4,602 research outputs found

    Differentiation between polaron-pair and triplet-exciton polaron spin-dependent mechanisms in organic light-emitting diodes by coherent spin beating

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    Pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance offers a unique avenue to distinguish between polaron-pair (PP) and triplet-exciton polaron (TEP) spin-dependent recombination, which control the conductivity and magnetoresistivity of organic semiconductors. Which of these two fundamental processes dominates depends on carrier balance: by injecting surplus electrons we show that both processes simultaneously impact the device conductivity. The two mechanisms are distinguished by the presence of a half-field resonance, indicative of TEP interactions, and transient spin beating, the signature of PPs. Coherent spin Rabi flopping in the half-field (triplet) channel is observed, demonstrating that the triplet exciton has an ensemble phase coherence time of at least 60 ns, offering insight into the effect of carrier correlations on spin dephasing

    Slow Hopping and Spin Dephasing of Coulombically Bound Polaron Pairs in an Organic Semiconductor at Room Temperature

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    Polaron pairs are intermediate electronic states that are integral to the optoelectronic conversion process in organic semiconductors. Here, we report on electrically detected spin echoes arising from direct quantum control of polaron pair spins in an organic light-emitting diode at room temperature. This approach reveals phase coherence on a microsecond time scale, and offers a direct way to probe charge recombination and dissociation processes in organic devices, revealing temperature-independent intermolecular carrier hopping on slow time scales. In addition, the long spin phase coherence time at room temperature is of potential interest for developing quantum-enhanced sensors and information processing systems which operate at room temperature

    Cretaceous-to-recent record of elevated 3He/4He along the Hawaiian-Emperor volcanic chain

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    Helium isotopes are a robust geochemical tracer of a primordial mantle component in hot spot volcanism. The high 3He/4He (up to 35 RA, where RA is the atmospheric 3He/4He ratio of 1.39 × 10−6) of some Hawaiian Island volcanism is perhaps the classic example. New results for picrites and basalts from the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain indicate that the hot spot has produced high 3He/4He lavas for at least the last 76 million years. Picrites erupted at 76 Ma have 3He/4He (10–14 RA), which is at the lower end of the range for the Hawaiian Islands but still above the range of modern mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB; 6–10 RA). This was at a time when hot spot volcanism was occurring on thin lithosphere close to a spreading ridge and producing lava compositions otherwise nearly indistinguishable from MORB. After the hot spot and spreading center diverged during the Late Cretaceous, the hot spot produced lavas with significantly higher 3He/4He (up to 24 RA). Although 3He/4He ratios stabilized at relatively high values by 65 Ma, other chemical characteristics such as La/Yb and 87Sr/86Sr did not reach and stabilize at Hawaiian-Island-like values until ~45 Ma. Our limited 3He/4He record for the Hawaiian hot spot shows a poor correlation with plume flux estimates (calculated from bathymetry and residual gravity anomalies [Van Ark and Lin, 2004]). If 3He is a proxy for the quantity of primordial mantle material within the plume, then the lack of correlation between 3He/4He and calculated plume flux suggests that variation in primordial mantle flux is not the primary factor controlling total plume flux

    Nonparametric estimation of correlation functions in longitudinal and spatial data, with application to colon carcinogenesis experiments

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    In longitudinal and spatial studies, observations often demonstrate strong correlations that are stationary in time or distance lags, and the times or locations of these data being sampled may not be homogeneous. We propose a nonparametric estimator of the correlation function in such data, using kernel methods. We develop a pointwise asymptotic normal distribution for the proposed estimator, when the number of subjects is fixed and the number of vectors or functions within each subject goes to infinity. Based on the asymptotic theory, we propose a weighted block bootstrapping method for making inferences about the correlation function, where the weights account for the inhomogeneity of the distribution of the times or locations. The method is applied to a data set from a colon carcinogenesis study, in which colonic crypts were sampled from a piece of colon segment from each of the 12 rats in the experiment and the expression level of p27, an important cell cycle protein, was then measured for each cell within the sampled crypts. A simulation study is also provided to illustrate the numerical performance of the proposed method.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053607000000082 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Early-type galaxies in the SDSS. II. Correlations between observables

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    A magnitude limited sample of nearly 9000 early-type galaxies, in the redshift range 0.01 < z < 0.3, was selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey using morphological and spectral criteria. The sample was used to study how early-type galaxy observables, including luminosity L, effective radius R_o, surface brightness I_o, color, and velocity dispersion sigma, are correlated with one another. Measurement biases are understood with mock catalogs which reproduce all of the observed scaling relations and their dependences on fitting technique. At any given redshift, the intrinsic distribution of luminosities, sizes and velocity dispersions in our sample are all approximately Gaussian. A maximum likelihood analysis shows that sigma ~ L^{0.25\pm 0.012}, R_o ~ L^{0.63\pm 0.025}, and R_o ~ I^{-0.75\pm 0.02} in the r* band. In addition, the mass-to-light ratio within the effective radius scales as M_o/L ~ L^{0.14\pm 0.02} or M_o/L ~ M_o^{0.22\pm 0.05}, and galaxies with larger effective masses have smaller effective densities: Delta_o ~ M_o^{-0.52\pm 0.03}. These relations are approximately the same in the g*, i* and z* bands. Relative to the population at the median redshift in the sample, galaxies at lower and higher redshifts have evolved only little, with more evolution in the bluer bands. The luminosity function is consistent with weak passive luminosity evolution and a formation time of about 9 Gyrs ago.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures. Accepted by AJ (scheduled for April 2003). This paper is part II of a revised version of astro-ph/011034

    Origin of spectral broadening in pi-conjugated amorphous semiconductors

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    We present a study of the picosecond fluorescence dynamics of pi-conjugated semiconducting organic dendrimers in the solid state. By varying the degree of branching within the dendrons, referred to as the dendrimer generation, a control of intermolecular spacing of the emissive core and therefore of the lattice parameter for Forster-type energy transfer is achieved. This allows a distinction between spectral diffusion and excimer formation as the two main sources of spectral broadening in organic semiconductors. Whereas Forster-type dispersive spectral relaxation is independent of temperature but strongly dependent on the interchromophore distance, excimer formation is also strongly thermally activated due to temperature-dependent conformational changes and the influence of thermally activated dynamic disorder. The rapid spectral diffusion allows a determination of the excimer rise in the emission, which is shown to have a profound impact on the steady state luminescence properties of dendrimer films. We show that the dendrimer generation not only allows a microscopic control of intermolecular interactions but also a direct control of the rate of spectral diffusion. Implications for the design of novel materials for optoelectronic devices are discussed

    Discovery of Four Gravitationally Lensed Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We present the discovery of four gravitationally lensed quasars selected from the spectroscopic quasar catalog of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We describe imaging and spectroscopic follow-up observations that support the lensing interpretation of the following four quasars: SDSS J0832+0404 (image separation \theta=1.98", source redshift z_s=1.115, lens redshift z_l=0.659); SDSS J1216+3529 (\theta=1.49", z_s=2.012); SDSS J1322+1052 (\theta=2.00", z_s=1.716); and SDSS J1524+4409 (\theta=1.67", z_s=1.210, z_l=0.320). Each system has two lensed images. We find that the fainter image component of SDSS J0832+0404 is significantly redder than the brighter component, perhaps because of differential reddening by the lensing galaxy. The lens potential of SDSS J1216+3529 might be complicated by the presence of a secondary galaxy near the main lensing galaxy.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in A
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