20 research outputs found

    Susceptibility pattern of uropathogens to ciprofloxacin at the Ghana police hospital

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    Introduction: Reports of increasing resistance of uropathogens to antimicrobials is of global concern. Culture and drug susceptibility tests remain a vital guide to effective therapy. The aim of this study was to determine the susceptibility pattern of isolated uropathogens to ciprofloxacin at the Ghana Police Hospital. Methods: A total of 705 mid-stream urine samples were collected from patients suspected of having  urinary tract infection, and visited the Ghana Police Hospital's laboratory from December 2013 to March  2014. Samples were cultured and isolates identified by standard methods, after which isolates  susceptibility to ciprofloxacin was determined. Results: Prevalence of urinary tract infection among patients' whose samples were analyzed was 15.9%. Predominant uropathogens isolated were E .coli (46.4%), Coliform (41.1%) and Coliform spp. with Candida (6.2%). Other isolates were Pseudomonas spp. (2.7%), Salmonella spp. (1.8%), Candida spp. (0.9%) and Klebsiella spp (0.9%). The overall resistance among the top three isolated uropathogens to ciprofloxacin was 35.9%. Resistance pattern demonstrated by  respective isolates to ciprofloxacin were: E. coli (38.5%), Coliform (54.3%), and Coliform spp. with Candida (15%). The other isolates showed 100% sensitivity.Conclusion: This study revealed a relatively high ciprofloxacin resistance among isolated uropathogens,  hence, the need for prudent prescribing and use of  ciprofloxacin in urinary tract infection management.Key words: Urinary tract infection, isolates, susceptibility, antibiotics, uropathogen

    Antimicrobial resistance and the great divide: inequity in priorities and agendas between the Global North and the Global South threatens global mitigation of antimicrobial resistance

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    To limit the catastrophic effects of the increasing bacterial resistance to antimicrobials on health, food, environmental, and geopolitical security, and ensure that no country or region is left behind, a coordinated global approach is required. In this Viewpoint, we argue that the diverging resource availabilities, needs, and priorities of the Global North and the Global South in terms of the actions required to mitigate the antimicrobial resistance pandemic are a direct threat to success. We argue that evidence suggests a need to prioritise and support infection prevention interventions (ie, clean water and safe sanitation, increased vaccine coverage, and enhanced infection prevention measures for food production in the Global South contrary to the focus on research and development of new antibiotics in the Global North) and to recalibrate global funding resources to address this need. We call on global leaders to redress the current response, which threatens mitigation of the antimicrobial resistance pandemic

    Priority-setting for achieving universal health coverage.

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    Governments in low- and middle-income countries are legitimizing the implementation of universal health coverage (UHC), following a United Nation's resolution on UHC in 2012 and its reinforcement in the sustainable development goals set in 2015. UHC will differ in each country depending on country contexts and needs, as well as demand and supply in health care. Therefore, fundamental issues such as objectives, users and cost-effectiveness of UHC have been raised by policy-makers and stakeholders. While priority-setting is done on a daily basis by health authorities - implicitly or explicitly - it has not been made clear how priority-setting for UHC should be conducted. We provide justification for explicit health priority-setting and guidance to countries on how to set priorities for UHC

    Knowledge of antibiotic resistance and antibiotic prescription practices among prescribers in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana; a cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND: Antibiotic resistance (ABR) has become a major public health challenge in most parts of the world including Ghana and is a major threat to gain in bacterial disease control. The role of prescribers in the control of antibiotics is identified as crucial in developing interventions to control ABR. To guide policy recommendations on ABR, a study was carried out among prescribers to identify gaps in their knowledge of ABR and to document their prescription practices. METHOD: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among prescribers from both public and private facilities in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana using both quantitative and qualitative methods in 2014. RESULTS: Three hundred and seventy nine prescribers participated in the quantitative study and a subset of 33 participated in in-depth interviews. Majority (50.0%) of the prescribers interviewed were nurses. Most (51.0%) of the prescribers were located in hospitals. Knowledge of ABR was high among all the prescribers. About 80.0% percent of all prescribers agreed that the antibiotics that are currently used could lose its efficacy in future. There is no singular formal source of information on antibiotic resistance. The prescribers held a strong perception that antibiotic resistance is imminent though their knowledge on various resistant bacterial strains was limited. Prescribers attributed ABR burden to factors such as poor prescription practices and limited ABR control measures. The prescription practices of the prescribers vary but were mostly inappropriate among the lower cadre. CONCLUSION: The knowledge of ABR is high among prescribers. There is however a gap in the knowledge and perception of optimal antibiotic prescription practices among prescribers. There is the need for a formal source of information on ABR to support prescriber's antibiotic prescription practices

