56 research outputs found

    Good health and a safe work environment

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    A pilot study was conducted among Ugandan farmers in May 2014. Six male and female farmers were interviewed about their experiences and attitudes towards health, safety and risk factors in agriculture, and how these affected their livelihood. In general, the level of knowledge and awareness of agricultural health and safety risks as well as disease and injury prevention was low. The farmers found milking, spraying of animals and plantation work demanding work tasks. The main findings concerned the farmers reporting symptoms of poisoning when they sprayed the animals with insecticide and lack of safety information. The farmers expressed the need for information and practical training in agricultural health and safety, and disease and injury prevention

    Storskalig grisproduktion – framtidens arbetsplats?

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    Svensk grisproduktion har genomgått omfattande strukturomvandlingar genom åren med en minskning av antalet gårdar och samtidig en ökning av besättningsstorlek. Expansionen av produktionsenheterna har inneburit flera anställda. För att kunna framstå som attraktiva arbetsplatser inom storskalig grisproduktion har expansionen medfört större fokus på betydelsen av en god arbetsmiljö på gårdarna. Arbetsvetenskap, Ekonomi & Miljöpsykologi (AEM) vid Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) i Alnarp (tidigare en del av institutionen för jordbrukets biosystem och teknologi), genomförde 2002-2004 en omfattande undersökning. I undersökningen följdes det dagliga arbetet på ett 10- tal gårdar med storskalig grisproduktion under ett helt verksamhetsår med hänsyn till den fysiska och den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Syftet med undersökningen var att visa vad som behövs av ett storskaligt produktionssystem gällande teknik, arbetsmiljöfaktorer, arbetsorganisation, arbetsledning och individ för att verksamma, oavsett ålder, kön och kroppskonstitution, kan klara att arbeta i storskalig grisproduktion och behålla en god hälsa samt känna arbetet som utvecklande och positivt. Resultaten av undersökningen visade att det fortfarande finns bekymmer i relation till den fysikaliska, kemiska och fysiska arbetsmiljö. Dåliga klimatförhållanden i form av drag och stora temperaturskillnader mellan stallavdelningar och andra utrymmen, skrikande grisar, buller från ventilation och högtryckstvätt samt höga dammhalter i stallarna var arbetsmiljöfaktorer som ungefär 30 % av djurskötarna kände sig besvärade av. Dessutom upplevde djurskötarna, framförallt de kvinnliga, mer belastningsbesvär i de övre extremiteterna än männen. Bland kvinnorna hade 20 % besvär i nackregionen (11 % bland männen) och 26 % hade besvär i axlarna (15 % bland männen). I undersökningen framkom också att skrapning av gödsel, kastrering, seminering, flyttning och vägning av grisar samt rengöring av stallavdelningar med högtryckstvätt var arbetsmoment som djurskötarna och speciellt de kvinnliga djurskötarna upplevde som fysiskt ansträngande. Skrapning av gödsel ansågs, förutom att vara ett fysiskt tungt och tidskrävande arbete, även som ett tråkigt och ”meningslöst” arbete. Den psykosociala arbetsmiljön var generellt sett bättre jämfört med resultaten från en liknande undersökning gjorts inom storskalig mjölkproduktion i södra Sverige. De sysselsatta inom storskalig grisproduktion upplevde att de hade stort inflytande och goda utvecklingsmöjligheter i arbetet. Ledarskapet samt det stöd och den information grisskötarna fick från deras arbetsledare och arbetsgivare var generellt bättre jämfört med resultaten från mjölkgårdarna. Kan storskalig grisproduktion bli framtidens arbetsplats för den yngre generationen? Ja - det finns goda möjligheter att arbetsplatser inom storskalig grisproduktion kan bli attraktiva och lockande för ungdomar och kanske speciellt för kvinnor. Det finns problemställningar i relation till arbetsmiljön som behöver åtgärdas, men det finns också möjligheter och förutsättningar att skapa attraktiva arbetsplatser. Om ett arbete inom storskalig svensk grisproduktion i fortsättningen vara attraktivt för såväl den unga som den äldre generationen och för både män och kvinnor – då är det viktigt att i fortsättningen vara uppmärksam på och ständigt förbättra den fysiska såväl som psykiska arbetsmiljön inom branschen. Lika viktigt är en fokusering på att skapa och implementera en bild av att, arbeta med grisar, är positivt, prestigefyllt och ett arbete med många möjligheter

