1,181 research outputs found

    L’écho dans la pratique du pseudonyme : Romain Gary et la posture du phĂ©nix

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    Dans ce dossier qui se propose d’aborder, Ă  travers le prisme de l’écho, la question de la lĂ©gitimation de la littĂ©rature, il s’avĂšre pertinent de questionner en particulier le nom de l’auteur. L’écho pourrait-il en effet ĂȘtre vu comme une stratĂ©gie d’inscription du littĂ©raire dans l’espace social et historique, notamment Ă  travers la posture de l’auteur ? C’est ce que nous montre Ă  tout le moins l’exemple de Romain Gary qui, au moment de publier Au-delĂ  de cette limite votre ticket n’est plus valable, se façonne de toutes piĂšces une image d’écrivain vieillissant afin que les succĂšs d’Émile Ajar ne soient que plus Ă©clatants.In this study, which addresses the question of the legitimization of literature through the prism of the pseudonym, it is particularly pertinent to question the name of the author. Could pseudonymity be considered a strategy aimed at inscribing or ensuring the work a place in the social and historical mindscape, most notably through the literary stance of the “ author ” ? This is, at least, what is demonstrated by the example of Romain Gary who, at the moment of publishing Au-delĂ  de cette limite votre ticket n’est plus valable, constructed an entire persona of himself as an aging writer so that the success of Émile Ajar could be all the more resounding

    Complex Wavelet Based Envelope Analysis for Analytic Spectro-Temporal Signal Processing

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    L’amour au temps de la RĂ©volution tranquille. Le pĂšre Marcel-Marie Desmarais, mĂ©decin du coeur

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    Au tournant de la RĂ©volution tranquille, le pĂšre Marcel-Marie Desmarais, prĂ©dicateur populaire bien connu pour ses causeries Ă  la radio, obtient un succĂšs sans prĂ©cĂ©dent avec la publication de Laclinique du coeur, une sĂ©rie de 10 volumes rĂ©unissant les meilleures lettres et leurs rĂ©ponses, telles que diffusĂ©es sur les ondes de CKAC. En regard du thĂšme de l’amour, ces lettres rĂ©vĂšlent bien les tensions d’une sociĂ©tĂ© qui fait face aux bouleversements de la modernitĂ©.At the turn of the « Quiet Revolution », Father Marcel-Marie Desmarais, a popular preacher well known for his radio talks, obtains an unprecedented success with the publication of The clinique du coeur, a transcription in 10 volumes of the programs originally broadcasted by CKAC in Montreal. The series features the best letters and their replies on the theme of love. These letters unveil the tensions of a society faced with the ongoing changes caused by modernity


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    The Vermont Town Forest Recreation Planning Community Assistance Program (VTFRP) was a comprehensive community planning process held in ten diverse towns across Vermont. Led by the Urban and Community Forestry Program and the SE Group, the VTFRP helped towns develop a vision for the future management of their forests through open house workshops, site visits, steering committee meetings, and community surveys. The process provided towns with a forest recreation planning toolkit and an individualized action-based forest stewardship and recreation plan. By analyzing data from the community surveys and open house activities across all ten towns, my project considered the recreation trends and the statewide implications of the VTFRP. Forest management practices on public and private land were analyzed to demonstrate the appropriate balance between active forest management and forest-based recreation. The role of recreation in sustaining rural economies, conserving forestland, and guiding future forest management in Vermont was evaluated. The outdoor recreation economy has outpaced the traditional forest products industry and offers new strategies for conservation of the working landscape in Vermont. This project highlights strategies in forest management with recreation to inspire future conservation and recreation initiatives across Vermont towns

    Intrinsic avalanches and collective phenomena in a Mn(II)-free radical ferrimagnetic chain

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    Magnetic hysteresis loops below 300 mK on single crystals of the Mn(II) - nitronyl nitroxide free radical chain (Mn(hfac)_2({\it R})-3MLNN) present abrupt reversals of the magnetization, or avalanches. We show that, below 200 mK, the avalanches occur at a constant field, independent of the sample and so propose that this avalanche field is an intrinsic property. We compare this field to the energy barrier existing in the sample and conclude that the avalanches are provoked by multiple nucleation of domain-walls along the chains. The different avalanche field observed in the zero field cooled magnetization curves suggests that the avalanche mechanisms are related to the competition between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic order in this compound.Comment: 9 pages, 7 fig, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Topological dynamics of adiabatic cat states

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    We consider a qubit topologically coupled to two quantum modes. We show that any initial separable state of this system generically evolves into an adiabatic cat state. Such a state is a superposition of two adiabatic states in which the qubit is entangled between the modes. The topological coupling between the qubit and the modes gives rise to the separation in energy between these two components which evolve into states with distinguishable energy content