    Essential medicines for universal health coverage

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    Основные лекарства удовлетворяют приоритетные потребности населения в области здравоохранения. Политика, основанная на концепции основных лекарств, имеет решающее значение в улучшении здоровья и достижении устойчивого развития. Цель устойчивого развития 3.8 конкретно упоминает важность «доступности безопасных, эффективных, качественных и доступных по цене основных лекарств и вакцин для всех» в качестве центрального компонента всеобщего охвата медицинской помощью (ВОМП), а цель устойчивого развития 3.b подчёркивает необходимость разработки лекарств для устранения постоянно возникающих пробелов в отношении лечения. Признание важности основных лекарств - не новость. В 1985 г. на конференции в Найроби по рациональному использованию лекарств представители правительств и другие заинтересованные стороны предложили всеобъемлющий комплекс мер по разработке политики в области основных лекарств. Через 30 лет была созвана «Комиссия журнала Ланцет (Lancet) по основным лекарствам» (далее Комиссия) для изучения следующих вопросов: Какого прогресса удалось достичь? Какие проблемы ещё остаются для решения? Какие уроки были извлечены для информирования будущих подходов? И как можно использовать политику в области основных лекарств для продвижения ВОМП и внесения вклада в повестку глобального устойчивого развития? В настоящем докладе рассмотрены эти вопросы с намерением репозиционировать политику в области основных лекарств в повестке глобального развития. Комиссия определила пять областей, имеющих решающее значение для политики в области основных лекарств: оплата корзины основных лекарств, обеспечение ценовой доступности основных лекарств, гарантия их качества и безопасности, мероприятия, способствующие их качественному использованию, и разработка недостающих (отсутствующих) основных лекарств. Комиссия позиционировала политику в области основных лекарств в контексте текущих глобальных дебатов о балансировании политики в области торговли и интеллектуальной собственности с правами человека, об обеспечении безопасности здравоохранения, укреплении систем здравоохранения, ориентированных на людей, и улучшении доступности основных технологий. Во всех областях политики особое внимание было уделено совершенствованию принципов равенства и справедливости в доступе, укреплению соответствующих институтов и созданию подотчётности. В каждой из определённых областей Комиссия сформулировала рекомендации к действию, подтвердив тем самым позицию политики в области основных лекарств в качестве центрального компонента глобального здоровья и здравоохранения и повестки развития

    Supporting the development of evidence-informed policy options: an economic evaluation of hypertension management in Ghana

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    ObjectivesUniversal healthcare coverage in low- and middle-income countries requires challenging resource allocation decisions. Health technology assessment is one important tool to support such decision making. The International Decision Support Initiative worked with the Ghanaian Ministry of Health to strengthen health technology assessment capacity building, identifying hypertension as a priority topic area for a relevant case study.MethodsBased on guidance from a national technical working group of researchers and policy makers, an economic evaluation and budget impact analysis were undertaken for the main antihypertensive medicines used for uncomplicated, essential hypertension. The analysis aimed to address specific policy questions relevant to the National Health Insurance Scheme.ResultsThe evaluation found that first-line management of essential hypertension with diuretics has an incremental cost per disability-adjusted life-year avoided of GH¢ 276 (179in2017,4179 in 2017, 4% of gross national income per capita) compared with no treatment. Calcium channel blockers were more effective than diuretics but at a higher incremental cost: GH¢ 11 061 per disability-adjusted life-year avoided (7189 in 2017; 160% of gross national income per capita). Diuretics provide better health outcomes at a lower cost than angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, or beta-blockers. Budget impact analysis highlighted the potential for cost saving through enhanced price negotiation and increased use of better-value drugs. We also illustrate how savings could be reinvested to improve population health.ConclusionsEconomic evaluation enabled decision makers to assess hypertension medicines in a Ghanaian context and estimate the impact of using such evidence to change policy. This study contributes to addressing challenges associated with the drive for universal healthcare coverage in the context of constrained budgets

    Susceptibility pattern of uropathogens to ciprofloxacin at the Ghana police hospital

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    Abstract Introduction: Reports of increasing resistance of uropathogens to antimicrobials is of global concern. Culture and drug susceptibility tests remai