    Awareness and Need for Knowledge of Health and Safety among Dairy Farmers Interviewed in Uganda

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    Introduction: Safe working conditions are essential for healthy living and for ensuring food security among farmers and farm communities in developing countries. There is limited research on this topic, and documentation is essential to understand and change patterns of human health and safety. Methods: In May 2014, six male and female farmers on four dairy farms in Uganda and a female veterinarian were interviewed about their awareness and attitudes to agricultural risk factors, health, and safety. In addition, transect walks were conducted on the four dairy farms. Results: The dairy farmers reported health and safety concerns, e.g., diarrhea, coughs, fever, cuts while using machetes in plantations, bruises when handling animals, and dizziness and poisoning symptoms from using different agrochemicals, and considered these an occupational hazard. The most important topic mentioned was the use of agrochemicals and drugs on livestock. The farmers spray their animals with insecticides to prevent ticks, lice, tsetse flies, and other biting nuisance flies, using a backpack or hand sprayer. Spraying is conducted without personal protection equipment, which is considered too expensive and difficult to obtain. The farmers reported that they usually feel dizzy, vomit, and have pain and a burning feeling in their face and eyes after spraying. The symptoms are sometimes so severe that they require treatment. In such cases, the farmers buy medication without a prescription at the local drugstore, where the storekeeper often has limited or no knowledge of agrochemicals or drugs except for dosage. Agricultural health and safety training in the region is non-existent, and the farmers expressed a need and desire for improvements in this area. Conclusion: The level of knowledge and awareness of agricultural health and safety risks, disease, and injury prevention among the Ugandan dairy farmers interviewed was low. The farmers mentioned few agriculture-related complaints, injuries, or diseases except poisoning from using agrochemicals. Training on health and safety in Ugandan agriculture is urgently needed

    Lantbrukares psykosociala arbetsvillkor, psykiska hälsa och stress i ett svenskt och internationellt perspektiv

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    Lantbrukare ställs inför många krav och stressorer i sitt dagliga arbete och dessa verkar vara gemensamma oberoende av land och kultur. Lantbrukare kan uppleva att det ställs höga krav på dem med avseende på ett fysiskt krävande arbete, bra produktionsresultat, stabil ekonomi samt ett medvetet samhälls- och miljöansvar. Dessutom är lantbruksföretag starkt beroende av många yttre förhållanden, som till exempel väder, fluktuerande marknader och regleringar från statliga myndigheter. Andra yttre faktorer som lantbruksföretag kan påverkas av kan vara sjukdomsangrepp på djur och växter, skatter och avgifter relaterat till lantbruksproduktionen och negativa samhällsattityder till lantbruket i största allmänhet. Lantbrukarna kan ha få eller inga möjligheter att påverka och kontrollera dessa yttre villkor, krav och förväntningar. Höga arbetskrav och förväntningar i kombination med låg kontrollmöjlighet och brist på socialt stöd kan leda till en dålig psykosocial arbetsmiljö, ökade stressnivåer, psykisk ohälsa, depression och, i värsta fall, självmord. Tillgången till företagshälsovård för lantbrukare med psykiska problem eller ohälsa är olika och starkt beroende av var i landet eller i världen som de bedriver sina företag. I dagsläget är det dock ofta i första hand upp till den enskilde lantbrukaren och anhöriga att hantera de psykiska påfrestningar och stress, som kan vara av kortare eller längre varaktighet. I denna sammanställning har vetenskaplig litteratur om psyko-sociala arbetsvillkor, psykisk hälsa/ohälsa, stress, depression och självmord bland lantbrukare, anställda och familjemedlemmar granskats i ett svenskt och internationellt perspektiv

    Stress och stresshantering

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    Occupational health and safety of Finnish dairy farmers using automatic milking system

