27 research outputs found

    Representative taxa in field trials for environmental risk assessment of genetically modified maize

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    When assessing the benefits and risks of transgenic crops, one consideration is their relative effects on non-target arthropod (NTA) abundance and functions within agroecosystems. Several laboratory and field trials have been conducted in Spain since the late 1990s to assess this issue. A consideration in the design of field trials is whether it is necessary to sample most NTAs living in the crop or only representative taxa that perform main ecological functions and have a good capacity to detect small changes in their abundance. Small changes in the field abundance of an effective representative taxon should be detectable using standard experimental protocols. The ability of a species to reveal differences across treatments may be analysed by examining the detectable treatment effects for surveyed non-target organisms. Analysis of data from several NTAs recorded in 14 field trials conducted over 10 years using complete block designs allowed us to select a number of representative taxa capable of detecting changes in the density or activity of arthropod herbivores, predators, parasitoids and decomposers in transgenic and non-transgenic maize varieties. The most suitable NTA as representative taxa (with detectable treatment effects below 50%) included leafhoppers among arthropod herbivores, Orius spp., Araneae, and Carabidae among predators, chalcidids, particularly the family Mymaridae, among parasitoids and Chloropidae as decomposer. Details of sampling techniques for each sampled taxa and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. It is concluded that abundance of taxa is the most influential factor determining their capacity to detect changes caused by genetically modified varieties.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Expansión de Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) (Hym., Braconidae, Aphidiinae) en el Noreste de la Península Ibérica

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    Lysyphlebus testaceipes (Cresson), un parasitoide exótico de pulgones establecido en la costa mediterránea, se ha encontrado regularmente en Lleida y en los Pirineos parasitando varias especies de pulgones, lo que demuestra su expansión desde las zonas costeras hacia el interior y zonas de montaña. Las especies de pulgón Aphis ruborum Börner, específica de Rubus sp., Aphis fabae Scopoli, polífaga, Brachycaudus cardui L., típica de cardos y Aphis urticata J.F. Gmelin, específica de Urtica sp., fueron hospedantes comunes de L. testaceipes en las zonas de estudio. La existencia de biocorredores transzonales, junto con el rango oligófago de hospedantes de L. testaceipes y su capacidad de alternar entre las especies de pulgones disponibles ha contribuido a la positiva expansión del parasitoide hacia zonas interiores o de montaña.Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson), an exotic aphid parasitoid established in the Mediterranean coast, has been regularly found in Lleida, and in the Pyrenees parasitising several aphid species. This shows the expansion of the parasitoid from coastal areas to the inland and mountain areas. The aphid species Aphis ruborum Bõrner, specific of Rubus sp., the polyphagous Aphis fabae Scopoli, Brachycaudus cardui L., and Aphis urticata J.F. Gmelin, specific of Urtica sp., were usual host of L. testaceipes in the studied areas. The presence of transzonal biocorridors, joint to the oligophagous host range of L. testaceipes and its capacity to alternate between available host aphid species has contributed to the successful expansion of the parasitoid from the coast to the inland or mountain areas