30 research outputs found

    Does Valproic Acid Induce Neuroendocrine Differentiation in Prostate Cancer?

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    Valproic Acid (VPA) is a histone deacetylase inhibitor that holds promise for cancer therapy. Here, we investigate whether VPA treatment induces neuroendocrine differentiation of Prostate Cancer (PCa). A tissue microarray of VPA-treated and untreated tumor xenografts and cell lines of human PCa (LNCaP, C4-2, DU145, and PC-3) were generated and were analyzed by immunohistochemical analysis (IHC) for NE markers chromogranin A (CgA), synaptophysin, and NCAM (neural cell adhesion molecule). Western blot analysis for CgA was performed to confirm the results of the TMA. IHC analysis did not reveal any induction of CgA, synaptophysin, or NCAM in any xenograft after VPA treatment in vivo. In vitro, VPA treatment induced little synaptophysin expression in C4-2 and PC-3 cells and NCAM expression in LNCaP and PC-3 cells. In the case of CgA, VPA treatment decreased its expression in vitro in a dose-dependent manner, as determined by western blot analysis. Thus our data demonstrates that VPA does not induce NE differentiation of PCa cells in the physiologically relevant in vivo setting

    A Real Time Metridia Luciferase Based Non-Invasive Reporter Assay of Mammalian Cell Viability and Cytotoxicity via the β-actin Promoter and Enhancer

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    Secreted reporter molecules offer a means to evaluate biological processes in real time without the need to sacrifice samples at pre-determined endpoints. Here we have adapted the secreted bioluminescent reporter gene, Metridia luciferase, for use in a real-time viability assay for mammalian cells. The coding region of the marine copepod gene has been codon optimized for expression in human cells (hMLuc) and placed under the control of the human β-actin promoter and enhancer. Metridia luciferase activity of stably transfected cell models corresponded linearly with cell number over a 4-log dynamic range, detecting as few as 40 cells. When compared to standard endpoint viability assays, which measure the mitochondrial dehydrogenase reduction of tetrazolium salts, the hMLuc viability assay had a broader linear range of detection, was applicable to large tissue culture vessels, and allowed the same sample to be repeatedly measured over several days. Additional studies confirmed that MLuc activity was inhibited by serum, but demonstrated that assay activity remained linear and was measurable in the serum of mice bearing subcutaneous hMLuc-expressing tumors. In summary, these comparative studies demonstrate the value of humanized Metridia luciferase as an inexpensive and non-invasive method for analyzing viable cell number, growth, tumor volume, and therapeutic response in real time

    A novel method for generating and screening peptides and libraries displayed on adenovirus fiber

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    Capsid-displayed adenoviral peptide libraries have been a significant, yet unfeasible goal in biotechnology. Three barriers have made this difficult: the large size of the viral genome, the low efficiency of converting plasmid-based genomes into packaged adenovirus and the fact that library amplification is hampered by the ability of two (or more) virus to co-infect one cell. Here, we present a novel vector system, pFex, which is capable of overcoming all three barriers. With pFex, modified fiber genes are recombined into the natural genetic locus of adenovirus through unidirectional Cre–lox recombination. Modified-fiber genes can be directly shuttled into replicating viral genomes in mammalian cells. The ‘acceptor’ vector does not contain the fiber gene, and therefore does not propagate until it has received a ‘donor’ fiber gene. Therefore, This methodology overcomes the low efficiency of transfecting large viral genomes and bypasses the need for transition to functional virus. Thus, with a fiber-shuttle library, one can generate and evaluate large numbers of fiber-modified adenovirus simultaneously. Finally, successful fiber genes can be rescued from virus and recombined back into shuttle plasmids, avoiding the need to propagate mixed viral pools. For proof of principal, we use this new system to screen a capsid-displayed peptide library for retargeted viral infection

    MicroRNA expression and function in prostate cancer: a review of current knowledge and opportunities for discovery

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are well-conserved noncoding RNAs that broadly regulate gene expression through posttranscriptional silencing of coding genes. Dysregulated miRNA expression in prostate and other cancers implicates their role in cancer biology. Moreover, functional studies provide support for the contribution of miRNAs to several key pathways in cancer initiation and progression. Comparative analyses of miRNA gene expression between malignant and nonmalignant prostate tissues, healthy controls and prostate cancer (PCa) patients, as well as less aggressive versus more aggressive disease indicate that miRNAs may be future diagnostic or prognostic biomarkers in tumor tissue, blood, or urine. Further, miRNAs may be future therapeutics or therapeutic targets. In this review, we examine the miRNAs most commonly observed to be de-regulated in PCa gene expression analyses and review the potential contribution of these miRNAs to important pathways in PCa initiation and progression

    Effect of Serum on MLuc Activity.

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    <p>MLuc conditioned media from TC2-hMLuc was spiked with varying amounts of different serum and bioluminescence activity was quantified. (A) Various serum used in standard culture medium demonstrated a dose dependent quenching of MLuc activity. (B) Despite the quenching, the hMLuc viability assay correlated linearly with TC-2-hMLuc cell number over a broad dynamic range in the presence of ∼80% serum. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean. N = 8. R<sup>2</sup> = 0.9894.</p