11 research outputs found

    Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and migration to Europe.

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    Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in low-incidence countries in Europe is more prevalent among migrants than the native population. The impact of the recent increase in migration to EU and EEA countries with a low incidence of TB (<20 cases per 100 000) on MDR-TB epidemiology is unclear. This narrative review synthesizes evidence on MDR-TB and migration identified through an expert panel and database search. A significant proportion of MDR-TB cases in migrants result from reactivation of latent infection. Refugees and asylum seekers may have a heightened risk of MDR-TB infection and worse outcomes. Although concerns have been raised around 'health tourists' migrating for MDR-TB treatment, numbers are probably small and data are lacking. Migrants experience significant barriers to testing and treatment for MDR-TB, exacerbated by increasingly restrictive health systems. Screening for latent MDR-TB is highly problematic because current tests cannot distinguish drug-resistant latent infection, and evidence-based guidance for treatment of latent infection in contacts of MDR patients is lacking. Although there is evidence that transmission of TB from migrants to the general population is low-it predominantly occurs within migrant communities-there is a human rights obligation to improve the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of MDR-TB in migrants. Further research is needed into MDR-TB and migration, the impact of screening on detection or prevention, and the potential consequences of failing to treat and prevent MDR-TB among migrants in Europe. An evidence-base is urgently needed to inform guidelines for effective approaches for MDR-TB management in migrant populations in Europe

    Premature decline of eucalyptus and altered ecosystem processes in the absence of fire in some Australian forests

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    We propose a model of 'premature tree decline' whereby an absence of fire hastens the mortality of overstorey eucalypts in some forests. This model is relevant to some temperate Australian forests in which fire regimes have shifted from relatively frequent before European settlement to infrequent following settlement. The increased development of midstorey vegetation and litter accumulation has occurred since European settlement in some specific examples of Australian forests and woodlands. Our model proposes that in the long absence of fire: 1. midstorey vegetation reduces the availability of soil water for eucalypts and; 2. Eucalypts have less access to P and/or cations as these elements become locked up in soil, litter and midstorey biomass. We highlight important knowledge gaps and argue that research into ecological burning, for eucalypt health and other values such as biodiversity, is urgently required

    Germinable soil seedbanks of central Queensland rangelands invaded by the exotic weed Parthenium hysterophorus L.

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    The germinable soil seedbank was determined at two sites in central Queensland on four separate occasions between February 1995 and October 1996. These sites were infested with parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L.), a serious invasive exotic weed. During this period, the seedbank varied between 3282 and 5094 seeds m at the Clermont site, and between 20 599 and 44 639 seeds m at the Moolayember Creek site. Parthenium hysterophorus exhibited a very abundant and persistent seedbank, accounting for 47-73% of the seedbank at Clermont and 65-87% of the seedbank at Moolayember Creek. The species richness and species diversity of the seedbank, and the seed abundance of many species, was lower at Moolayember Creek during spring (the time of year when the most dense infestations of the weed originate). Parthenium hysterophorus seedlings also emerged more rapidly from the soil samples than did those of all other species. Hence, it seems that various aspects of the weed's seed ecology, including abundance and the persistence of its seedbank and the rapid emergence of its seedlings, are major factors contributing to its aggressiveness in semiarid rangeland communities in central Queensland. The domination by P. hysterophorus of the seedbanks of these sites suggests that the weed is having a substantial negative impact on the ecology of these plant communities. The diversity of these seedbanks was found to be lower in comparison with that observed in other grassland communities that were not dominated by an invasive weed species. Hence, the prolonged presence of P. hysterophorus may have substantially reduced the diversity of these seedbanks, thereby reducing the ability of some of the native species to regenerate in the future

    Calculations to support JET neutron yield calibration: Modelling of neutron emission from a compact DT neutron generator

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    At the Joint European Torus (JET) the ex-vessel fission chambers and in-vessel activation detectors are used as the neutron production rate and neutron yield monitors respectively. In order to ensure that these detectors produce accurate measurements they need to be experimentally calibrated. A new calibration of neutron detectors to 14 MeV neutrons, resulting from deuterium–tritium (DT) plasmas, is planned at JET using a compact accelerator based neutron generator (NG) in which a D/T beam impinges on a solid target containing T/D, producing neutrons by DT fusion reactions. This paper presents the analysis that was performed to model the neutron source characteristics in terms of energy spectrum, angle–energy distribution and the effect of the neutron generator geometry. Different codes capable of simulating the accelerator based DT neutron sources are compared and sensitivities to uncertainties in the generator's internal structure analysed. The analysis was performed to support preparation to the experimental measurements performed to characterize the NG as a calibration source. Further extensive neutronics analyses, performed with this model of the NG, will be needed to support the neutron calibration experiments and take into account various differences between the calibration experiment and experiments using the plasma as a source of neutrons

    Thermal analysis of protruding surfaces in the JET divertor

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    3D simulations of gas puff effects on edge plasma and ICRF coupling in JET

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    Recent JET (ITER-Like Wall) experiments have shown that the fueling gas puffed from different locations of the vessel can result in different scrape-off layer (SOL) density profiles and therefore different radio frequency (RF) coupling. To reproduce the experimental observations, to understand the associated physics and to optimize the gas puff methods, we have carried out three-dimensional (3D) simulations with the EMC3-EIRENE code in JET-ILW including a realistic description of the vessel geometry and the gas injection modules (GIMs) configuration. Various gas puffing methods have been investigated, in which the location of gas fueling is the only variable parameter. The simulation results are in quantitative agreement with the experimental measurements. They confirm that compared to divertor gas fueling, mid-plane gas puffing increases the SOL density most significantly but locally, while top gas puffing increases it uniformly in toroidal direction but to a lower degree. Moreover, the present analysis corroborates the experimental findings that combined gas puff scenarios - based on distributed main chamber gas puffing - can be effective in increasing the RF coupling for multiple antennas simultaneously. The results indicate that the spreading of the gas, the local ionization and the transport of the ionized gas along the magnetic field lines connecting the local gas cloud in front of the GIMs to the antennas are responsible for the enhanced SOL density and thus the larger RF coupling