155 research outputs found

    The European Recovery Economic Plan and Quality of Public Finances – Instruments for Monitoring and Improving Fiscal and Economic Systems

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    “To promote a growth and employment orientated and efficient allocation of resources, Member States should re-direct the composition of public expenditure towards growth-enhancing categories in line with the Lisbon strategy, adapt tax structures to strengthen growth potential, ensure that mechanisms are in place to assess the relationship between public spending and the achievement of policy objectives, and ensure the overall coherence of reform packages”. [The Lisbon Strategy, integrated guideline no 3]

    Клинические и генетико-молекулярные исследования смешанной болезни соединительной ткани

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    Catedra Medicină Internă nr.1, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Institutul de Genetică şi Fiziologie a Plantelor al AŞMThe article presents research on two related topics: 1) connective tissue disease, manifested in the articular modification and in the condition of the joints themselves, and in clinical observation, and, 2) polymorphism in DNA fragments (PCR analyses) of the genes controlling synthesis cytokines - IL 1, IL 6 and CTLA 4. Clusterian analyses revealed the degree of relationship between joint and extrajoint clinical manifestation and the gene mutations from a sample of mixed connective tissue disease patients. These were contrasted with a control sample of patients suffering from i.e., systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.В статье приводятся данные относительно клинических суставных и внесуставных проявлений при смешанной болезни соединительной ткани (СБСТ), а также полиморфизма фрагментов ДНК (ПЦР-анализ) генов, контролирующих синтез цитокинов ИЛ 1, ИЛ 6 и ЦТЛА-4. Кластерным анализом были выявлены специфические ассоциации клинических суставных и внесуставных проявлений с мутациями, изученных генов у больных СБСТ и контрольных групп – системная красная волчанка, системная склеродермия и ревматоидный артрит

    Comparative study of Mixed Connective Tissue Disease and Systemic Sclerosis

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    Catedra Medicină Internă a Facultăţii de rezidenţiat şi Secundariat clinic nr.1 a Universităţii de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie “Nicolae Testemiţanu”Appearance of mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) in the world is not enough studied. In this study we demonstrated particularity of similitude and differences of large clinical and biochemist indexes at 75 patients with MCTD and SS, which who diagnosed by ARA criteria. In conclusion we have determinated that MCTD had more relevant indexes in ESP, C-reactive protein and rheumatoid factor comparative with SS. Rezumat Răspândirea bolii mixte a ţesutului conjuntiv (BMŢC) în lume este slab studiată. În acest studiu s-a demonstrat particularităţi de similitudine şi diferenţiere a unor şir de indici clinici şi biochimici la 75 de pacienţi cu BMŢC şi SSD, diagnosticul fiind confirmat de către ARA. În concluzie s-a determinat că spre deosebire de SSD, în cazul BMŢC au fost mai pronunţate procesele inflamatorii, manifestate prin valori semnificative ale VSH, proteinei C-reactive, factorului reumatoid seropozitiv. Răspândirea bolii mixte a ţesutului conjuntiv (BMŢC) în lume este slab studiată. În acest studiu s-a demonstrat particularităţi de similitudine şi diferenţiere a unor şir de indici clinici şi biochimici la 75 de pacienţi cu BMŢC şi SSD, diagnosticul fiind confirmat de către ARA. În concluzie s-a determinat că spre deosebire de SSD, în cazul BMŢC au fost mai pronunţate procesele inflamatorii, manifestate prin valori semnificative ale VSH, proteinei C-reactive, factorului reumatoid seropozitiv

    Motivation for Career in Teenagers

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    AbstractCareer motivation is an important field of study in the construction of sustainable society. Identify and develop intimate mechanisms that shape career choices by teenagers becomes a strong indicator of how society as a whole proves its effectiveness. Given crossing a prolonged crisis which calls into question the dominant social structural elements, unclear coherent and consistent process of career management in adolescents can lead to premature exhaustion of their involvement in learned helplessness phenomena, ambiguity and professional failure. There is also the risk of not achieving career maturation phenomenon which can lead to phenomena misfit search and permanent redefinition of the role of teenager – now reached adult – in social landscape. The paper aims to analyze and define the phenomenon of career choice motivation to intrinsic- extrinsic dimension (the intrinsic dimension by reference to the orientation towards reality and the need to experience stimulation, and matters extrinsic referring to extrinsic motivation identified, etc). This can provide an appropriate response, reported on the career management paradigm in this age group


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    În prezent, lumea se confruntă cu provocări majore, care se extind tot mai mult la nivelul economiei mondiale. Prezența antreprenorilor și a antreprenoriatului este necesară pentru a încuraja și a introduce schimbarea în societate, creșterea progresului social.THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTREPRENEURSHIP ABILITIES AT SCHOOL PUPILSPresently, the world is facing the major challenges what are expanding more and more at the level of the national economy. The presence of entrepreneurs and that of entrepreneurship is necessary to encourage and to introduce change in society. </p

