197 research outputs found

    International differences in telecommunications demand

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    Countries with significantly different development levels experience similar regulatory transformations in the telecommunications industry. While these changes may be particularly successful in lowering costs, they may also lead to lower consumer welfare in markets in which consumers are highly sensitive to price changes. This paper assessed whether price elasticities for telecommunications demand differ between broad groups of countries according to their development levels. We provided empirical evidence of differences in estimated demand elasticities between developed and less developed countries. Our results suggest that consumers in poorer countries may experience greater welfare losses when incentive regulations are implemented.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

    How to Effectively Integrate Technology in the Foreign Language Classroom for Learning and Collaboration

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    AbstractThis project aims to investigate the potential of Web 2.0 tools in the development of communicative competence in English language amongst undergraduate students. The theoretical framework that underpins this study is rooted in national and European policies emerging from the Bologna Process. It focuses first of all on the role of the English language in the fulfillment of Bologna stated goals and, secondly, it analyses the methodological and pedagogical challenges derived from the objectives and guidelines established. Besides this, the Bologna Process is also understood within a changing economic and social landscape, where ongoing innovation in Information and Communication Technologies have generated a rapid production and dissemination of information on a global scale. This new framework has originated new challenges as far as English language teaching and learning in higher education is concerned. These include the creation of a dynamic environment leading to both dialogical and dialectical learning, thus enhancing opportunities to communicate and act through and in English. The methodological approach adopted in this study consisted of an action research project over two semesters in the course units: English II and English III, from the degree course in Tourism at the School of Technology and Management, of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu. Stemming from the core theme of each course unit and intended learning outcomes, interactional tasks using Web 2.0 tools and involving the construction of collaborative outputs were designed and implemented. The analysis of the information retrieved points to a markedly positive impact of Web 2.0 tools on the implementation of interactional tasks in English language learning in higher education. The students’ active involvement in solving authentic tasks, the encouragement of cultural awareness, and the development of individual and collaborative (meta) competences all attest to the importance of social networks, wikis and podcasts in English language learning. This study represents an innovative and very positive contribution for applied linguistics studies, legitimizing Web 2.0 applications as an exceptional strategy in meeting the goals raised by Bologna

    Socioeconomic related inequalities in students' mathematics achievement in the European Union

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    This paper examines the degree of socioeconomic related inequalities in mathematics achievement for students from the European Union and presents some possible sources for the exhibited differences between countries. We applied a methodology which has been used in health economics literature namely by Wagstaff et al. (1991) and Kakwani et al. (1997). We selected parental highest level of education as a proxy for students’ socioeconomic background. Results confirm a significant inequality in achievement favouring the higher socioeconomic groups in all countries. Germany has the greatest socioeconomic related mathematics achievement inequality, followed by Greece, Great Britain and Portugal. Sweden, by contrast, is the country where the socioeconomic related inequality in PISA maths scores seems to be lower. The paper also decomposes the inequality index into the contributions of some socioeconomic factors. Socioeconomic inequality has a sizeable contribution for socioeconomic related inequality in mathematic achievement in very country. Cross-country comparison shows that in some countries, such as Belgium, Denmark or Great Britain, the impact of socioeconomic background on students’ achievement appears to be more important to determine the “excess” of socioeconomic related inequality in mathematics achievement than the inequality in the distribution of the socioeconomic variable. In other group of countries, that includes Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain, it is the inequality in the distribution of the socioeconomic variable itself that mainly explains the “excess” of socioeconomic related inequality in mathematics achievement. Portugal is a striking case exhibiting poor mathematic score, a high level of socioeconomic inequality and a high level of socioeconomic related inequality in students’ performance. Moreover, the inequality in family books possession is also a strong predictor for inequality in students’ math achievement.educational economics, input output analysis

    Business relationships in the automotive and component industries in Portugal

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    Partnering has been the most commonly used term to describe collaboration between a buyer and its direct supplier. The automotive industry has been the basis for the development of most studies on the subject. Despite the many studies on partnering, some people share the view that largely missing from the literature is a clear definition of this concept and of how it operates within dyadic (i.e. between a buyer and its direct suppliers), network and firm contexts. This is found to be particularly important if automotive companies geographically spread in the globe are to be properly managed. The purpose of the research presented in this thesis was to explore inter-firm collaboration and partnering between a subsidiary of a motor vehicle manufacturer and its direct suppliers, taking into account the ownership ties of firms, such as those of multinational corporations (MNCs). The objective was to generate new knowledge on how inter-firm collaboration and partnering operate and on the factors that influence the business relationships that are established between the referred companies. The researcher followed a single case study research strategy in order to develop a new and empirically grounded understanding, while favouring contextualisation and complexity. The researcher adopted a triangulated research design in which quantitative and qualitative data were gathered in two stages, through a self-administered mailed questionnaire and in-depth interviews, respectively. The findings suggest that: (a) relationships can be characterised by several dimensions, (i.e. commitment, trust, win-win, long-term orientation, co-ordination, joint problem solving, flexibility, mutual dependence) each of which is a mix of collaborative and non-collaborative elements; (b) a diversified scenario of relationships can be explained by the different combinations of several contextual factors (i.e. organisational, relational, spatial and network); the importance of each needs to be weighted and hierarchised; (c) the network affects both to enable and constrain the freedom of action at the level of the customer supplier dyad; and (d) partnering is contingent on the position, role and influence at different points in the network. The research argues that relationship management can be enhanced through the application of analytical tools to the assessment of business relationships. New frameworks for analysis are presented as significant contributions to knowledge, among a series of theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions. The researcher suggests directions for research which will further enhance the understanding of inter-firm collaboration and partnering and business relationships within a multinational network context

