4,609 research outputs found

    Gulf Stream temperature, salinity and transport during the last millennium

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution February, 2006Benthic and planktonic foraminiferal δ18O (δ18Oc) from a suite of well-dated, high-resolution cores spanning the depth and width of the Straits of Florida reveal significant changes in Gulf Stream cross-current density gradient during the last millennium. These data imply that Gulf Stream transport during the Little Ice Age (LIA: 1200-1850 A.D.) was 2-3 Sv lower than today. The timing of reduced flow is consistent with cold conditions in Northern Hemisphere paleoclimate archives, implicating Gulf Stream heat transport in centennial-scale climate variability of the last 1,000 years. The pattern of flow anomalies with depth suggests reduced LIA transport was due to weaker subtropical gyre wind stress curl. The oxygen isotopic composition of Florida Current surface water (δ18O w) near Dry Tortugas increased 0.4% during the course of the Little Ice Age (LIA: ~1200-1850 A.D.), equivalent to a salinity increase of 0.8-1.5 psu. On the Great Bahama Bank, where smface waters are influenced by the North Atlantic subtropical gyre, δ18Ow increased by 0.3% during the last 200 years. Although a portion (~0.1%) of this shift may be an artifact of anthropogenically-driven changes in surface water ΣCO2, the remaining δl8Ow signal implies a 0.4 to 1 psu increase in salinity after 200 yr BP. The simplest explanation of the δ18Ow data is southward migration of the Atlantic Hadley circulation during the LIA. Scaling of the δ18Ow records to salinity using the modern low-latitude δ18Ow-S slope produces an unrealistic reversal in the salinity gradient between the two sites. Only if C180 w is scaled to salinity using a high-latitude δ18Ow-S slope can the records be reconciled. Changes in atmospheric 14C paralleled shifts in Dry Tortugas δ18Ow , suggesting that variable solar irradiance paced centennial-scale Hadley cell migration and changes in Florida Current salinity during the last millennium.I would also like to thank the National Science Foundation (NSF grant OCE-0096469) and WHOI Academic Programs for supporting this work

    Florida Current surface temperature and salinity variability during the last millennium

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2006. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Paleoceanography, 21 (2006): PA2009, doi:10.1029/2005PA001218.The salinity and temperature of the Florida Current are key parameters affecting the transport of heat into the North Atlantic, yet little is known about their variability on centennial time scales. Here we report replicated, high-resolution foraminiferal records of Florida Current surface hydrography for the last millennium from two coring sites, Dry Tortugas and the Great Bahama Bank. The oxygen isotopic composition of Florida Current surface water (δ18Ow) near Dry Tortugas increased 0.4‰ during the course of the Little Ice Age (LIA: ~1200-1850 A. D.), equivalent to a salinity increase of 0.8-1.5 psu. On the Great Bahama Bank, where surface waters are influenced by the North Atlantic subtropical gyre, δ18Ow increased by 0.3‰ during the last 200 years. Although a portion (~0.1‰) of this shift may be an artifact of anthropogenically-driven changes in surface water ΣCO2, the remaining δ18Ow signal implies a 0.4 to 1 psu increase in salinity after 200 yr BP. The simplest explanation of the δ18Ow data is southward migration of the Atlantic Hadley circulation during the LIA. Scaling of the δ18Ow records to salinity using the modern low-latitude δ18Ow-S slope produces an unrealistic reversal in the salinity gradient between the two sites. Only if δ18Ow is scaled to salinity using a high-latitude δ18Ow-S slope can the records be reconciled. Changes in atmospheric 14C paralleled shifts in Dry Tortugas δ18Ow, suggesting that variable solar irradiance paced centennialscale ITCZ migration and changes in Florida Current salinity during the last millennium.This work was supported by NSF grant OCE-0096469