    The peculiarities of Raynaud phenomenon in patients with diffuse connective tissue diseases

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    Catedra Medicină Internă a Facultăţii de rezidenţiat şi Secundariat clinic nr.1 a Universităţii de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie “Nicolae Testemiţanu”Raynaud´s phenomenon is present almost uniformly in connective tissue diseases. In the paper are presented the peculiarities of RP clinical and paraclinical depending on the age of patients, causes and its corelation with the protein C-reactive. Fenomenul Raynaud reprezintă o manifestare frecventă în maladiile difuze ale ţesutului conjunctiv. În articol sunt redate particulartăţile clinice şi paraclinice a fenomenului Raynaud în dependenţă de vârsta pacienţilor, factori declanşatori şi corelaţia acestora cu proteina C-reactivă

    Макромикроскопия - приоритетное научное направление на протяжении десятилетий на Кафедре анатомии человека

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    Macromicroscopy - priority scientific direction over the decades at the Department of human anatomyMetoda originală de scopie intermediară prin colorare selectivă a pieselor anatomice totale cu reactivul Schiff (acid fuxinsulfuros), s-a dovedit a fi destul de eficientă &icirc;n studiul macromicroscopic al elementelor neurovasculare din structurile conjunctive. Ea oferă posibilitatea de a pătrunde &icirc;n zona de frontieră, situată la limita dintre structurile macroscopice şi cele microscopice, de a studia obiectul &icirc;n aspect spaţial, de a obţine informaţii, care corespund cerințelor microchirurgiei reconstructive şi transplantologiei contemporane. Prin tehnica mezoscopică de disecție anatomică fină a vaselor (sangvine și limfatice) și nervilor pe parcursul anilor au fost obținute rezultate remarcabile de către cadrele didactice ale Catedrei de anatomie a omului a USMF &bdquo;Nicolae Testemiţanu&rdquo;.Макромикроскопия - приоритетное научное направление на протяжении десятилетий на Кафедре анатомии человек

    Asymptotic behaviour of a one-dimensional avalanche model through a particular stochastic process

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    In this paper we develop the study of a binary coagulation-fragmentation equation which describes the avalanches phenomena. We construct first an adapted stochastic process and obtain its behaviour to the equilibrium. Our model is based on self-organized critical (SOC) systems and in particular on a simple sand pile model introduced in Bressaud and Fournier, [BrFo 09]. Furthermore, we define a stochastic differential equation for this process and propose a numerical method in order to approximate the solution. The key point of our work is a new interpretation of the avalanches phenomena by handling stochastic differential equations with jumps and the analysis of the invariant behaviour of the stochastic process

    Особенности клинических проявлений смешанной болезни соединительной ткани

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    Laboratorul Ştiinţific de Gerontologie, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Centrul Naţional de Geriatrie şi Gerontologie din Moldova, Catedra Medicină Internă nr. 1, USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Conferinţa Ştiinţifico-Practică „Medicina modernă, actualităţi şi perspective”, consacrată aniversării de 40 de ani ai Spitalului Clinic al Ministerului Sănătăţii, 27-28 mai, 2010, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaThe study included a group of 125 patients with diffuse connective tissue disease (DCTD), 50 entered the main group – DCTD and 3 control groups 25 patients each with SLE, SS and RA. Data obtained from investigations were analyzed by correlational, regresional and multiple scanning analysis methods. Correlational analysis demonstrated a wide range of dependencies between different clinical indices in patients with DCTD, which suggests that the emergence and development of one disease, therefore, leads to the emergence and development of others. In the evolution of DCTD high positive dependencies were found between age at illness debut and the frequency of arthralgia and arthritis in radio-carpal and metacarpo-phalangeal joints, but negative correlation for muscle fatigue and arthralgia in knee joints.В исследование включена группа из 125 больных с диффузными заболеваниями соединительной ткани (ДЗСТ), из них 50 составили основную группу – ДЗСТ и по 25 – 3 контрольных группы: СКВ, СС и РА. Данные, полученные в исследовании, были проанализированы с помощью корреляционного, регрессионного и скринингово анализа. Корреляционный анализ показал широкий круг зависимостей между различными клиническими признаками больных ДЗСТ. Возникновение и развитие одной болезни может способствовать возникновению и развитию других. В развитии ДЗСТ была найдена высокая корреляционная зависимость между длительностью болезни и частотой артрита в кистях и межфаланговых суставах, отрицательная – с мышечной усталостью и артралгиями в коленных суставах