317 research outputs found

    Samenwerking groen en wit is vaak even wennen

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    Op zorgboerderij De Groote Modderkolk aan de rand van de Veluwe wonen tien verstandelijk gehandicapten. Samen met vijftien gehandicapten die alleen overdag naar de boerderij komen, werken ze in de omliggende bos- en heidegebieden van Natuurmonumenten. Ze helpen er met snoeien en het onderhoud van paden en parkeerterreinen. Een zorgboer van Natuurmonumenten begeleidt het boerderijwerk

    Trends in woonbossen op Groot-Veluwe en de interactie tussen bewonersgroepen. Motto: Bomen doe je niet alleen!

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    Eerste, prijswinnend essay uit een wedstrijd die in 2002 werd uitgeschreven door de Stichting Koningsschool. In 2150 staat laaggelegen Nederland onder water en woont men, behalve in floating cities zoals New Gouda en New Zoeterzee, hoog en droog in bostorens en woonbossen, o.a. in woonbos Groot-Veluw

    De bezweringsformule voorbij; ruimtelijke kwaliteit ontrafeld met een analysematrix

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    Uitleg van het begrip ruimtelijke kwaliteit, aan de hand van de matrix, gevormd door enerzijds de begrippen: gebruikswaarde, belevingswaarde, toekomstwaarde; en anderzijds de begrippen: economische doelmatigheid, sociale rechtvaardigheid, ecologische duurzaamheid en culturele identitei

    Partial bisimulation

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    Combineren met natuur : economische, sociale en ecologische duurzaamheid van functiecombinaties

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    Om combinaties van natuur met gebruiksfuncties te ordenen is een kapstok ontworpen. Een inventarisatie van ruim driehonderd praktijkvoorbeelden, `opgehangen' aan de kapstok, brengt de ruime variatie in functiecombinaties in beeld. Een beoordeling van dertig voorbeelden wijst projecten aan die economisch, sociaal en ecologisch duurzaam zijn. Een analyse van maatschappelijke trends en ruimtelijke potenties geeft inzicht in de verspreidingsmogelijkheden van functiecombinaties. Recepten voor de verspreiding van succesvolle, duurzame functiecombinaties zijn niet te geven, omdat succesvolle projecten altijd zijn toegesneden op specifieke, lokale omstandigheden. De (rijks)overheid kan functiecombinaties stimuleren door te inspireren, partners bij elkaar tebrengen, en te faciliteren

    Linearization of CIF Through SOS

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    Linearization is the procedure of rewriting a process term into a linear form, which consist only of basic operators of the process language. This procedure is interesting both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. In particular, a linearization algorithm is needed for the Compositional Interchange Format (CIF), an automaton based modeling language. The problem of devising efficient linearization algorithms is not trivial, and has been already addressed in literature. However, the linearization algorithms obtained are the result of an inventive process, and the proof of correctness comes as an afterthought. Furthermore, the semantic specification of the language does not play an important role on the design of the algorithm. In this work we present a method for obtaining an efficient linearization algorithm, through a step-wise refinement of the SOS rules of CIF. As a result, we show how the semantic specification of the language can guide the implementation of such a procedure, yielding a simple proof of correctness.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS 2011, arXiv:1108.407

    The objective burden in partners of heart failure patients; development and initial validation of the Dutch objective burden inventory

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    BACKGROUND: Measures on objective caregiver burden in partners of Heart Failure patients are hardly available and never include HF specific aspects. AIM: The main objective of our study was to develop an inventory that assesses the objective caregiver burden of partners of HF patients, including the full range of potential care giving demands. METHODS: To develop the inventory, six domains of caregiving demands were identified. Items for the domains were generated from the literature, expert opinion and existing scales. The original 50-items self-report inventory was administered to 321 partners of HF patients. Demographic data of HF partners were collected by questionnaire. Clinical data of the HF patients were collected by chart review. RESULTS: Component analysis led to exclusion of 12 original items and to a meaningful four-factor solution with a total explained variance of 43%. The components reflected four different kinds of care giving tasks; personal care, emotional, motivational and practical (treatment related) support. They demonstrated good internal consistency and initial validity was supported by a pattern of meaningful associations with external variables. CONCLUSION: The Objective Burden Inventory is a promising inventory to assess objective care giving tasks performed by HF partners, including emotional and motivational support. It provides information on the caregiver situation that may help to develop effective intervention

    Expressiveness modulo Bisimilarity of Regular Expressions with Parallel Composition (Extended Abstract)

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    The languages accepted by finite automata are precisely the languages denoted by regular expressions. In contrast, finite automata may exhibit behaviours that cannot be described by regular expressions up to bisimilarity. In this paper, we consider extensions of the theory of regular expressions with various forms of parallel composition and study the effect on expressiveness. First we prove that adding pure interleaving to the theory of regular expressions strictly increases its expressiveness up to bisimilarity. Then, we prove that replacing the operation for pure interleaving by ACP-style parallel composition gives a further increase in expressiveness. Finally, we prove that the theory of regular expressions with ACP-style parallel composition and encapsulation is expressive enough to express all finite automata up to bisimilarity. Our results extend the expressiveness results obtained by Bergstra, Bethke and Ponse for process algebras with (the binary variant of) Kleene's star operation.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS'10, arXiv:1011.601
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