with other PIPs to hamper their trafficking to the PM, thereby contributing to inhibition of root cell hydraulic conductivity

    Plant aquaporins: membrane channels with multiple integrated functions.

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    International audienceAquaporins are channel proteins present in the plasma and intracellular membranes of plant cells, where they facilitate the transport of water and/or small neutral solutes (urea, boric acid, silicic acid) or gases (ammonia, carbon dioxide). Recent progress was made in understanding the molecular bases of aquaporin transport selectivity and gating. The present review examines how a wide range of selectivity profiles and regulation properties allows aquaporins to be integrated in numerous functions, throughout plant development, and during adaptations to variable living conditions. Although they play a central role in water relations of roots, leaves, seeds, and flowers, aquaporins have also been linked to plant mineral nutrition and carbon and nitrogen fixation

    Probing plasma membrane dynamics at the single-molecule level.

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    International audienceThe plant plasma membrane is highly dynamic and changes multiple aspects of its organization in response to environmental and internal factors. A detailed understanding of membrane dynamics in living plant cells has remained obscure because of the limited spatial resolution of conventional optical microscopy. Recently, several single-molecule imaging approaches have been developed and used to provide valuable insights into the fundamental biochemical and biophysical properties of the plant plasma membrane, including the organization of membrane microdomains and the dynamics of single-molecule diffusion. Here we review single-molecule imaging methods, including total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM), fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), and super-resolution microscopy, and examine their contributions to recent progress in understanding protein dynamics and membrane organization in living plant cells

    Probing plasma membrane dynamics at the single-molecule level

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    International audienceThe plant plasma membrane is highly dynamic and changes multiple aspects of its organization in response to environmental and internal factors. A detailed understanding of membrane dynamics in living plant cells has remained obscure because of the limited spatial resolution of conventional optical microscopy. Recently, several single-molecule imaging approaches have been developed and used to provide valuable insights into the fundamental biochemical and biophysical properties of the plant plasma membrane, including the organization of membrane microdomains and the dynamics of single-molecule diffusion. Here we review single-molecule imaging methods, including total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM), fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), and super-resolution microscopy, and examine their contributions to recent progress in understanding protein dynamics and membrane organization in living plant cells