1,003 research outputs found

    Mortgage Loans on Farm Real Estate in Turner County, South Dakota, 1910 - 1930

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    Purpose of Study. – This study of the farm mortgage situation in Turner County is a part of a larger research project including also the counties of Brookings, Clark, Haakon and Hyde. The immediate purpose has been to determine the facts with respect to the actual farm mortgage situation as revealed by the records in the office of the register of deeds. It is expected that analysis of the data will give rise to certain findings and conclusions on the basis of which recommendations can be made for the improvement of the farm mortgage conditions. Such improvements must benefit both borrowers and lenders if they are to be permanent. Thus, greater safety for the lenders should result in lower interest rates for the borrowers. If the customary loan contract does not fit present needs of farmer borrowers a modification of the terms of the contract in the interest of the mortgagors should in the long run also redound to the advantage of the mortgagees

    Mortgage Loans on Farm Real Estate in Brookings County, South Dakota

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    The purpose of this investigation in Brookings county, which is a part of a larger project including the counties of Clark, Haakon, Hyde, and Turner, is to obtain a historical picture of the changes that have taken place in the farm mortgage situation in typical areas of South Dakota. It is hope to show the sources of funds and the conditions under which farm mortgage funds have been obtained. The ultimate aim has been to discover what problems the farmers have had to face in the financing of land and buildings, and to discover and formulate principles for the safe and profitable use of land mortgage credit. Although the study has been made from the point of view of the farmer-borrower, it is obvious that no permanently satisfactory farm credit arrangement can be developed without also giving due consideration to the interests of the lender

    Mortgage Loans on Farm Real Estate in Haakon County, South Dakota, 1910 - 1930

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    Purpose of Study.-The unfavorable relationship between farm income and farm expense since the post-war deflation began in 1920 makes it desirable to study the farm real estate mortgage debt, as one of the important divisions of agricultural credit. The bulk of the farmer\u27s investment is in land; consequently, the method of financing that investment is an important part of the farm problem. A number of considerations are involved in the question of how to finance the ownership of farm land. Attention must be given to the value of the farm, both present and prospective, and how these values are determined. How large a loan should be placed on the farm, for what length of time should the mortgage run, what rate of interest can be paid, and how should the loan be repaid? These and a number of other important questions relating to the farm mortgage problem can be answered best only after some information has been acquired about actual conditions in a given vicinity. It is the purpose of this study to assemble and present such information with reference to Haakon County. The conditions in that county should be quite typical of the surrounding region. It is hoped that the picture of the farm mortgage situation in the area studied, as presented in the following pages, will be of help in suggesting possible improvements

    Graphic Views of Changes in South Dakota Agriculture

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    Because many significant changes have taken place in South Dakota agriculture in recent decades, it seems desirable to visualize what has happened. Such a backward look may be necessary in order to arrive at sound plans for today and tomorrow. Information presented in a properly constructed graph or chart can be seen at a glance and understood quite readily. Usually it takes more time to grasp the same ideas or information when presented either in written form or in a statistical table. It is to be hoped that the following graphic presentation will contribute toward a better understanding of some phases of South Dakota agriculture. Basic to the problems of any agricultural area are its soil, its climate and its population. Available and pertinent information on these subjects is presented in map, chart or graph form, with a minimum of written explanation. Historical changes in the relative size of the town and country population, land area in farms, size and number of farms, farm ownership and income are likewise visualized graphically. Maps and graphs show where the important crops are produced, trends in acreage and production, price relationships ,taxes, power, livestock numbers, etc. Changes in the financial condition of farmers are shown in graphs on loans, foreclosures, cash farm income and related data. Some of the graphs present information on a state-wide basis. Other charts and maps depict data by counties or by agricultural areas. Some maps and charts picture the situation as of a given time, whereas others show the changes that have taken place over a period of time

