142 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Media Puzzle untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca Permulaan dalam Pembelajaran Tematik

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperbaiki proses pembelajaran membaca permulaan dengan menggunakan media puzzle, guna peningkatan keterampilan membaca permulaan peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas atau Classroom Action Research. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media puzzel dapat meningkatkan keterampilan membaca permulaan peserta didik. Peningkatan kemampuan membaca permulaan ini, disebabkan karena pembelajaran dilaksanakan sesuai dengan tahap-tahap pelaksanaan pembelajaran membaca permulaan dengan menggunakan media puzzel

    Potensi Keramik Bone China sebagai Aksesoris Fashion Era Digital

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    Translucent is a physical properties of Bone China. Bone ash materials gives Bone China Ceramics their unique properties, milky white color, translucent and light weight impression. So far, the use of Bone China ceramics have been focused on the character of a lighter weight impression than other ceramic materials. Transparency properties is limited used as lamp armature and hotel ware.This research is a qualitative descriptive study with theoretical analysis approach of ceramics, fashion accessories, consumer behavior theory by Solomon & Rabolt, and some data of phenomena as additional data to assess the chances of utilization a translucent ceramic material for fashion in the digital era.The results obtained are translucent ceramics has a great chance to be used as fashion accessories product with a mix of digital concept for middle class whose living in the digital era development

    Efektivitas Penyaluran Dana Usaha Ekonomi Desa Simpan Pinjam (Ued-sp) Kepada Masyarakat di Desa Sungai Salak, Kecamatan Rambah Samo Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Poverty is not only about economic issues, but the end result interrelation of social factors, economic, political and cultural. The number of poor people caused the economic growth to be slow. One form of government concern towards this is to create a program that Village Empowerment Program (PPD). In PPD, there are several forms of empowerment, one of which is a program of Rural Economic Enterprises - Savings and Loans (ued-SP) is in the form of government to provide loans or venture capital funding to communities to develop businesses in the community to do so as to improve the village economy. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the distribution of Fund Business Economy Village - Savings and Loans (ued-SP) and the factors that influence the effectiveness of channeling funds ued-SP in Sungai Salak Rambah Samo District of Rokan Hulu.The theory used is the theory of steers. This study uses descriptive qualitative data collection techniques of observation and interviews. The technique used in determining the informants of this study was purposive sampling technique.From the analysis of qualitative descriptive data found that the effectiveness of the distribution of Fund-SP ued in Sungai Salak District of Rokan Hulu Rambah Samo has been quite effective. It is seen from the participation of the community to use the proceeds from the SP-ued as venture capital, the smooth return of capital to the ued-SP and meningkatnay economy. In this research note that the factors that influence the effectiveness of channeling funds ued-SP in Sungai Salak District of Rokan Hulu Rambah Samo among other factors or not the organization is able to adapt to the environment and of the results of the research institute SP-ued in Sungai Salak already quite capable to adapt to the environment, both the community and the environment of the organization. Target Funds that are less effective, work productivity. Keywords: Effectiveness, Funds Distribution ued-S

    Pelaporan Arus Kas pada PT. Kedungmadu Tropical Wood di Samarinda

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    Cash flow statements describe or show the flow or movement of cash flows that is the acceptance of the sources and uses of cash in the period concerned in an enterprise and declared as one of the mandatory financial statements drawn up for the taking of decisions. The purpose of this research is to know the reporting of cash flow at PT. Kedungmadu Tropical Wood by 2013-2015.The problem in this research are PT. Kedungmadu Tropical Wood has been doing the preparation of cash flow statement in accordance with PSAK No. 2 and whether using direct method or indirect method is better for the company.The hypothesis of this research, namely PT KedungMadu Tropical Wood are not using direct method or indirect method in the preparation of the cash flow reporting and use of indirect methods better than direct methods.The research results show the PT. Kedungmadu Tropical Wood has not used the preparation of cash flow statement in accordance with PSAK No. 2

    Improving Students Reading Comprehension on Recount Text Through Think Pair Share Strategy(tps)

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    The research is about improving ability on recount text through Think-Pair-Share to the Students of SMP Kemala Bhayangkari. The purpose of the study is to know how the TPS improves the Students ability in comprehending recount text. It is expected that the research would be useful for the teachers and students in language teaching and learning process. The method used in this research is a Classroom Action Research which consists of Planning, Acting Observing and Reflecting. This method is done in two cycles in order to get the maximum result of the research. The number of research participant is 25 students. The tools of collecting data are reading test, observation checklist and field notes. In Cycle 1, the students mean score was 62.6. and cycle 2, the mean score was 77.4. Based on the minimum standard of pass (KKM), 65, the second cycle has been successful
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