    Gulf Stream density structure and transport during the past millennium

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    The Gulf Stream transports approximately 31 Sv (1 Sv = 10^6 m^3 s^(-1)) of water and 1.3 10^(15) W of heat into the North Atlantic ocean. The possibility of abrupt changes in Gulf Stream heat transport is one of the key uncertainties in predictions of climate change for the coming centuries. Given the limited length of the instrumental record, our knowledge of Gulf Stream behaviour on long timescales must rely heavily on information from geologic archives. Here we use foraminifera from a suite of high-resolution sediment cores in the Florida Straits to show that the cross-current density gradient and vertical current shear of the Gulf Stream were systematically lower during the Little Ice Age (AD ~1200 to 1850). We also estimate that Little Ice Age volume transport was ten per cent weaker than today's. The timing of reduced flow is consistent with temperature minima in several palaeoclimate records, implying that diminished oceanic heat transport may have contributed to Little Ice Age cooling in the North Atlantic. The interval of low flow also coincides with anomalously high Gulf Stream surface salinity, suggesting a tight linkage between the Atlantic Ocean circulation and hydrologic cycle during the past millennium

    Biochemical and clinical response after umbilical cord blood transplant in a boy with early childhood-onset beta-mannosidosis.

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    BACKGROUND: Deficiency in the enzyme β-mannosidase was described over three decades ago. Although rare in occurrence, the presentation of childhood-onset β-mannosidase deficiency consists of hypotonia in the newborn period followed by global development delay, behavior problems, and intellectual disability. No effective pharmacologic treatments have been available. METHODS: We report 2-year outcomes following the first umbilical cord blood transplant in a 4-year-old boy with early childhood-onset disease. RESULTS: We show restoration of leukocyte β-mannosidase activity which remained normal at 2 years posttransplant, and a simultaneous increase in plasma β-mannosidase activity and dramatic decrease in urine-free oligosaccharides were also observed. MRI of the brain remained stable. Neurocognitive evaluation revealed test point gains, although the magnitude of improvement was less than expected for age, causing lower IQ scores that represent a wider developmental gap between the patient and unaffected peers. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that hematopoietic cell transplant can correct the biochemical defect in β-mannosidosis, although preservation of the neurocognitive trajectory may be a challenge

    Self-Accleration and Instability of Gravity Wave Packets: 1. Effects of Temporal Localization

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    An anelastic numerical model is used to explore the dynamics accompanying the attainment of large amplitudes by gravity waves (GWs) that are localized in altitude and time. GW momentum transport induces mean flow variations accompanying a GW packet that grows exponentially with altitude, is localized in altitude, and induces significant GW phase speed, and phase, variations across the GW packet. These variations arise because the GW occupies the region undergoing accelerations, with the induced phase speed variations referred to as “self-acceleration.” Results presented here reveal that self-acceleration of a GW packet localized in time and altitude ultimately leads to stalling of the vertical propagation of the GW packet and accompanying two- and three-dimensional (2-D and 3-D) instabilities of the superposed GW and mean motion field. The altitudes at which these effects occur depend on the initial GW amplitude, intrinsic frequency, and degree of localization in time and altitude. Larger amplitudes and higher intrinsic frequencies yield strong self-acceleration effects at lower altitudes, while smaller amplitudes yield similar effects at higher altitudes, provided the Reynolds number, Re, is sufficiently large. Three-dimensional instabilities follow 2-D “self-acceleration instability” for sufficiently high Re. GW packets can also exhibit self-acceleration dynamics at more than one altitude because of continued growth of the GW packet leading edge above the previous self-acceleration event. --From the publisher\u27s website

    Anomalous Pacific‐Antarctic Ridge volcanism precedes glacial Termination 2

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    We present results from a well‐dated sediment core on the Pacific‐Antarctic Ridge (PAR) that document a ∼15 cm thick layer of basaltic ash shards that precedes the penultimate deglaciation (Termination 2). The glasses have MORB composition consistent with an axial source and their morphologies are typical of pyroclastic deposits created by submarine volcanism. The ash layer was deposited ∼7 km from the PAR axis, a distance that implies buoyant plumes lofted debris high into the water column with subsequent fallout to the core location. We infer plume rise height using grain settling velocities, the water depth at the core site, and deep ocean current speeds from ARGO floats. Rise heights of 1.5 km or less require unrealistically large current speeds to transport grains to the core site. Instead, the data are consistent with a plume rise height of at least 2 km, implying that T2 was an interval of anomalous volcanism along this segment of the PAR. The timing and duration of the ash deposit is consistent with glacial‐interglacial modulation of ridge magmatism. Volcaniclastic records from additional locations will be necessary to assess whether the PAR record is a rare find or it is representative of mid‐ocean ridge volcanism during glacial terminations

