161 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Water Quality for Water Bathing Conditions on Querer Beach in the Municipality of Santa Rosa, Tocantins

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    The water is an indispensable natural resource for life, economic development, and the conservation and maintenance of ecosystem services. It is known that the quantity and quality of water available for consumption is decreasing considerably and the increasing scarcity of this resource may be associated with factors such as the irregular distribution of water, waste and irrational use of it, socioeconomic and environmental problems, pollution of resources inadequate disposal of sewage, lack of basic sanitation and treatment of sewage, among others. In this way, the environmental problems have gained relevant space in the current discussions due to their importance, making the debates of these questions in the society necessary. Because of the anthropic activities that have been developed in a disorderly way and without planning, it reflects drastically in the environmental degradation, especially in this case, in the quality of the waters, which compromises this natural resource, whatever the purpose of its use. Thus, the objective of this work is to evaluate the water quality of Querer Beach in Santa Rosa-TO, promoting a water bathing condition study. Therefore, to investigate the effects of anthropogenic interferences on water quality, the water quality was evaluated by means of monitoring. The analyzes of the bathing conditions, show the percentages obtained for the situations in which the beach is classified as suitable for bathing, the investigations followed the criteria established by the CONAMA resolution nº 274/00. The water quality at a specific point of the beach was evaluated and monitored for a determined period of six weeks, and the microbiological indicator of water quality according to the Collilert technique according to the methodology described by Standard Methods was used as a parameter. In this way, it was possible to verify the tolerances of the Brazilian parameters for the water bathing conditions indicators of Querer Beach

    Controle pós-colheita da antracnose do maracujazeiro-amarelo com aplicação de óleo de copaíba.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a aplicação de óleo essencial de copaíba no controle da antracnose, nos frutos do maracujazeiro-amarelo, e comparar sua ação fungicida/fungistática in vitro com o óleo resina de copaíba. No experimento in vivo, os frutos foram inoculados com uma suspensão de esporos da ordem de 106 conídios mL-1 e 1% de Tween 80, acondicionados em bandejas de polipropileno e colocados em câmara incubadora com temperatura de 25°C e 90% de umidade relativa do ar. Passadas 24 horas da inoculação, pulverizou-se óleo essencial nas seguintes concentrações: T1= 0 mL L-1; T2= 0,25 mL L-1; T3= 0,5 mL L-1; T4= 0,75 mL L-1; T5= 1,0 mL L-1, sendo avaliados a perda de massa do fruto, a severidade da antracnose e o número de lesões, ambas aos seis dias. Para o experimento in vitro, utilizou-se do meio de cultura batata-dextrose-ágar (BDA) que, após ser esterilizado em autoclave (120 ºC), recebeu óleo essencial e óleo resina de copaíba (0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0 mL L-1). Após o resfriamento do meio de cultura, foi repicado para o centro da placa um disco de micélio de 12,5 mm de diâmetro de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides; e as placas, incubadas a 25°C e 90% de umidade. A aferição do crescimento micelial foi verificada com o auxílio de paquímetro analógico, após sete dias de crescimento micelial. O óleo essencial de copaíba, nas concentrações de 0,25 mL L-1 a 1.0 mL L-1, não foi eficaz no controle pós-colheita do fungo da antracnose in vivo e na perda de massa dos frutos de maracujá. O óleo resina de copaíba inibiu o crescimento de C. gloeosporioides in vitro de forma mais eficiente que o óleo essencial de copaíba

    Experimental Analysis of Propeller Forces and Moments at High Angle of Incidence

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    An experimental measurement on propeller forces and moments at high incidence was introduced. Test apparatus and data reduction process was discussed. Two sets of propellers were tested in SaBRe low speed wind tunnel: Graupner E-prop was used to validate the test-bench against known experiment; The second case, consisting of 3D-printed propellers, demonstrated variations in propeller aerodynamic efforts produced at high incidence angle for various advance ratios and blade pitch angles. The test also highlighted the importance of 3 dimensional effects such as stall delay in estimating propeller forces and moments at high incidence angle

    Avaliação de métodos de purificação de amostras de DNA extraídas de Pinha.

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    A partir disso, o presente trabalho objetivou testar três diferentes tratamentos para purificação de amostras de DNA extraídas com protocolo orgânico

    Conceptual Design for Long-Endurance Convertible Unmanned Aerial System

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    This research is aimed at analysing the effect of design parameters on critical aerodynamic performance of convertible unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capabilities and providing a sizing tool for its conceptual design. The research was based on new aerodynamic models specifically developed and validated for convertible aircraft, performed using mission-based optimisation techniques. To accommodate a wide range of convertible aircraft configurations, a non-linear lifting-line method was used to efficiently analyse different combinations of lifting surface and propeller arrangements. Propeller loads were calculated using a blade element momentum approach and corrected for high incidence angle conditions according to numerical and experimental studies. Propeller-wing interactions were considered by modifying local boundary conditions at wing sections immersed in propeller slipstream. Previous studies have suggested that the design of convertible aircraft is sensitive to typical mission requirements, notably the endurance breakdown between near-hover flight and cruise flight. A clear sizing law for wing and propeller according to given mission specification could greatly improve the understanding of compromises between hover and high speed flight

    Inclusão de produtos alternativos em dietas de pintos naturalizados na fase inicial de criação.

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    A criação de galinhas naturalizadas no Brasil vem se tornando uma importante alternativa de renda. Avaliou-se o desempenho de 05 grupos de pintos na fase de cria, onde o primeiro foi alimentado com ração padrão e os outros 04 com dietas distintas. Observou-se um aumento médio nos pesos dos grupos de 82% do 1º ao 15º dia e deste ao 30º dia de 70% com a inclusão de 5% de forrageiras alternativas. Para as dietas com juazeiro e babaçu o ganho de peso foi semelhante à dieta padrão

    Health promotion interventions for community-dwelling older people with mild or pre-frailty : a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Mild or pre-frailty is common and associated with increased risks of hospitalisation, functional decline, moves to long-term care, and death. Little is known about the effectiveness of health promotion in reducing these risks. This systematic review aimed to synthesise randomised controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating home and community-based health promotion interventions for older people with mild/pre-frailty. METHODS: We searched 20 bibliographic databases and 3 trials registers (January 1990 - May 2016) using mild/pre-frailty and associated terms. We included randomised controlled and crossover trials of health promotion interventions for community-dwelling older people (65+ years) with mild/pre-frailty and excluded studies focussing on populations in hospital, long term care facilities or with a specific condition. Risk of bias was assessed by two reviewers using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool. We pooled study results using standardised mean differences (SMD) where possible and used narrative synthesis where insufficient outcome data were available. RESULTS: We included 10 articles reporting on seven trials (total n = 506 participants) and included five trials in a meta-analysis. Studies were predominantly small, of limited quality and six studies tested group exercise alone. One study additionally investigated a nutrition and exercise intervention and one evaluated telemonitoring. Interventions of exercise in groups showed mixed effects on functioning (no effects on self-reported functioning SMD 0.19 (95% CI -0.57 to 0.95) n = 3 studies; positive effects on performance-based functioning SMD 0.37 (95% CI 0.07 to 0.68) n = 3 studies). No studies assessed moves to long-term care or hospitalisations. CONCLUSIONS: Currently the evidence base is of insufficient size, quality and breadth to recommend specific health promotion interventions for older people with mild or pre- frailty. High quality studies of rigorously developed interventions are needed