74 research outputs found

    The simulation of a PPC company using instruments

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    The Internet offers a lot of opportunities which may use to earn money. The big companies like Yahoo, Google or others try to attract more customers by developing new tools for better use of Internet. This paper try to show through a simulation, how can we use the instruments offered free by the Yahoo company for earn money starting from a simple click.the internet, search marketing tools, returns of investment

    Factors influencing social entrepreneurship intentions in Romania

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    The current study aims to make known the factors influencing the decision to conduct business with social impact, given that the concept of social entrepreneurship is quite a new one in Romania. The investigative method used was quantitative research, by applying questionnaires to 300 students at both bachelor and master level at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Craiova. The results indicate two categories of factors that influence the intention of social entrepreneurship in the investigated area, namely: those with negative influence (lack of necessary funds, fear of failure, lack of experience and involvement in social projects and activities) and those with positive influence (knowledge of the concept of social entrepreneurship and social problems in the studied region that can be solved through entrepreneurial initiatives)

    Eye disease and mobility limitations in older adults

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    Objectif: Évaluer les défis de la mobilité chez les personnes âgées atteintes de dégénérescence maculaire reliée à l’âge (DMLA), de glaucome ou de dystrophie cornéenne de Fuchs et les comparer avec les personnes âgées n’ayant pas de maladie oculaire. Devis: Étude transversale de population hospitalière Participants: 253 participants (61 avec la DMLA, 45 avec la dystrophie cornéenne de Fuchs, 79 avec le glaucome et 68 contrôles) Méthodes: Nous avons recruté les patients parmi ceux qui se font soigner dans les cliniques d’ophtalmologie de l’Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (Montréal, Canada) de septembre 2009 à octobre 2010. Les patients atteints de la DMLA ou de la maladie de Fuchs ont une acuité visuelle inférieure à 20/40 dans les deux yeux, tandis que les patients avec du glaucome ont un champ visuel dans le pire oeil inférieur ou égal à -4dB. Les patients contrôles, qui ont été recrutés à partir des mêmes cliniques, ont une acuité visuelle et un champ visuel normaux. Nous avons colligé des données concernant la mobilité à partir des questionnaires (aire de mobilité et chutes) et des tests (test de l’équilibre monopodal, timed Up and Go (TUG) test). Pour mesurer la fonction visuelle nous avons mesuré l’acuité visuelle, la sensibilité au contraste et le champ visuel. Nous avons également révisé le dossier médical. Pour les analyses statistiques nous avons utilisé les régressions linéaire et logistique. Critères de jugement principaux: aire de mobilité, équilibre, test timed Up and Go, chutes Résultats: Les trois maladies oculaires ont été associées à des patrons différents de limitation de la mobilité. Les patients atteints de glaucome ont eu le type le plus sévère de restriction de mobilité; ils ont une aire de mobilité plus réduite, des scores plus bas au test TUG et ils sont plus enclins à avoir un équilibre faible et à faire plus de chutes que les contrôles (p < 0.05). De plus, comparativement aux contrôles, les patients ayant de la DMLA ou la dystrophie cornéenne de Fuchs ont eu une aire de mobilité réduite (p < 0.05). Les chutes n’ont pas été associées aux maladies oculaires dans cette étude. Conclusions: Nos résultats suggèrent que les maladies oculaires, et surtout le glaucome, limitent la mobilité chez les personnes âgées. De futures études sont nécessaires pour évaluer l’impact d’une mobilité restreinte chez cette population pour pouvoir envisager des interventions ciblées qui pourraient les aider à maintenir leur indépendance le plus longtemps possible.Objective: To examine the extent of mobility limitations in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, or Fuchs corneal dystrophy as compared to a control group of older adults with good vision. Design: Cross-sectional hospital-based study Participants: 253 people (61 with AMD, 45 with Fuchs, 79 with glaucoma, and 68 controls) Methods: Patients were recruited from the ophthalmology clinic of Maisonneuve- Rosemont Hospital (Montreal, Canada) from September 2009 until October 2010. Patients with AMD and Fuchs had to have visual acuity in the better eye of worse than 20/40 while patients with glaucoma had to have visual field deficit in their worse eye of at least -4dB. Control patients who had normal visual acuity and visual field were recruited from the same clinic. Questionnaire (life space and falls) and performance-based (one-legged balance test, timed Up and Go (TUG) test) mobility data were collected, visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and visual field were assessed, and the medical record was reviewed. Linear and logistic regression were used. Main Outcome Measures: Life space, balance, timed Up and Go, falls Results: The three eye diseases were associated with different patterns of mobility limitations. Patients with glaucoma had the most types of mobility limitations as they had reduced life space, had worse TUG scores, and were more likely to have poor balance than the control group (p < 0.05). Compared to controls, patients with AMD or Fuchs corneal dystrophy had reduced life space (p < 0.05). Falls were not related to eye disease in this study.Conclusions: Our results suggest that eye diseases, especially glaucoma, restrain the mobility of older people. It is important to further explore the impact of eye disease on mobility in this population in order to develop interventions that would help affected older adults maintain their independence