    Privatização e liberalização do sector das telecomunicações em Portugal: uma análise do custo/benefício social

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    Instituto das Comunicações de Portugal / Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ICP/ANACOM)

    Estereótipos sobre idosos: uma representação social gerontofóbica

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    Tópicos, ditos, refrões, frases feitas, etiquetas verbais ou adjectivações a respeito de pessoas e grupos, são alusões que frequentemente encontramos, quer nas conversas diárias da rua, quer nos meios de comunicação social. O mundo social e humano, dificilmente se nos apresenta, em sua crua realidade objectiva e objectual, sem possuir adjectivações (frequentemente estereotipadas), porque o estereótipo é precisamente uma percepção extremamente simplificada e geralmente com ausência de matrizes. Na medida em que o conhecimento humano não é capaz de ser sempre complexo, flexível e crítico podemos dizer que tendemos a cair no estereótipo (Castro, et al, 1999). Os estereótipos mais estudados actualmente são os que se referem a grupos étnicos, no entanto existem estereótipos em todos os domínios da vida social: relativos a ambos os sexos, às ocupações, ao ciclo vital, à família, à classe social, ao estado civil, aos desvios sociais e a qualquer campo da vida que desejamos diferenciar

    Fair care in time of COVID-19 pandemic

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    The concept of “fair care” proposed by Vieira [1], applies to healthcare in general and nursing care in particular. According to the different scientific approaches, different perspectives in health sciences can be found. Medicine will focus the concept on the search for the most appropriate treatment for the disease and Nursing will consider “fair care” the most appropriate therapeutic intervention according to the human responses to people health-disease situations. In Ethics4Care Project of the Center of Interdisciplinary Research in Health (CIIS) of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, we are developing a study that seeks to build this “fair care” concept in health care. In this pandemic moment of COVID-19 in which we live, the definition of this concept is essential. Currently, we are experiencing a conflict between what is necessary and what is possible in health care, therefore the search for “fair care” appears to be the greatest ethical challenge for professionals. In this article, we present the preliminary results of a literature review that aimed to synthesize the “the state of art” on the current knowledge in this field.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Socioeconomic related inequalities in students' mathematics achievement in the European Union

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    This paper examines the degree of socioeconomic related inequalities in mathematics achievement for students from the European Union and presents some possible sources for the exhibited differences between countries. We applied a methodology which has been used in health economics literature namely by Wagstaff et al. (1991) and Kakwani et al. (1997). We selected parental highest level of education as a proxy for students’ socioeconomic background. Results confirm a significant inequality in achievement favouring the higher socioeconomic groups in all countries. Germany has the greatest socioeconomic related mathematics achievement inequality, followed by Greece, Great Britain and Portugal. Sweden, by contrast, is the country where the socioeconomic related inequality in PISA maths scores seems to be lower. The paper also decomposes the inequality index into the contributions of some socioeconomic factors. Socioeconomic inequality has a sizeable contribution for socioeconomic related inequality in mathematic achievement in very country. Cross-country comparison shows that in some countries, such as Belgium, Denmark or Great Britain, the impact of socioeconomic background on students’ achievement appears to be more important to determine the “excess” of socioeconomic related inequality in mathematics achievement than the inequality in the distribution of the socioeconomic variable. In other group of countries, that includes Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain, it is the inequality in the distribution of the socioeconomic variable itself that mainly explains the “excess” of socioeconomic related inequality in mathematics achievement. Portugal is a striking case exhibiting poor mathematic score, a high level of socioeconomic inequality and a high level of socioeconomic related inequality in students’ performance. Moreover, the inequality in family books possession is also a strong predictor for inequality in students’ math achievement.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Architectural heritage of the north eastern Portugal : history, construction and valorisation

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    This article is based on a study carried out in different small houses located along the margins of the Tua River, in the county of Alijó and Carrazeda de Ansiães, in order to perform a characterization of constructive techniques and materials. It is considered as a constant goal throughout this study the appreciation of natural stone, in this case granite and schist, as construction materials that were used in large scale in this region in the past and continue to be applied in the present, encouraging and valuing its use as a construction material

    Anuário Internacional de Comunicação Lusófona 2010: lusofonia e sociedade em rede

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    (Excerto) Subordinado ao tema “Lusofonia e Sociedade em Rede”, este Anuário Internacional de Comunicação Lusófona 2010 analisa de forma crítica alguns dos desafios que se colocam aos processos de comunicação e às práticas culturais no espaço lusófono contemporâneo, constituído não só pelo conjunto de nações e de comunidades de língua portuguesa, mas também — e cada vez mais — por um conjunto de fluxos e de redes que se configuram no ciberespaço. A complexa construção da(s) identidade(s) lusófona(s) é, desta vez, trazida à luz e discutida em textos de investigadores que tomam como ponto de partida os desafios da sociedade em rede e das políticas da língua, bem como as questões da memória e dos símbolos nacionais. Empenhados em aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o impacto destes fenómenos na (re)configuração da comunidade lusófona, os autores apresentam-nos artigos nos quais as perspectivas teóricas e as propostas metodológicas se multiplicam. É assim que se discute o passado e se procura clarificar o presente do espaço lusófono — disperso por várias latitudes e longitudes geograficamente distantes entre si e habitado por cidadãos de diversas culturas e grupos étnicos — através de trabalhos de investigação e de reflexão que nos permitem, ao mesmo tempo, perspectivar o seu futuro