13 research outputs found

    Oracle HRMS for the human resources management in the public sector

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    Oracle Human Resources (Oracle HRMS) represents a strong set of applications for the optimization of the human capital an organization disposes of. In the new economy, based on the Internet, the optimum usage of work force is one of the imperatives in e-business. In order to successfully meet this target, an organization needs a simple and efficient system for the administration of the human capital.[human capital] [software application] [management system]

    Manageability comparison: Oracle database 10g and Oracle 9i database

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    In this paper we performed a basic and common DBA tasks on the two products and measured the time taken and the steps required to complete each task, to assess their relative manageability. The time taken to complete the tasks was then weighted according to their frequency of use in a typical DBA workday to arrive at an overall time savings percentage.[manageability comparison] [software application] [management system]

    Manageability comparison: Oracle database 10g and Oracle 9i database

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    In this paper we performed a basic and common DBA tasks on the two products and measured the time taken and the steps required to complete each task, to assess their relative manageability. The time taken to complete the tasks was then weighted according to their frequency of use in a typical DBA workday to arrive at an overall time savings percentage

    Manageability comparison: Oracle database 10g and Oracle 9i database

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    In this paper we performed a basic and common DBA tasks on the two products and measured the time taken and the steps required to complete each task, to assess their relative manageability. The time taken to complete the tasks was then weighted according to their frequency of use in a typical DBA workday to arrive at an overall time savings percentage

    Oracle HRMS for the human resources management in the public sector

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    Oracle Human Resources (Oracle HRMS) represents a strong set of applications for the optimization of the human capital an organization disposes of. In the new economy, based on the Internet, the optimum usage of work force is one of the imperatives in e-business. In order to successfully meet this target, an organization needs a simple and efficient system for the administration of the human capital

    Association between severe periodontitis and dislypidemia

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    Rezumat. Scopul studiului il reprezinta evaluarea unei posibile corelatii intre parodontitele cronice stadiul sever si nivelul lipidelor serice. Materiale si metoda: Un lot de 59 de pacienti cu varsta intre 45-54 de ani carora li s-au efectuat anamneza si examenul clinic, precum si analize generale (colesterol si trigliceride). Rezultate: 44,8% dintre pacienti prezentau nivele crescute ale trigliceridelor (valoare medie 212 mg/dl), iar 55,17% dintre pacienti prezentau un nivel crescut al colesterolului total (valoare medie 256mg/dl). Concluzii: Exista o corelatie intre parodontitele severe si nivelele serice crescute ale colesterolului si trigliceridelor, fapt ce trebuie sa atraga atentia medicului dentist.Summary. The purpose of the study is the evaluation of a possible correlation between severe stage chronic periodontitis and the level of serum lipids. Materials and method: A sample of 59 patients, between 45 - 54 years old, who underwent clinical dental examination and a set of blood analysis (cholesterol and triglycerides). Results: 44,8% of the patients exhibited high levels of triglycerides (median value of 212 mg/dl), and 55,17% of them exhibited a high level of total cholesterol (median value 256mg/dl). Conclusion: There is a relationship between severe periodontal disease and high serum levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, a fact requires the attention of the dentist

    Lipophilicity as a Central Component of Drug-Like Properties of Chalchones and Flavonoid Derivatives

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    Lipophilcity is an important physico-chemical parameter that influences membrane transport and binding ability to action. Migration distance following complete elution of compounds was used to calculate different lipophilicity-related parameters. The aim of this study is to show that lipophilicity is a central component of thiazole chalcones and flavonoid derivatives regarding their drug-like properties. Experimental and computational methods were used. This study considers 44 previously synthesized compounds (thiazole chalcones, flavanones, flavones, 3-hydroxyflavones, and their acetylated derivatives). The concerned compounds have shown antitumoral hallmarks and antibacterial activity in vitro. The experimental method used to determine compounds’ lipophilicity was the reverse-phase thin layer chromatography (RP-TLC). Lipophilicity related parameters—isocratic retention factor (RM), relative lipophily (RM0), slope (b), chromatographic hydrophobic index (φ0), scores of principal components (PC1/RM)—were determined based on reverse-phase chromatography results


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    Infecţiile odontogene sunt factori predispozanţi pentru 10% dintre sinuzitele maxilare, rareori complicate cu meningite şi empiem subdural. Majoritatea empiemelor asociate infecţiilor dentare au etiologie polimicrobiană. Tratamentul standard cuprinde măsuri suportive, combinaţii de antibiotice şi drenaj chirurgical. Prezentăm un caz rar de empiem subdural apărut la un bărbat în vârstă de 20 de ani, cu infecţii odontogene neglijate. Evoluţia a fost favorabilă după tratament antibiotic, fără a impune intervenţia neurochirurgicală


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    Odontogenic infections are predisposing factors for 10% of maxillary sinusitis, rarely complicating with meningitis and subdural empyema. Most empyema associated with dental infections have polymicrobial etiology. Standard treatment for subdural empyema contains supportive care measures, antibiotic combinations and surgical drainage. We present a rare case of subdural empyema on a 20-year-old man with neglected odontogenic infections. outcome by antibiotic conservative treatment and no neurosurgical intervention

    Hydrogels Obtained via γ-Irradiation Based on Poly(Acrylic Acid) and Its Copolymers with 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate

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    Hydrogels containing both carboxyl and hydroxyl functional groups have been prepared by γ-irradiation of either aqueous solutions of acrylic acid (AA) and mixtures of AA and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) in different ratios, or aqueous solutions of poly(AA), PAA, and poly(AA-co-HEMA) obtained via solution polymerization. A higher absorbed dose is required in order to prepare hydrogels from monomer solutions, compared with those from polymer solutions. The range for the absorbed doses was chosen so that the probability of crosslinking reactions is higher than that of degradation ones. As the radiation energy deposited in a sample increases, the equilibrium swelling degree and the average molar mass between crosslinks diminishes. Chemical transformations induced by radiation were investigated by means of FTIR spectroscopy and thermal analysis of polymers before and after irradiation. For all these systems, the formation of a three-dimensional network enhances the glass transition temperature and thermal stability, but a further increase in the crosslinking degree may have the reverse effect on the glass transition temperature. Depending on the preparation protocol and/or hydrogel composition, superabsorbent materials that can bind different compounds throughout side functional groups may be obtained