94 research outputs found

    Impaired transmission in the corticospinal tract and gait disability in spinal cord injured persons

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    Rehabilitation following spinal cord injury is likely to depend on recovery of corticospinal systems. Here we investigate whether transmission in the corticospinal tract may explain foot drop (inability to dorsiflex ankle) in persons with spinal cord lesion. The study was performed in 24 persons with incomplete spinal cord lesion (C1 to L1) and 15 healthy controls. Coherence in the 10- to 20-Hz frequency band between paired tibialis anterior muscle (TA) electromyographic recordings obtained in the swing phase of walking, which was taken as a measure of motor unit synchronization. It was significantly correlated with the degree of foot drop, as measured by toe elevation and ankle angle excursion in the first part of swing. Transcranial magnetic stimulation was used to elicit motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) in the TA. The amplitude of the MEPs at rest and their latency during contraction were correlated to the degree of foot drop. Spinal cord injured participants who exhibited a large foot drop had little or no MEP at rest in the TA muscle and had little or no coherence in the same muscle during walking. Gait speed was correlated to foot drop, and was the lowest in participants with no MEP at rest. The data confirm that transmission in the corticospinal tract is of importance for lifting the foot during the swing phase of human gait

    After the Merger: Do Citizens Want Democratic Innovations?

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    Double diffusion encoding and applications for biomedical imaging

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    Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) is one of the most important contemporary non-invasive modalities for probing tissue structure at the microscopic scale. The majority of dMRI techniques employ standard single diffusion encoding (SDE) measurements, covering different sequence parameter ranges depending on the complexity of the method. Although many signal representations and biophysical models have been proposed for SDE data, they are intrinsically limited by a lack of specificity. Advanced dMRI methods have been proposed to provide additional microstructural information beyond what can be inferred from SDE. These enhanced contrasts can play important roles in characterizing biological tissues, for instance upon diseases (e.g. neurodegenerative, cancer, stroke), aging, learning, and development. In this review we focus on double diffusion encoding (DDE), which stands out among other advanced acquisitions for its versatility, ability to probe more specific diffusion correlations, and feasibility for preclinical and clinical applications. Various DDE methodologies have been employed to probe compartment sizes (Section 3), decouple the effects of microscopic diffusion anisotropy from orientation dispersion (Section 4), probe displacement correlations, study exchange, or suppress fast diffusing compartments (Section 6). DDE measurements can also be used to improve the robustness of biophysical models (Section 5) and study intra-cellular diffusion via magnetic resonance spectroscopy of metabolites (Section 7). This review discusses all these topics as well as important practical aspects related to the implementation and contrast in preclinical and clinical settings (Section 9) and aims to provide the readers a guide for deciding on the right DDE acquisition for their specific application

    Regeringsformen och förvaltningen - styrning och rÀttslig reglering

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    Artikeln utgör en presentation av forskningsprojektet Regeringsformen och förvaltningen – styrning och rĂ€ttslig reglering, för vilket VetenskapsrĂ„det har beviljat medel. Projektet syftar till att undersöka styrningen av den svenska förvaltningen ur ett rĂ€ttsligt perspektiv. Huvudfokus Ă€r styrningen och den rĂ€ttsliga regleringen idag, men för att förstĂ„ den, studeras den ur ett utvecklingsperspektiv under 40 Ă„r med startpunkt i antagandet av den nya regeringsformen 1974. Sverige Ă€r en rĂ€ttsstat och en fungerande rĂ€ttsstat Ă€r en förutsĂ€ttning för en fungerande demokrati. Det gĂ„r att ta fram ett antal vĂ€sentliga egenskaper hos en demokrati och hos en rĂ€ttsstat. Det Ă€r emellertid ocksĂ„ klart att uttrycken för demokratin och rĂ€ttsstaten förĂ€ndras samtidigt som samhĂ€llet förĂ€ndras socialt, ekonomiskt och tekniskt. Det betyder att ramarna för förvaltningen ocksĂ„ förĂ€ndras. Ramarna förĂ€ndras genom att relationen mellan politik och förvaltning ses pĂ„ nya sĂ€tt. Styrning genom rĂ€ttsregler och tilldelning av ekonomiska resurser bestĂ€mmer förvaltningens handlingsutrymme och ocksĂ„ vilken betoning som ska ligga pĂ„ mĂ„l som rĂ€ttssĂ€kerhet och ekonomisk effektivitet. Tekniska och samhĂ€llsekonomiska förĂ€ndringar ger nya förutsĂ€ttningar för förvaltningens verksamhet. Detta tillsammans bildar basen för projektet
