611 research outputs found

    A new method to detect solar-like oscillations at very low S/N using statistical significance testing

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    We introduce a new method to detect solar-like oscillations in frequency power spectra of stellar observations, under conditions of very low signal to noise. The Moving-Windowed-Power-Search, or MWPS, searches the power spectrum for signatures of excess power, over and above slowly varying (in frequency) background contributions from stellar granulation and shot or instrumental noise. We adopt a false-alarm approach (Chaplin et al. 2011) to ascertain whether flagged excess power, which is consistent with the excess expected from solar-like oscillations, is hard to explain by chance alone (and hence a candidate detection). We apply the method to solar photometry data, whose quality was systematically degraded to test the performance of the MWPS at low signal-to-noise ratios. We also compare the performance of the MWPS against the frequently applied power-spectrum-of-power-spectrum (PSxPS) detection method. The MWPS is found to outperform the PSxPS method.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, Added reference


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    Within the last 10–15 years we have witnessed a turn towards art and aesthetics amongst explicitly politically inclined philosophers and theorists whereas many art theorists and art critics have drawn the political aspects of contemporary art to the fore. With the present issue of The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics we want to address the relationship between aesthetics and politics and the ways in which this relationship has been and might be dealt with, analyzing the possible reasons for this current emphasis on the political potentials of art and aesthetics. Furthermore we aim to analyze the current interest in the different ways arts and aesthetics can have a political function and to contextualize this analysis within the broader return to aesthetics that have taken place within the humanities over the last 20 years.

    K2P2^2 −- A photometry pipeline for the K2 mission

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    With the loss of a second reaction wheel, resulting in the inability to point continuously and stably at the same field of view, the NASA Kepler satellite recently entered a new mode of observation known as the K2 mission. The data from this redesigned mission present a specific challenge; the targets systematically drift in position on a ~6 hour time scale, inducing a significant instrumental signal in the photometric time series --- this greatly impacts the ability to detect planetary signals and perform asteroseismic analysis. Here we detail our version of a reduction pipeline for K2 target pixel data, which automatically: defines masks for all targets in a given frame; extracts the target's flux- and position time series; corrects the time series based on the apparent movement on the CCD (either in 1D or 2D) combined with the correction of instrumental and/or planetary signals via the KASOC filter (Handberg & Lund 2014), thus rendering the time series ready for asteroseismic analysis; computes power spectra for all targets, and identifies potential contaminations between targets. From a test of our pipeline on a sample of targets from the K2 campaign 0, the recovery of data for multiple targets increases the amount of potential light curves by a factor ≥10{\geq}10. Our pipeline could be applied to the upcoming TESS (Ricker et al. 2014) and PLATO 2.0 (Rauer et al. 2013) missions.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (Apj

    Sustainable Learning Design: A case study of eight undergraduate science module interventions

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    This article presents the results of a case study of eight undergraduate science modules on factors for sustainable Learning Design interventions. Using a mixed-methods approach involving educator interviews, statistical data, screening of learning designs based on a furthered learning design model (STREAM), student surveys, and an efficiency assessment based on the concept of Efficient Learning Design, a total of six factors for sustainable Learning Design in the context of science higher education related to the educator perspective and the actualised learning designs are identified. The article concludes that in addition to the direct factors such as the number of enrolled students and repetition of modules, the educators’ consideration for the institutional cost-benefit perspective, their perceived usefulness of technology-enhanced learning and buy-in of its related pedagogy, the students buy-in of technology-enhanced learning, and a consistent structure with online activities, reflection exercises, and feedback are significant underlying factors for efficient and sustainable Learning Design

    Designing for effective online Teacher Professional Development (oTPD) in building education by supporting beliefs, communities, collaboration, and development

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    This article reports the initial research findings from a large project on online professional development and upskilling of in-service building teachers’ digital competencies. Based on the results from a preceding literature review and the pilot delivery of the course, three key factors for the design of effective online teacher professional development in building education — beliefs, communities and collaboration, and teaching development — are exemplified and discussed. The article concludes that the pilot was successful in developing the participants’ technical skills and competencies to introduce technology in building education; however, the pilot did not significantly influence the participants’ beliefs nor made them change practice within the duration of the course

    Spatial incoherence of solar granulation: a global analysis using BiSON 2B data

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    A poor understanding of the impact of convective turbulence in the outer layers of the Sun and Sun-like stars challenges the advance towards an improved understanding of their internal structure and dynamics. Assessing and calibrating these effects is therefore of great importance. Here we study the spatial coherence of granulation noise and oscillation modes in the Sun, with the aim of exploiting any incoherence to beat-down observed granulation noise, hence improving the detection of low-frequency p-modes. Using data from the BiSON 2B instrument, we assess the coherence between different atmospheric heights and between different surface regions. We find that granulation noise from the different atmospheric heights probed is largely incoherent; frequency regions dominated by oscillations are almost fully coherent. We find a randomised phase difference for the granulation noise, and a near zero difference for the evanescent oscillations. A reduction of the incoherent granulation noise is shown by application of the cross-spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS in pres
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