    MOBSTER – III. HD 62658: a magnetic Bp star in an eclipsing binary with a non-magnetic ‘identical twin’

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    HD 62658 (B9p V) is a little-studied chemically peculiar star. Light curves obtained by the Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) and Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) show clear eclipses with a period of about 4.75 d, as well as out-of-eclipse brightness modulation with the same 4.75 d period, consistent with synchronized rotational modulation of surface chemical spots. High-resolution ESPaDOnS circular spectropolarimetry shows a clear Zeeman signature in the line profile of the primary; there is no indication of a magnetic field in the secondary. PHOEBE modelling of the light curve and radial velocities indicates that the two components have almost identical masses of about 3 M_⊙. The primary’s longitudinal magnetic field〈B_z〉 varies between about +100 and −250 G, suggesting a surface magnetic dipole strength B_d = 850 G. Bayesian analysis of the Stokes V profiles indicates B_d = 650 G for the primary and B_d < 110 G for the secondary. The primary’s line profiles are highly variable, consistent with the hypothesis that the out-of-eclipse brightness modulation is a consequence of rotational modulation of that star’s chemical spots. We also detect a residual signal in the light curve after removal of the orbital and rotational modulations, which might be pulsational in origin; this could be consistent with the weak line profile variability of the secondary. This system represents an excellent opportunity to examine the consequences of magnetic fields for stellar structure via comparison of two stars that are essentially identical with the exception that one is magnetic. The existence of such a system furthermore suggests that purely environmental explanations for the origin of fossil magnetic fields are incomplete

    Less remineralized carbon in the intermediate-depth south Atlantic during Heinrich Stadial 1

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2019. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34(7), (2019): 1218-1233, doi:10.1029/2018PA003537.The last deglaciation (~20–10 kyr BP) was characterized by a major shift in Earth's climate state, when the global mean surface temperature rose ~4 °C and the concentration of atmospheric CO2 increased ~80 ppmv. Model simulations suggest that the initial 30 ppmv rise in atmospheric CO2 may have been driven by reduced efficiency of the biological pump or enhanced upwelling of carbon‐rich waters from the abyssal ocean. Here we evaluate these hypotheses using benthic foraminiferal B/Ca (a proxy for deep water [CO32−]) from a core collected at 1,100‐m water depth in the Southwest Atlantic. Our results imply that [CO32−] increased by 22 ± 2 μmol/kg early in Heinrich Stadial 1, or a decrease in ΣCO2 of approximately 40 μmol/kg, assuming there were no significant changes in alkalinity. Our data imply that remineralized phosphate declined by approximately 0.3 μmol/kg during Heinrich Stadial 1, equivalent to 40% of the modern remineralized signal at this location. Because tracer inversion results indicate remineralized phosphate at the core site reflects the integrated effect of export production in the sub‐Antarctic, our results imply that biological productivity in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean was reduced early in the deglaciation, contributing to the initial rise in atmospheric CO2.We would like to thank Bärbel Hönisch at Lamont‐Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University for help with methods development and Sarah McCart for technical assistance with ICP‐MS analyses. We would also like to give special thanks to Anna lisa Mudahy, who was responsible for picking a substantial portion of the benthic foraminifera used in this study. We are grateful to the WHOI core lab for sample collection and archiving. This work was supported by NSF grant OCE‐1702231 to D. L.2020-01-2

    Aquatic biosurvey of the Lovell River on UNH land

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    We assessed the physical, chemical and biological conditions at two sites along the Lovell River on University of New Hampshire (UNH) -owned conservation land. The discharge was 4.4 m3 s-1 at Site 1 and 5.7 m3 s -1 downstream at Site 2. Canopy coverage ranged from 8-25%. Canopy was dominated by Eastern Hemlock (79-84%). Much of the stream was strewn with large boulders and the substrate consisted of rocks of highly variable sizes ( 3-549 cm dia.). Specific conductivity (22.1-23.3 ¾S), pH (6.4) and temperature (7.9-8.3 °C) varied little between sites. Macro-invertebrate bio-indices indicated either excellent water quality with no apparent organic pollution (3.0/10) or good water quality with possible slight organic pollution (4.4/10)
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