37 research outputs found

    A review of migratory behaviour of sea turtles off southeastern Africa

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    The survival of sea turtles is threatened by modern fishing methods, exploitation of eggs and habitat destruction. Forming keystone species in the ocean, their extinction would disrupt the marine food chain in ways as yet unknown. The Indian Ocean has many breeding areas for sea turtles, the southernmost ones being on the Maputaland coast of KwaZulu-Natal, where loggerhead and leatherback turtles nest in large numbers thanks to long-lasting protection programmes. For the leatherback this is the only known nesting site in the entire western Indian Ocean. At the end of the reproductive season, both loggerheads and leatherbacks undertake migrations towards disparate feeding areas. To contribute to their conservation, the migratory behaviour of these animals needs to be understood. Here we review 10 years studying this behaviour using transmitters that telemeter data via satellite. It emerges that these species frequent widely dispersed areas ranging from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mozambique Channel. The migratory behaviour of leatherback and loggerhead turtles is, however, very different, probably due to their differing food requirements. While loggerhead postnesting movements have a truly migratory nature, the large-scale wanderings of leatherbacks are better described as prolonged sojourns in extended feeding areas

    Observations of vortex dipoles on the Benguela upwelling front

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    Vortex dipoles are unusual phenomena in the mesoscale turbulence of the world ocean which have, for the greater part, gone unnoticed until the advent of satellite remote sensing. We describe here for the first time some satellite observations of vortex dipoles which are an integral part of the oceanic upwelling front of the South East Atlantic Ocean. These peculiar systems are seen to form part of the suite of circulation features, including eddies, filaments and plumes, which all contribute to crossfrontal advection of heat, salt, momentum and nutrients in the upwelling system. -Author

    Ocean currents south of Africa from drifters

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    The Agulhas System as a Key Region of the Global Oceanic Circulation

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    The Agulhas system all the interface between the Indian and Atlantic Ocean is an important region in the global oceanic circulation with a recognized key role in global climate and climate change. The simulation of the Agulhas system was performed by a high-resolution regional model nested in a global coarse-resolution ocean model. It is shown that this model simulates all characteristics of the Agulhas regime in a highly realistic manner. Due to the two-way coupling of both models the importance of the Agulhas leakage on the large-scale thermohaline circulation was demonstrated