    Mortgage Loans on Farm Real Estate in Clark County South Dakota, 1910 - 1930

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    Purpose of Study.-This circular dealing with conditions in Clark County is part of a larger research project involving also a study of the farm mortgage situation in the counties of Brookings, Hyde, Haakon and Turner. Ever since the post-war deflation began in 1920 the farm credit problem has been more or less acute. This is an inevitable result of falling prices after a period of inflation such as that brought on by the World War. Because the bulk of the farm credit is based on real estate mortgages it has seemed particularly appropriate and timely to try to determine at this time the actual farm mortgage situation in representative areas of South Dakota. The collection of factual information about past and present farm mortgage conditions is a necessary preliminary for any plan of improvement. The immediate purpose of this study is thus to assemble all available and pertinent data respecting the farm mortgage situation in the areas studied. The ultimate purpose of the study is to bring about some improvement in prevailing conditions by the application of the relationships and principles developed. By assembling and analyzing the information as to the source of funds, amount of indebtedness, cost of credit, term of loans, volume of delinquency and of foreclosures, indebtedness per acre, etc., as these have changed during the twenty years from 1910 to 1930, some basis will be laid for recommendations aimed at the betterment of the relationship between borrower and lender and the solution of their mutual problems

    The Relationship Between Technological Self-Efficacy and Organizational Citizenship Behavior During Covid-19: Analyzing the Moderating Role of Trust

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    In this study, we examine the intricate relationship between technological self-efficacy, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and the moderating influence of trust—a facet largely unexplored in existing literature. The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the reliance on technologies like Zoom and Microsoft Teams, creating a unique backdrop. Amid the elevated anxiety surrounding the adoption of "new" technology, we hypothesize that trust within the workplace will play a pivotal role in moderating the link between technological self-efficacy and OCB. Our research aims to shed light on this uncharted territory, offering insights into how trust shapes employees' responses to technological challenges, particularly in the context of a global crisis

    Recommendations to derive quality standards for chemical pollutants in reclaimed water intended for reuse in agricultural irrigation

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    The reuse of treated municipal wastewater (herein referred to as reclaimed water) in agricultural irrigation (RWAI) as a means to alleviate water scarcity is gaining increasing policy attention, particularly in areas where water demand mitigation measures have proved insufficient. However, reclaimed water reuse in practice is lagging behind policy ambition, with <2.5% of it reused in a European context. A key barrier identified as limiting its full valorisation is concern over its impact on human and environmental health. To address this concern, and to meet further objectives including achieving parity between current reclaimed water reuse guidelines operational in various Member States, the European Commission has proposed a regulation which identifies minimum quality requirements (MQR) for a range of microbiological and physico-chemical parameters but the inclusion of compounds of emerging concern (CECs) in terms of the determination of quality standards (QS) is missing. This paper reviews the existing pertinent EU legislation in terms of identifying the need for CEC QS for RWAI, considering the scope and remit of on-going pan-European chemicals prioritisation schemes. It also evaluates opportunities to link in with the existing EQS derivation methodology under the EU WFD to address all protection targets in the environmental compartments exposed via potential pathways of RWAI. Finally, it identifies the main data gaps and research needs for terrestrial ecosystems, the removal efficiency of CECs by WWTPs and transformation products generated during the wastewater reuse cycle

    Land Market Trends in South Dakota, 1941-1950

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    The present study covers various aspects of the farm real estate market in eight counties for a 10-year period, from January 1, 1941 to December 31, 1950. It is a continuation and expansion of the Land Market study which the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, in cooperation with the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics, has been making for the past several years in the counties of Brookings, Brown, Clay and Haakon. The expansion includes the counties of Beadle, Faulk, Hand and Spink. In addition, some state-wide information covering a longer period of years has been used for background or explanatory purposes

    Introduction: Sustainable Livelihoods, Conflicts, and Transformation

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    Introduction to the Journal of Global Initiatives Volume 10, Number 2 Sustainable Livelihoods and Conflict

    Folic acid prescription in pregnancy.

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    We resolved to prescribe folic acid supplements for all women who attended this practice during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. Six months after this decision a prescription was recorded in only 13% of cases: this compared with 18% during the two months immediately following the decision. It was resolved to improve this performance and observations six months later revealed a prescription recorded in 63% of cases. Subsequently a new form for recording an antenatal consultation was devised and six months after its implementation, 100% recording of folate prescription for appropriate cases was observed. It was concluded that these simple audit exercises prompted changes in practice which helped to improve standards of patient care
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