192 research outputs found

    The Effects of Movement on Literacy.

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    The purpose of this study was to extend the knowledge of the relationship between movement and cognition by examining the impact of a sensory-motor program on the literacy skills of first grade learners from one elementary school in East Tennessee. Literacy skills were evaluated using five subtests of the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) assessment. A 2 x 2 x 2 mixed factorial MANOVA was used to analyze group, gender, and test time effects on multiple dependent variables. The analysis yielded a statistically significant result (p \u3c .05) in gains for the movement group and a significant interaction between gender and group. Post hoc analysis indicated that participation in a movement program appeared to negatively impact males and positively impact females. Replication of this study with a longer duration is strongly recommended to substantiate these findings

    Just When I Thought I Was Out, They Pull Me Back In: Executive Power and the Novel Reclassification Authority

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    Evaluation of the grassroots soccer club HIV/AIDS programme in Musina, South Africa

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    Research report in partial fulfillment of the degree of MPH, Faculty of Health, University of the WitwatersrandBackground and Study Question: Adolescents are a high-risk group for HIV/AIDS infection and illness in South Africa. Despite substantial prevention efforts, high risk behaviour among adolescents continues. Several organisations have engaged in sports activities to reach out to adolescents and educate them in life-skills and HIV prevention. There is, however, very little published research on the effectiveness of such interventions. Grassroots Soccer (GRS) is one of the emerging organisations in the field of using sports for HIV prevention. Financed by De Beers’ corporate social responsibility initiative it operates in several South African mining communities. This study evaluates the HIV prevention programme in Musina, Limpopo Province run by GRS. The research focuses on the processes and the outcomes of the organisation’s activities to determine barriers and facilitators to implementation of the GRS activities and to measure changes in HIV-related knowledge, self efficacy, and attitude of the beneficiaries. Methods: A mixed-methods study design was used incorporating qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative component of the study was based on key informant interviews and a document review. Qualitative interviews were analysed using a four-step systematic approach; documents were analysed by iterative reading. Quantitative data was collected by GRS through selfadministered pre- and post-intervention questionnaires. Secondary data analysis was carried out using statistical software SPSS (Version 17.0). Results: The GRS programme managed to improve beneficiaries’ knowledge, attitude, and self-efficacy concerning HIV prevention. In doing that, GRS achieved its core objective. The increases, however, are modest and only significant for knowledge gain. Many beneficiaries did not increase their overall scores in the pre- and post-test questionnaire; the recognition of alcohol and drugs as risk factors for HIV/AIDS is relatively low. Furthermore, the programme operates in a difficult context with insufficient community involvement, constraint resources, and inadequate monitoring and evaluation. Volunteer retention is a major challenge, and there is a disjuncture between the GRS’ theoretical approach and the practical implementation in Musina. Although the programme is considered a success by key informants, these factors combined with a lack of support from GRS and De Beers pose challenges to the programme’s approach, its operations, and ultimately its sustainability. Conclusion and Recommendations: The GRS provides a promising approach to HIV prevention. The programme in Musina however falls behind the potential of the organisation and the needs of the community. It needs to be more locally integrated, receive additional resources, and have better monitoring and evaluation. Programme activities ought to move beyond knowledge transfer and be closer to the actual GRS approach based on Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory, focusing on 12 to 14 year-olds, and include income generating activities. Further research should focus on actual programme implementation, longer term follow-up of beneficiaries, and assess the impact of the programme

    P.S.I. inv. 574: Unbekannte Prosa

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    Editio princeps of a papyrus fragment in the Florence collection. It is part of an unknown prose text, perhaps describing an animal in spring

    Die Namen der Söhne des Herakliden Aristodemos

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    The partly preserved name of one of Aristodemos’ sons probably was Or[chomenos

    The consumer decisions and the anchoring heuristic: an analysis of rationality of the choice process

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    Há pouca literatura sobre vieses relacionados ao processo de escolha em decisões de consumo. Um desses vieses é o da ancoragem, isto é, a adoção de um referencial, lógico ou não, que direciona a escolha dos indivíduos. Este artigo tem por objetivo identificar e analisar os efeitos da ancoragem no processo decisório dos consumidores em relação à percepção e à estimação dos preços de produtos e serviços. Foi conduzido um experimento com os alunos de graduação da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo. O modelo do experimento envolveu três grupos de uma mesma população. O grupo de calibragem gerou estimativas sobre o preço de produtos e serviços sem nenhuma menção a âncoras. Os outros dois grupos desenvolveram estimativas após julgarem uma âncora selecionada a partir da distribuição das estimativas do grupo de calibragem. Verificou-se que os referenciais com valores menores ancoram mais fortemente a opinião dos consumidores. Esses resultados trazem relevantes implicações para a definição de políticas de preços nas empresas de varejo brasileiras. Sinteticamente, este trabalho indica que as técnicas tradicionais de precificação não esgotam as possibilidades de políticas de preços.There is little literature on biases related to the choice process in consumption decisions. One of these biases is the anchoring, that is, the adoption of a reference, logical or not, which directs the choice of individuals. This paper aims to identify and analyze the effects of the anchoring on the consumer decision-making process related to the perception and estimation of product and service prices. It was conducted an experiment with undergraduate students of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy of the University of São Paulo. The experiment model involved three groups from a unique population. The calibrating group generated estimations about prices of products and services without any mentions to anchors. The other groups developed estimations after evaluating an anchor selected from the estimation distribution of the calibrating group. It was verified that the references with lower values anchor more strongly the opinion of consumers. These results bring relevant implications to the definition of price policies in Brazilian retailing companies. Synthetically this article indicates that traditional pricing techniques do not exhaust the possibilities for pricing policies

    Ein neues Fragment des Mythographus Homericus zu Ψ 91-92

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    New readings and a commentary on P. Oxy. 4096, fr. 8, preserving a text t

    Zum neuen Mythographus-Homericus-Papyrus (PSI XV 1505)

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    The paper proposes new supplements to lines 3-10 of the new text

    Der Kommentar zu Sappho fr. 213B V.

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    Reconstruction of PSI XV 1470, col. 2 rr. 1-5

    Die Verwandlungssage der Asterie im P. Oxy. 4711

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    New conjectures for line 11, the end of line 21, and lines 13 f
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