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    Introduction: Conventional pipeline and parlor milking expose dairy farmers and workers to adverse health outcomes. In recent years, automatic milking system (AMS) has gained much popularity in Finland, but the changes in working conditions when changing to AMS are not well-known. The aim of this study was to investigate the occupational health and safety risks in using AMS, compared to conventional milking systems (CMS). Methods: An anonymous online survey was sent to each Finnish dairy farm with an AMS in 2014. Only those dairy farmers with prior work experience in CMS were included in the final analysis consisting of descriptive statistics and frequency distributions. Results: We received 228 usable responses (131 male and 97 female; 25.2% response rate). The majority of the participants found that AMS had brought flexibility to the organization of farm work, and it had increased leisure time, quality of life, productivity of dairy work, and the attractiveness of dairy farming among the younger generation. In addition, AMS reduced the perceived physical strain on the musculoskeletal system as well as the risk of occupational injuries and diseases, compared to CMS. However, working in close proximity to the cattle, particularly training of heifers to use the AMS, was regarded as a high-risk work task. In addition, the daily cleaning of the AMS and manual handling of rejected milk were regarded as physically demanding. The majority of the participants stated that mental stress caused by the monotonous, repetitive, paced, and hurried work had declined after changing to AMS. However, some indicated increased mental stress because of the demanding management of the AMS. In addition, nightly alarms caused by the AMS, lack of adequately skilled hired labor or farm relief workers, and taking care of the 24/7 standby for the AMS caused mental stress. Conclusions: Based on this study, AMS may have significant potential in the prevention of adverse health outcomes in milking of dairy cows. In addition, AMS may improve the productivity of dairy work and sustainability of dairy production. However, certain characteristics of the AMS require further attention with regard to occupational health and safety risks

    Delivering too much, too little or off target-possible consequences of differences in perceptions on agricultural advisory services

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    Advisory services are considered to play an important role in the development of competitiveness and sustainability in agriculture. Advisory services have been studied at policy level, structural level and within case studies, but there is still restricted knowledge about advisors' and farmers' view on advisory services in general. This paper presents the views of Swedish advisors and farmers on advisory services. In a survey-based study, perceptions of farm advisors and full-time farmers in commercial Swedish agriculture on advisory services were identified and statistically analysed, comparing differences between and within the groups. The results are structured around three main themes; motives for a farmer using or not using advisory services, preferred approach by the advisor and future demands on advisory services and their importance today. Possible consequences of differences in perceptions for on-farm service delivery were assessed. Similarities in perceptions on advisory services among advisors and farmers, were found in areas characterised by well-defined questions or production-related issues. Significant differences in perceptions of advisors and farmers emerged in less concrete areas and on topics connected to change, management and strategy. Consequences of discrepancies in perceptions are that advisors may deliver too much, too little or off target, especially when expectations on advisory services are not clearly expressed. A strong and proactive back-office supporting the advisors is needed to prevent these possible consequences

    Job resources and work engagement among Finnish dairy farmers

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    Objectives: The aims of this study were to examine job resources, work engagement and Finnish dairy farmers' preferences concerning methods to enhance overall well-being while working on farms.Methods: A postal survey yielded 265 completed questionnaires from 188 dairy farms. The sample was assessed as representative of Finnish dairy farmers. Exploratory factor analysis and a linear mixed model were utilized during the data analyzing process.Results: The variables lowering work engagement were stressors related to the workload and problems with health. Elevated work engagement was associated with the factors work with farm animals and family. The most important resource variables were child or children, own family, and animal health. Female dairy farmers considered resource variables related to the family, love, and work with cattle as significantly more important than male dairy farmers. Male dairy farmers experienced higher work engagement and, concerning the dimensions, especially higher dedication and absorption than male respondents in a reference sample of workers in difference occupations. A sustainable farm economy and the possibility to have a holiday period were the most important methods to improve overall well-being on dairy farms.Conclusion: The results indicate that the family, working with cattle, healthy farm animals, a reasonable workload, and a sustainable farm economy have the capacity to create positive impacts on well-being among dairy farmers. Well-being on farms is a part of sustainable food production.Peer reviewe