    Stress and burnout of human resources at the level of Mehedinti County – Romania organisations

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    The evolution of human society as a whole has generated, in addition to the positive aspects (growth of living standards, improving communication, easy access to breakthrough technologies and information, etc.), a number of negative aspects (multiplication of economic crimes, amplification and increase of diseases that can affect the human body). The object of this article is represented by one such negative consequence of human development under the impact of economic, political and social factors, namely stress and burnout. The study presented by the authors covers the employees of organisations operating in the Mehedinti county in 2015. The study has been conducted based on the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) distributed to a sample, the size of which has been chosen based on statistical methods allowing the determination of the optimum sample size


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    In our country are generated millions of tons of industrial wastes annually. These wastes are stored in industrial wastes deposits which occupied the large surface of soil and also affected the environmental quality, specially the quality of groundwater and surface water. The research activity develop up now, has demonstrated the possibility that these wastes to become the alternative source of raw material for building material industry, based on physical and chemical characteristics similarities with traditional raw material. The paper presents the results of research activities regarding to the use of bottom as raw material in the manufacture of building materials. The use of bottom ash in building material industry is the best way to reduce the huge amounts of this waste that is storage in the historical deposit of thermal power plant. The paper presents the ash deposit of thermal power plant impact upon the environment and some possibilities of ash capitalization in order to reduce of its impact

    Study on the effect of Allium Ursinum on soil bacteria evolution

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    Romania is included among European countries where Allium ursinum species is present. This species has aroused the interest of the research team, because of the many positive aspects it shows, starting from the medical field to the food sector. One of the objectives we have set and managed to capture in this paper refers to soil microorganisms, the environment from which the plant takes the water and nutrients and whose fertility is provided by microbial processes. The biological material was represented by soil and Allium ursinum plants corresponding to each soil sample. Source area of soil and garlic plant is the west part of Romania. Bacterial population was isolated from screened soil samples (without plant debris) but also unscreened (plant residues were not removed), on culture media: soil extract with added nutritive gelose. Bacterial population abundance studies were performed after 24 and 48 hours of incubation, at the optimum temperature for mesophilic microorganisms. Although there were no differences in the nutrient substrate used for the study of culture "in vitro", the results highlight that in the first 24 hours of incubation the bacterial population clearly dominate in the screened soil sample, compared with the unscreened sample. In the next 24 hours, the existing quantitative bacterial differences between the two samples were significantly reduced

    Methodology to evaluate the Quality of Public Services

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    The preferences of citizens and their satisfaction level for the actions carried out in the public sectors are usually established by questionnaires, taking into account the specificities and priorities of each city. No global methodology exists to collect and to treat information because of various variables to be tested, upgradeable character of the human behaviour and his subjective perception. We propose a global methodology that will join two methods. With the method of fractional array to obtain a very low number of questions, we can pattern the relationship between the tested variables (price, security, etc.) and the characteristic of the wanted performance (such as the quality of the service). Interviewed people can be classified into socio-demographic categories by the tool user. Afterwards, the Analysis of Variance gives significant variables. A reduced model illustrating a “mean” behaviour is designed for all hypothetical situations. The proposed methodology is tested for the category “student” in two case studies: to evaluate the teaching quality at Faculty of Economic Sciences (FSE) within Oil and Gas University from Ploiesti (Romania) and to estimate the quality of using car parks in La Rochelle (France)
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