89 research outputs found


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    Ansvarsgrunnlag for autonome skip utenfor kontrakt

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    Autonome skip er på full fart inn i norske farvann. Skipene skal blant annet bidra til å redusere lastetransport langs vei. De er helelektriske, de vil derfor bidra til å oppnå klimapolitiske målsetninger ved å begrense CO2-utslipp. Det er også anført at skipene vil være minst like trygge som den eksisterende sjøfarten, om ikke mer. Oppgaven tar sikte på undersøke hvilket ansvarsgrunnlag som vil gi skadelidt et adekvat vern når autonome skip gjør skade på person eller eiendom som de ikke står i et kontraktsrettslig forhold med

    In utero exposure to glucocorticoids and risk of anxiety and depression in childhood or adolescence

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    Glucocorticoid use is prevalent in pregnant women, but whether in utero exposure impacts mental health in the offspring has not been fully explored. The aim of this study was to investigate if in utero exposure to synthetic glucocorticoids increases the risk of anxiety and depression in childhood or adolescence. The study was conducted as a nationwide cohort study, including negative control exposure analyses and a sibling design to optimize control of confounding. The study population comprised 1,275,909 children born in 1996–2015 in Denmark (median follow-up of 13 years). Exposure was divided into systemic and local glucocorticoid exposure, levels of cumulative dose, generic type and according to trimester of exposure. The comparison cohort was children without exposure born to maternal never-users. Negative control exposures included children without glucocorticoid exposure born to: maternal users of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or immunotherapy during pregnancy, maternal former users of systemic glucocorticoids, maternal users of systemic glucocorticoids in the postnatal period, and fathers who were prescribed glucocorticoids. The sibling design compared siblings with and without exposure. 9307 (0.7%) children were exposed to systemic glucocorticoids and 116,389 (9.1%) children were exposed to local glucocorticoids. High-dose systemic glucocorticoids (≥500 mg prednisolone equivalents) increased the risk of anxiety compared to the comparison cohort [aIRR 1.79 (95% CI: 1.36–2.37), cumulative risk 16% vs. 7.8% by age 20]. A similar result was found for depression [aIRR 1.45 (95% CI: 0.80–2.63), cumulative risk 3.6% vs. 2.6% by age 20]. The association with anxiety was consistent in the sibling design [aIRR 1.83 (95% CI: 1.03–3.66), exposed siblings (≥ 500 mg) vs. unexposed]. Sex did not modify the associations. Negative control exposure analyses indicated robustness towards confounding from genetics and family environment. No association was found with low doses of systemic exposure or local use. In conclusion, potential adverse mental health effects of in utero exposure to high-dose glucocorticoids merit clinical attention

    Filled Julia Sets of Chebyshev Polynomials

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    We study the possible Hausdorff limits of the Julia sets and filled Julia sets of subsequences of the sequence of dual Chebyshev polynomials of a non-polar compact set K⊂ C and compare such limits to K. Moreover, we prove that the measures of maximal entropy for the sequence of dual Chebyshev polynomials of K converges weak* to the equilibrium measure on K

    Barriers for adoption of self-service technology in insurance

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    Dybdebasert master, 120 studiepoeng. Spesialisering markedsføringsledelse.Formål –Denne masteroppgaven tar sikte på å avdekke og forklare mulige barrierer for adopsjon av selvbetjente forsikringsløsninger. For å undersøke dette fenomenet har forfatterne tatt utgangspunkt i forsikringskunder i Norge, som ikke, eller bare delvis har tatt i bruk selvbetjente forsikringsløsninger. Design, forskningsmetode og fremgangsmåte- En induktiv, eksplorativ og fenomenologisk fremgangsmåte er valgt for denne oppgaven. Datamaterialet ble samlet inn via semistrukturerte dybdeintervjuer med 11 informanter. Utvalget ble valg basert på forbrukere med privatforsikringer. Funn –Studien identifiserer flere barrierer, eller årsaker til at forsikringskunder velger å benytte tradisjonelle serviceplattformer som telefon og epost, fremfor å gjøre jobben selv på internett. Våre funn peker på at mange av barrierene har utspring som ressursbarrierer. Ressursbarrierer i form av at våre informanter ikke har tilstrekkelig kunnskaper som produktene de kjøper, til at de vil kjøpe de selv på internett, uten interaksjon med servicepersonell. Forskningsbegrensninger –Den empiriske studien er begrenset til konteksten av forsikringsbransjen og selvbetjente «nettbutikker» på internett. Resultatet fra likevel ha overføringsverdi til andre selvbetjeningsløsninger, hvor forbrukernes oppfattelse av produktets kompleksitet er overførbar. Praktiske og teoretiske implikasjoner –Barrierer for adopsjon av selvbetjente forsikringsløsninger vil ha en verdi ikke bare for forsikringsbransjen, men også for andre tjenesteytende virksomheter som selger produkter forbrukerne kan oppleve som kompliserte. Originalitets/verdi – Oppgaven utvider forståelsen for Teknologisk villighet (TR) Teknologiangst (TA) teorienes begrensninger for kompliserte produkter. Hverken TR eller TA ser ut til å ta hensyn til selve produktet, som selges via selvbetjeningsteknologi. Funnene fra denne undersøkelsen indikerer at produktets kompleksitet påvirker forbrukernes villighet til å adoptere selvbetjeningsteknologi.Engelsk sammendrag (abstract) Purpose – This master's thesis aims to uncover and explain possible barriers to the adoption of self-service insurance solutions. In order to investigate this phenomenon, the authors have taken their point of departure in insurance customers in Norway, who have not, or only partially, adopted self-service insurance solutions Design, methodology and approach – An inductive, exploratory and phenomenological approach is the choice for this thesis. The data material was collected via semi-structured in-depth interviews with 11 informants. The selection was elected based on consumers with private insurances. Findings – The study identifies several barriers, or reasons why insurance customers choose to use traditional service platforms such as telephone and email, rather than doing the job themselves on the internet. Our findings indicate that many of the barriers originate as resource barriers. Resource barriers in the form of our informants not having enough knowledge as the products they buy, that they will buy them themselves on the internet, without interaction with service personnel Research limitations and implications – This empirical study is limited to the context of the insurance industry and self-service "online stores" on the internet. The result, however, has transfer value to other self-service solutions, where consumer perception of the product's complexity is transferable. Originality/ Values - The thesis extends the understanding of Technological willingness (TR) Technology anxiety (TA) the theories of the theories for complicated products. Neither TR nor TA seem to pay attention to the product itself, which is sold via self-service technology. The findings of this study indicate that the complexity of the product affects the consumer's willingness to adopt self-service technology
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