89 research outputs found

    Rockmusik og lovsang

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    Klosterheden Plantage: En skov af træer og heterotopier

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    Klosterheden Plantage, Danmarks tredjestørste skovområde, ligger i Vestjylland. Området blev statsskov i 1880 og har siden ændret sig fra hede til skov. Driftsmæssigt har plantagen siden 1970’erne fået voksende fokus på andre formål end produktion af træ. Artiklen handler om, hvad Klosterheden anno 2022 betyder for de ca. 180.000 besøgende, som årligt kommer der. Baseret på et varieret datamateriale, herunder interview med skovens brugere, analyserer artiklen Klosterheden som rum for befolkningens rekreation og livsglæde. Vi argumenterer for, at Klosterheden for brugerne er en heterotopi – et ”andet” eller ”anderledes” sted.1 Mange kommer i skoven som en slags terapi eller for at få et frirum fra hverdagens pressede tidsplaner og gøremål. Alle nyder skoven, men de færreste kender de træ- og plantearter, som skaber dens heterotopiske kvaliteter. Sidst i artiklen diskuterer vi Klosterhedens heterotopiske kvaliteter i sammenhæng med Foucaults begreb om ”governmentality”, som viser sig i borgeres vilje til at styre sig selv i pagt med staten og arbejdsmarkedets ønsker og rationalitet

    Cardiovascular and lung function in relation to outdoor and indoor exposure to fine and ultrafine particulate matter in middle-aged subjects

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    AbstractThis cross-sectional study investigated the relationship between exposure to airborne indoor and outdoor particulate matter (PM) and cardiovascular and respiratory health in a population-based sample of 58 residences in Copenhagen, Denmark. Over a 2-day period indoor particle number concentrations (PNC, 10–300nm) and PM2.5 (aerodynamic diameter<2.5μm) were monitored for each of the residences in the living room, and outdoor PNC (10–280nm), PM2.5 and PM10 (aerodynamic diameter<10μm) were monitored at an urban background station in Copenhagen. In the morning, after the 2-day monitoring period, we measured microvascular function (MVF) and lung function and collected blood samples for biomarkers related to inflammation, in 78 middle-aged residents. Bacteria, endotoxin and fungi were analyzed in material from electrostatic dust fall collectors placed in the residences for 4weeks. Data were analyzed using linear regression with the generalized estimating equation approach. Statistically significant associations were found between indoor PNC, dominated by indoor use of candles, and lower lung function, the prediabetic marker HbA1c and systemic inflammatory markers observed as changes in leukocyte differential count and expression of adhesion markers on monocytes, whereas C-reactive protein was significantly associated with indoor PM2.5. The presence of indoor endotoxin was associated with lower lung function and expression of adhesion markers on monocytes. An inverse association between outdoor PNC and MVF was also statistically significant. The study suggests that PNC in the outdoor environment may be associated with decreased MVF, while PNC, mainly driven by candle burning, and bioaerosols in the indoor environment may have a negative effect on lung function and markers of systemic inflammation and diabetes

    Helicobacter pylori Colonization Drives Urokinase Receptor (uPAR) Expression in Murine Gastric Epithelium During Early Pathogenesis

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    (1) Background: Persistent Helicobacter pylori infection is the most important risk factor for gastric cancer. The urokinase receptor (uPAR) is upregulated in lesions harboring cancer invasion and inflammation. Circumstantial evidence tends to correlate H. pylori colonization with increased uPAR expression in the human gastric epithelium, but a direct causative link has not yet been established in vivo; (2) Methods: In a mouse model of H. pylori-induced gastritis, we investigated the temporal emergence of uPAR protein expression in the gastric mucosa in response to H. pylori (SS1 strain) infection; (3) Results: We observed intense uPAR immunoreactivity in foveolar epithelial cells of the gastric corpus due to de novo synthesis, compared to non-infected animals. This uPAR induction represents a very early response, but it increases progressively over time as do infiltrating immune cells. Eradication of H. pylori infection by antimicrobial therapy causes a regression of uPAR expression to its physiological baseline levels. Suppression of the inflammatory response by prostaglandin E2 treatment attenuates uPAR expression. Notwithstanding this relationship, H. pylori does induce uPAR expression in vitro in co-cultures with gastric cancer cell lines; (4) Conclusions: We showed that persistent H. pylori colonization is a necessary event for the emergence of a relatively high uPAR protein expression in murine gastric epithelial cells.Danish Cancer Society/[R2-A261-09-S2]//DinamarcaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Estructuras Microscópicas (CIEMIC

    The influence of cardiovascular morbidity on the prognosis in prostate cancer. Experience from a 12-year nationwide Danish population-based cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To determine the impact of preexisting ischemic heart disease (IHD) and stroke on overall survival in prostate cancer patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a cohort study of patients with incident prostate cancer registered in the Danish Cancer Registry from 1997 through 2008. We identified patients diagnosed with IHD or stroke prior to the date of prostate cancer diagnosis in the Danish National Patient Registry. We constructed Kaplan-Meier curves to analyze time to death and Cox regression was used to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) to compare mortality rates by preexisting IHD or stroke status, adjusting for age, stage, comorbidity, and calendar period.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 30,721 prostate cancer patients, 4,276 (14%) had preexisting IHD and 1,331 (4%) preexisting stroke. Crude 1- and 5-year survival rates were 85% and 44% in men without preexisting IHD or stroke, 81% and 36% in men with preexisting IHD, and 78% and 27% in men with preexisting stroke. Adjusted HRs were 1.05 (95% CI 1.00-1.10) for patients with IHD and 1.20 (95% CI 1.12-1.30) for patients with stroke compared with patients without preexisting IHD or stroke.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Preexisting IHD had minimal impact on mortality in prostate cancer patients, whereas overall mortality was 20% higher in prostate cancer patients with preexisting stroke compared to those without IHD or stroke. These results highlight the importance of differentiating between various comorbidities.</p