2,367 research outputs found

    The Canonical Nuclear Many-Body Problem as an Effective Theory

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    Recently it was argued that it might be possible treat the conventional nuclear structure problem -- nonrelativistic point nucleons interacting through a static and rather singular potential -- as an effective theory in a shell-model basis. In the first half of this talk we describe how such a program can be carried out for the simplest nuclei, the deuteron and 3He, exploiting a new numerical technique for solving the self-consistent Bloch-Horowitz equation. Some of the properties of proper effective theories are thus illustrated and contrasted with the shell model. In the second half of the talk we use these examples to return to a problem that frustrated the field three decades ago, the possibility of reducing the effective interactions problem to perturbation theory. We show, by exploiting the Talmi integral expansion, that hard-core potentials can be systematically softened by the introduction of a series of contact operators familiar from effective field theory. The coefficients of these operators can be run analytically by a renormalization group method in a scheme-independent way, with the introduction of suitable counterterms. Once these coefficients are run to the shell model scale, we show that the renormalized coefficients contain all of the information needed to evaluate perturbative insertions of the remaining soft potential. The resulting perturbative expansion is shown to converge in lowest order for the simplest nucleus, the deuteron.Comment: Latex, 12 pages, 2 figures Talk presented at the International Symposium on Nuclei and Nucleons, held in honor of Achim Richter Typos corrected in this replacemen

    Energy spectra of two interacting fermions with spin-orbit coupling in a harmonic trap

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    We explore the two-body spectra of spin-1/21/2 fermions in isotropic harmonic traps with external spin-orbit potentials and short range two-body interactions. Using a truncated basis of total angular momentum eigenstates, non-perturbative results are presented for experimentally realistic forms of the spin-orbit coupling: a pure Rashba coupling, Rashba and Dresselhaus couplings in equal parts, and a Weyl-type coupling. The technique is easily adapted to bosonic systems and other forms of spin-orbit coupling.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Water Ice in 2060 Chiron and its Implications for Centaurs and Kuiper Belt Objects

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    We report the detection of water ice in the Centaur 2060 Chiron, based on near-infrared spectra (1.0 - 2.5 micron) taken with the 3.8-meter United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) and the 10-meter Keck Telescope. The appearance of this ice is correlated with the recent decline in Chiron's cometary activity: the decrease in the coma cross-section allows previously hidden solid-state surface features to be seen. We predict that water ice is ubiquitous among Centaurs and Kuiper Belt objects, but its surface coverage varies from object to object, and thus determines its detectability and the occurrence of cometary activity.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, accepted by ApJ Letter

    Population of the Scattered Kuiper Belt

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    We present the discovery of three new Scattered Kuiper Belt Objects (SKBOs) from a wide-field survey of the ecliptic. This continuing survey has to date covered 20.2 square degrees to a limiting red magnitude of 23.6. We combine the data from this new survey with an existing survey conducted at the University of Hawaii 2.2m telescope to constrain the number and mass of the SKBOs. The SKBOs are characterized by large eccentricities, perihelia near 35 AU, and semi-major axes > 50 AU. Using a maximum-likelihood model, we estimate the total number of SKBOs larger than 100 km in diameter to be N = 3.1 (+1.9/-1.3) x 10^4 (1 sigma) and the total mass of SKBOs to be about 0.05 Earth masses, demonstrating that the SKBOs are similar in number and mass to the Kuiper Belt inside 50 AU.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    S-wave scattering of strangeness -3 baryons

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    We explore the interactions of two strangeness -3 baryons in multiple spin channels with lattice QCD. This system provides an ideal laboratory for exploring the interactions of multi-baryon systems with minimal dependence on light quark masses. Model calculations of the two-Ω\Omega^- system in two previous works have obtained conflicting results, which can be resolved by lattice QCD. The lattice calculations are performed using two different volumes with L2.5L\sim2.5 and 3.9 fm on anisotropic clover lattices at mπ390m_\pi \sim 390 MeV with a lattice spacing of as0.123a_s \sim 0.123 fm in the spatial direction and atas/3.5a_t\sim{a}_s/3.5 in the temporal direction. Using multiple interpolating operators from a non-displaced source, we present scattering information for two ground state Ω\Omega^- baryons in both the S=0 and S=2 channels. For S=0, kcotδk\cot\delta is extracted at two volumes, which lead to an extrapolated scattering length of aS=0ΩΩ=0.16±0.22 fma^{\Omega\Omega}_{S=0}=0.16 \pm 0.22 \ \text{fm}, indicating a weakly repulsive interaction. Additionally, for S=2, two separate highly repulsive states are observed. We also present results on the interactions of the excited strangeness -3, spin-1/2 states with the ground spin-3/2 states for the spin-1 and spin-2 channels. Results for these interactions are consistent with attractive behavior.Comment: 21 pages, 10 fig

    Nuclear Reactions from Lattice QCD

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    One of the overarching goals of nuclear physics is to rigorously compute properties of hadronic systems directly from the fundamental theory of strong interactions, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). In particular, the hope is to perform reliable calculations of nuclear reactions which will impact our understanding of environments that occur during big bang nucleosynthesis, the evolution of stars and supernovae, and within nuclear reactors and high energy/density facilities. Such calculations, being truly ab initio, would include all two-nucleon and three- nucleon (and higher) interactions in a consistent manner. Currently, lattice QCD provides the only reliable option for performing calculations of some of the low- energy hadronic observables. With the aim of bridging the gap between lattice QCD and nuclear many-body physics, the Institute for Nuclear Theory held a workshop on Nuclear Reactions from Lattice QCD on March 2013. In this review article, we report on the topics discussed in this workshop and the path planned to move forward in the upcoming years.Comment: 35 pages, 13 figures, 1 table, review article for the "Nuclear Reactions from Lattice QCD" workshop hosted by the Institute for Nuclear Theory on March 2013; version 2 includes updated references and extended discussion of previous wor

    Two-Baryon Systems with Twisted Boundary Conditions

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    We explore the use of twisted boundary conditions in extracting the nucleon mass and the binding energy of two-baryon systems, such as the deuteron, from Lattice QCD calculations. Averaging the results of calculations performed with periodic and anti-periodic boundary conditions imposed upon the light-quark fields, or other pair-wise averages, improves the volume dependence of the deuteron binding energy from ~exp(-kappa*L)/L to ~exp(-sqrt(2)kappa*L)/L. However, a twist angle of pi/2 in each of the spatial directions improves the volume dependence from ~exp(-kappa*L)/L to ~exp(-2kappa*L)/L. Twist averaging the binding energy with a random sampling of twist angles improves the volume dependence from ~exp^(-kappa*L)/L to ~exp(-2kappa*L)/L, but with a standard deviation of ~exp(-kappa*L)/L, introducing a signal-to-noise issue in modest lattice volumes. Using the experimentally determined phase shifts and mixing angles, we determine the expected energies of the deuteron states over a range of cubic lattice volumes for a selection of twisted boundary conditions.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure